Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 152 The role of the dog

Zheng Qing's head was buried under the bed, and his butt was raised high, like a hill.

Several elves seemed to have discovered this interesting thing. They smiled coquettishly, fluttered their translucent wings and landed on the 'hill', jumping around and making a fuss.

This tickled the wizard a little.

He raised his arms and scratched them, shooing the little ones away.

"Don't make trouble!" He turned around with great effort and tried to reprimand in a majestic tone. The elves dispersed in a hurry. Then the wizard was finally able to concentrate on looking at the items under the bed.

But the thing was gray and covered with dust, and the light under the bed was dim, making it difficult to distinguish clearly.

After looking at it for a long time and confirming that it was a dead object, Zheng Qing finally made up his mind, turned sideways, stretched his arm as hard as he could, and used a brush to pull out the foreign object.

This move almost made him fall off the bed.

Dylan climbed out of the coffin and was getting ready to go to class when he happened to see this scene.

"What are you doing?" He was holding a small brush in his hand and was about to take care of his little fangs.

"Pick something up." Zheng Qingqing replied angrily: "...There is something under the bed."

"Why not use magic?" Mr. Vampire Werewolf looked confused: "I remember that you are very good at using the binding spell... Or a simpler mage's hand will work."

The fat cat, which had been lying on Fatty Xin's belly, meowed in agreement.

Zheng Qing's arm holding the brush holder was frozen in mid-air - he had forgotten that magic could be used for such a simple thing. This is the power of habit. Even after spending almost a year at First University, he was still not the first to consider using magic before he was fully adapted to doing anything.

The dusty thing had been pulled out from the bottom of the bed with his pen.

Zheng Qing sighed heavily and threw the pen holder onto the chair next to him. Only after re-sterilizing it did he dare to stuff the brush back into his gray cloth bag.

"What is that?" The fat man scratched the fat cat's ears and shouted lazily.

Before Zheng Qing could speak, Dylan replied: "It's a dead frog."

"How do you know?!" Zheng Qing looked shocked.

"I have a nose!" Dylan pointed to his nose, twitched again, and then added: "And I can tell that this frog has been dead for less than an hour...the blood still smells a little fresh."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zheng Qing was a little annoyed as he fiddled with the piece of dead meat and carefully turned it over. A dead frog indeed.

His rolled-up eyes were half-covered under his eyelids, and he felt a bit stubborn.

"You didn't ask me before." Dylan squatted half-crouched in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the collar of his robe - in order to prevent the mirror from making noise, he had already covered the upper part of the full-length mirror with a piece of cloth.

"Why did it bring you a dead frog?" Xiao Xiao also got off the bed and came close to the dead frog. The crystal ball in his hand was spinning rapidly, and a white light fell from the crystal ball and covered the dead frog. .

"Maybe it thinks that it is a cat and you are also a cat, so it brings you a gift." The fat man leaned on the pillow, scratched his belly, and gave his guess.

"Just like how the cats offered you sacrifices before?" Dylan nodded: "Speaking of which, many cats like to eat frogs..."

Tuantuan made a sound of disapproval.

"...Of course, those are ordinary cats." Mr. Vampire Werewolf has always been smooth and would never offend a certain overlord in the dormitory: "Real magic cats only like chicken legs."

Tuantuan snored with satisfaction.

Zheng Qing felt that things were not that simple, so he frowned and thought carefully about the connection between himself, the cat and the frog.

During this process, Xiao Xiao did not talk to him, but concentrated on testing the dead meat.

After testing for a long time, he reluctantly nodded: "It's still's just a dead frog."

This means there are no curses or other unclean things attached to it.

Zheng Qing was not careless and still carefully threw a few evil-proof charms on the dead frog.

Seeing the smoke rising from the talisman paper, the young public-funded student thought for a long time, and finally said uncertainly: "Maybe it's because I said in front of it before that I wanted a dead frog?"

When Zheng Qing left the school working committee office in the afternoon, he once kicked a stone by the lake and threw a frog into the lake. At that time, he casually said, "I want to put a dead frog in the mouth of the wizard on duty." words, and the dog happened to be peeping nearby.

After listening to the wizard's guess, several roommates looked at each other.

Zheng Qing felt like he had caught some clue.

"This thing sounds a bit mysterious." Dylan had already fastened his belt and was about to go out: "...Do you need my help to throw that dead frog out? It's summer, it will stink if it is left for a while."

"Throw it out, throw it out." Zheng Qing seemed to have smelled the smell of smelly meat, holding his nose and waving his hand.

Dylan shrugged, put on silk gloves, and carried the dead frog by its hind legs and left the dormitory.


The dormitory door closed behind him.

Out of the corner of his eye, Zheng Qing immediately caught a glimpse of the gray dog ​​squatting behind the door, wagging its tail at him with a silly smile. The wizard rolled his eyes to make sure that the other two people in the dormitory did not notice Gouzi's presence.

"I want a live duck." He raised his voice and ordered word for word in a loud voice: "A live duck! Duck!"

Xiao Xiao turned his head and looked at Zheng Qing with caring eyes. Then he noticed the government-funded student's eyes wandering around, and he suddenly realized: "Is the dog here?"

Just as Zheng Qing was about to speak, he looked out of the corner of his eye and realized, oh, the dog ran away again.

"...No more." His tone finally returned to normal, and he curled his lips: "It doesn't cost any money, just give it a try."

In the other corner of the dormitory, Fatty Xin was holding Fat Cat and was already snoring. The purring sounds of a person and a cat come and go, complementing each other, making people feel sleepy.

"Let's sleep too." The wizard yawned and closed the curtain on the bed.

The lights in the dormitory dimmed.

The snoring also became much quieter.

The wizard gradually closed his eyes, and the broken images in his dream began to erode his spiritual sea.

In the dream, Zheng Qing turned into a black cat again, but with a little white cat and a little fox beside him. The three of them traveled across mountains and rivers, running towards the hazy shadow of a tree in the distance.

Running and running, I feel thirsty and hungry. The little white cat suddenly said that it wanted to eat chicken legs, and the little fox said that it wanted to eat duck legs. Zheng Qing was caught in the middle and had a headache. Finally, the cat waved its paw and announced that whoever caught the prey would eat it.

Just as the little white cat raised its paw to express its agreement, it saw a sly smile on the little fox's face.

It raised its tail and pulled out a duck with bright yellow feathers, small eyes and a fat body from the void. It placed it in front of the other two cats and proudly announced that it was eating duck today!

Kodak Duck blinked his little eyes, looked at the three drooling guys, opened his mouth, and screamed "quack".

The black cat felt annoyed, raised his paws, pinched the duck's neck, put it on the ground and pressed it hard.


The duck's neck is broken.

But the screams haven't stopped yet.

The dead duck opened its dull eyes, opened and closed its flat mouth, and let out a headache-inducing scream, and the scream tended to get louder and louder.

The black cat looked around, its originally chaotic eyes gradually clearing up amid the duck's noise, and its illusory dream also turned into pieces amid the duck's noise.

In the darkness, the wizard opened his eyes.

Outside the curtain, a duck was squawking like in a dream.

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