Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 153 Life is a rhythm

Someone once said, 'Life is a rhythm, there must be light and shadow, left and right, sunny and rainy, the taste is contained in these twists and turns that change but not violently', but Zheng Qing never thought about it. The twists and turns of life will be so full of 'rhythm'.

Gouzi is a voyeur, this is what he has always known.

But Gouzi is also a good dog, a helper who can help him catch frogs and ducks. This young public-funded student just confirmed this evening.

This combination of light and shadow, just like the gray-robed janitors in the school, is a bit confusing.

Dormitory 403, who had just fallen asleep, woke up again to the noise of ducks.

The lights come on.

The three wizards squatted in the open space in the center of the dormitory, staring at the duck squatting on the ground in the middle, silent for a long time. Kodak ducked his neck and squatted on the floor, his little eyes blinking wildly, and his screams became smaller and smaller.

The animals in the school are very spiritual. They can distinguish which existence is a threat to them and which existence is not a threat to them. For example, when the dog was running around with its neck in its mouth, Kodak clearly felt the approaching death; but after it was surrounded by three young wizards, the shadow of death like a tarsal maggot suddenly dissipated.

Kodak feels like he can still live.

As a result, its cry became more moderate and gentle. This change also won the favor of other residents of Dormitory 403. The fat cat was originally annoyed by the duck's noisy, staring unkindly at its fat neck. It wasn't until the duck quacked softly that the fat cat's eyes became kinder.

And those elves declared their friendship earlier. They liked the fine down on the neck of the duck very much. Several elves competed with each other for the best 'seat', trying to hide their wings in the down.

"It was indeed caught by the dog." Zheng Qing confirmed for the third time.

Fatty Xin was a little impatient. He stretched out his stubby fingers and pinched Kodak's neck. The disturbed elves made complaining sounds, but Kodak was unexpectedly calm and remained silent. He actually winked at the fat man - then the fat man picked up the layer of down on the duck's neck and showed it to Zheng Qing:

"Did you see it? The marks left behind by the dog's teeth... although they were not broken, the redness and swelling are unmistakable."

The duck quacks in approval.

Zheng Qing pinched the duck's beak to make it quieter, and then let out a long breath.

"Go to sleep, go to sleep first."

He frowned, as if he was brewing some idea: "It's already very late... You should go to bed first."

"Where's it?" The fat man pointed at the duck and yawned loudly: "It's in the house, can we sleep peacefully?"

Kodak ducked his head and squatted obediently at the foot of the desk, like a large quail. Zheng Qing glanced at it and originally planned to let it stay in the house overnight. But suddenly I thought that the dog might sneak into the dormitory while everyone was sleeping. This duck is so smart, and he would definitely make a big noise again.

Then there is no need to sleep that night.

Thinking of this, the young public-funded student stood up, picked up the duck by its wings, walked to the balcony, opened the window, and threw it out with a pop.

Although the duck looked chubby, its wings were very powerful, fluttering, and landed safely on the grass. Then he ran away through a gap in the bushes.

Dormitory 403 fell into darkness again.

Only this time, Zheng Qing did not fall asleep together. He sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed, staring deeply into the darkness in the dormitory, listening to the slight or heavy snores of his roommates, and silently pondering the thought in his heart.

for a long time.

Until he was a little confused, the dog finally came again.

Because other wizards were sleeping, the dog squatted in front of Zheng Qing openly this time, sticking out his tongue silently and wagging his tail quickly. In the darkness, its two green eyes looked like the belly of a light bug after it had sucked up tree sap.

The wizard suddenly woke up, spread his crossed legs and placed them on the ground. He leaned forward slightly and moved closer to the dog. The dog cowered slightly and paused backwards, as if realizing that the wizard meant no harm. He quickly waggled his tail and moved his head forward again.

The whole process was very quiet, but Zheng Qing noticed that the snoring seemed to have become a little thinner.

"Did you send the duck?" The wizard didn't pay attention to that detail, but stared at the dog and asked in a low voice.

He still felt that he needed to confirm this fact again.

In the darkness, the two light bugs flew up and down, drawing light green strips. That's the dog nodding.

"Why do you keep following me?"

The dog tilted his head, as if he thought the question was strange, but it might also be because he didn't know how to answer. Zheng Qing smiled to himself - he couldn't expect every cat and dog he met to be able to talk.

The snoring in the dormitory was still steady, but much gentler than before.

"You can understand me, right."

After the wizard nodded when he saw the dog, he finally said the thought that had been in his heart for a long time: "Do you still remember the wizard who hung you on the cat fruit tree that night? Can you bring him to me... You are no longer the same person that day. It’s your turn tonight, I believe you can do it.”

Zheng Qing believed that some unknown changes must have happened to the dog after it bit him that day. It's one sign that it pursues him relentlessly, and it's another sign that it can come and go freely regardless of the shackles of the school's guardian formation. And he believes that this change still has great potential to be tapped.

Just like the seed in him.

Gouzi was obviously hesitant, because the two light bugs were a little erratic and not as shining as they were at first - which actually gave Zheng Qing a little more confidence. This advanced thought of 'indecision' is not something that ordinary dogs can have. It has been getting smarter and smarter these days.

A few seconds later, Gouzi agreed to the wizard's request, nodded bravely, retracted his tail, and disappeared into the darkness of the dormitory in a flash.

Zheng Qing let out a long breath again.

He picked up his feet from the ground and sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed again.

The snoring in the dormitory had disappeared completely at some point.

"Did you have too high hopes for it?" Fatty Xin's voice sounded from his bed, mixed with the fat cat's slight purr, which seemed less clear: "After all, it is just a dog..."

"I'm just a cat to it." Zheng Qing smiled and replied in a low voice, not at all curious about when the fat man woke up.

"It's still a bit reckless." Xiao Xiao sighed. Although he couldn't see his movements clearly in the darkness, Zheng Qing could still feel Xiao Xiao shaking his head:

"...You have just figured out its background, its purpose, its ideas, you have no idea. Wouldn't it be good to keep your distance from it like before? Cause and effect, cause and effect, there is a cause and there is an effect... …Many huge troubles are caused by these small causes and effects.”

"There are too many troubles, so I don't care about this little trouble." Zheng Qing lay on his pillow, tugged at the corner of his mouth, and showed a wry smile: "... If you can bring two troubles together, maybe they can offset each other. Then there will be no more trouble for me."

This idea is really wonderful.

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