Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 154: One dog in a pack

The night is really too long, so long that it feels like time doesn't flow. Especially when you are looking forward to a certain result, this feeling of eternity becomes more intense.

After Zheng Qing released the mission, he originally wanted to go back to sleep, but found that his spirit was always in a state of excitement after the 'sense of anticipation', making it difficult to really fall asleep. Until he waited hopefully for more than an hour, the dog never appeared, and the watch hand had quietly passed the zero point.

The young wizard knew he could wait no longer.

There are classes tomorrow.

He used two sleeping charms to get rid of the random thoughts in his mind and fell asleep.

The effect of magic is always satisfactory. Zheng Qing opened his eyes again. It was already bright. The morning chirping of birds could be heard faintly outside the window. The thin curtains were slowly blowing in the breeze, which made people feel refreshed. Cool.

Zheng Qing stared at the ceiling of the tent and paused for a few seconds. When the thoughts in his mind gathered again, he suddenly opened the curtain.

The dormitory was empty.

There were no dogs as far as the eye could see.

As usual, two snoring sounds of varying severity could be heard from Fatty Xin's bed. The elves were hanging outside Zheng Qing's tent in twos and threes. They were disturbed by his movement of pulling open the tent and made a slight purring sound. A few active ones The elf had already flapped its wings and flew to the bathroom to prepare hot towels and tea for the wizard in the morning.

The person who followed Zheng Qing and opened the tent together was Xiao Xiao.

He rubbed his eyes, yawned widely, squinted and fumbled for his glasses on the desk.

Putting on his glasses, he glanced in the direction of Zheng Qing's bed. The young public-funded student had just stuffed his head under the bed. He seemed to be looking for something, but he quickly pulled it out unhappily.

Obviously, nothing was found.

"As Fatty said yesterday, you have too high expectations for it." The doctor clearly knew what Zheng Qing was looking for and muttered in a low voice.

The snoring in Fatty Xin's bed suddenly stopped, and then the sound of turning over came from the tent, and the snoring started again.

"It's just a dog after all."

Zheng Qing remembered the last words Fatty said yesterday and sighed heavily.

Wednesday's morning was a magic history class, and the afternoon was Lao Yao's philosophy class.

Compared with Gouzi's simple agreement, Zheng Qing has more important things to care about - such as the terrifying professor of philosophy, the upcoming final exams and the ever-increasing academic load.

Busyness and labor always make people lose the space for random thoughts. When Zheng Qing came to his senses again, the third day of the sixteenth week had quietly slipped away from him.

Throughout the whole day, there wasn't a dog hiding in the corner to spy on him.

When Zheng Qing and his companions dragged their tired bodies out of the library and returned to their dormitories on Wednesday night, Xiao Xiao mentioned this matter.

"You didn't yell at the dog today, did you?"

"Didn't really see it."

"Could it be that the task you arranged yesterday was too dangerous, and it was captured and made into soup by that strange wizard?"

"It's none of my business." The young wizard suddenly lost his good mood when he thought of that terrible possibility. He paused and then whispered: "This is the First University... there shouldn't be such terrible wizards."

Just like a few perverts occasionally appear in the mortal world, there is always a small group of wizards in the wizarding world who don't like small animals and torture and kill them as a hobby.

"It doesn't have to be a wizard... Have you forgotten the little white cat whose eyes were gouged out last year?" Xiao Xiao reminded: "The faceless demon may still be hiding in the school."

This sentence reminded Zheng Qing of Jiang Yu.

"It was just an accident." He muttered, his steps becoming a little heavier.

People who talk about accidents often encounter accidents easily. This is not metaphysics, it is a theory seriously discussed in magic philosophy classes. Zheng Qing quickly put this theory into practice.

When the group of people returned to the dormitory, they just opened the dormitory door and heard screams in the room. Zheng Qing was stunned for a second and rushed inside in a hurry.

I saw the elves floating in the air together, flapping their wings, clustered together, like a light green cloud. Under the clouds, there was a strange black-robed wizard lying.

The wizard did not lie down of his own free will.

His two wrists, two ankles, collar, and other vital parts were each bitten by a gray dog. There was also a fat cat squatting on his face, with its tail balled up and blocked. The wizard's mouth - if the wizard unfortunately opens his mouth, and the fat cat happens to be 'convenient', the scene will be terrible to watch.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Zheng Qing asked, walking quickly towards the wizard, already holding a few talismans secretly in his hand.

"Poof!" Another gray dog ​​suddenly appeared in front of him, squatting down, sticking out its tongue happily and wagging its tail rapidly.

Zheng Qing immediately stopped.

His eyes lingered for a moment on the gray figure of the dog in front of him and the other six or seven, and finally confirmed that they were all the same dog, but compared with last night, the figures of the seven or eight dogs in front of him were smaller. They have all become a bit thinner. It's like the difference between thick ink and light ink.

"Clone?" Fatty Xin tried to lean forward and guessed in a low voice.

Zheng Qing didn't seem to hear his guess, because he realized an even more unusual thing - the dog didn't run away in front of the strange wizard.

"It's not a clone... it's more like the shadow of the same dog that briefly traveled through different time and space." Xiao Xiao said something very difficult to pronounce, and he didn't know when he had already held his crystal ball in his hand.

The crystal ball is flashing with countless fine lights, criss-crossing it, like a huge light network.

After seeing Zheng Qing's questioning look, the doctor pointed to the light network on the crystal ball and simply explained: "In our dormitory, or in other words, in this small area where the dog appears, time and space are slightly disrupted... This confirms its identity from the side.”

The bloodline of Msisha, a guest of Tindaros City, a hunter who can travel through time and space to hunt down his prey. Perhaps because its bloodline is too indifferent, its ability to travel through time and space and its hunting instinct have been greatly weakened. But this does not diminish that ‘character’ at all.

"A dog in a pack," the fat man praised, trying to get closer, but then several gray dogs jumped out of the void and blocked him in front, baring their teeth and throat. A threatening sound came from inside.

Xiao Xiao pulled the fat man behind him.

"Theoretically, the infinite gap in space and time, even one second, can be subdivided infinitely." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and simply explained: "This also means that it can be divided into infinite parts from the gap in time and space." Summon countless 'selves' long as the magic power and spirit can support it."

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