Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 155 Hot Potato

"Wow, wow, that's amazing."

Fatty Xin raised his hands to express his goodwill towards the dogs in front of him. At the same time, he took a step back, halfway down Zheng Qing: "I just want to take the lump away from that guy's face... Tuantuan?"

As Banner gave in, the dogs that had just appeared popped and disappeared again in the blink of an eye. It can be seen that every time a dog is summoned, it is a great burden for it.

And the other side.

After hearing Fatty Xin's shouting, Fat Cat's ears twitched, and he reluctantly turned half of his face to glance at the young wizards who had just entered the room, and made a perfunctory hum in his throat.

"What are you doing? Why are you squatting on his face?" The fat man waved again, trying to get the fat cat to leave the wizard's head so that everyone could see his appearance clearly.

The fat cat hesitated for a few seconds, then unfolded its curled tail, revealing the strange wizard's mouth.

Then the mouth will open subconsciously.

But immediately, the fat cat's extended tail whipped down, slap, slap, and slapped his mouth hard to ensure that he could not sing the spell. The mouth let out a humiliating growl under the lash of the cat's tail.

Zheng Qing subconsciously touched his cheek, feeling very grateful for Sha Mao's usual kindness.

"So pitiful." The young public-funded student murmured, looking around, trying to find a lighter topic. Then he saw Dylan's black coffin: "Where's Dylan? There is an outsider in the dormitory. How can he?" Not even a word?"

"You should have already gone to class...I guess you are a bitch who only comes in when the dormitory is empty."

"So early?" Zheng Qing glanced out the window. It was indeed dark: "It's not even nine o'clock yet..."

"He also needs to review his homework, okay?" Fatty heard this and complained: "Don't think that students from Starry Sky Academy or Atlas don't need to take exams... It's just that relatively speaking, the focus is different. Doesn't our academy also emphasize practice? The results."

The fat cat growled impatiently.

Several young wizards stopped talking instantly.

"We have suppression talismans, how about... you take a break first?" The young public-funded student took out a stack of yellow leather talisman papers and asked tentatively. The fat cat stared at the talismans, tilted his head, and seemed to urge the wizard to go faster.

Zheng Qing waved his hand, called down a few elves, and then asked them to hold the talismans and stick them in the corresponding positions. After confirming that they were correct, they made the hand signs.

Rays of light yellow light emerged from the talismans, connecting to each other, like chains, tightly binding the strange wizard to the floor.

After the wizard put a talisman on his lips, Fat Mao stood up, walked to Gouzi, and raised his paw.

The dog stuck out his tongue, sat up, and raised his paws.

A cat and a dog crossed their paws, looking calm and calm.

Zheng Qing and Fatty looked at each other, when did these two guys have such a good relationship?

At this moment, Xiao Xiao's surprised voice sounded in the room:

"Professor Trudeau?"

Professor Trudeau is a handsome wizard who usually wears moon-white thin robes and has a shiny mustache. Very popular with witches.

He is an honorary member of the Wizards' Council, serves as the director of the Anti-Curse Teaching and Research Office at First University, and has written a best-selling book "Days of Dances with Dragons". Of course, more importantly, he was the Grand Arcana from 2006 to 2008. Holder of the 'World' title.

But now, this professor is no longer as chic and suave as usual.

The black wizard robe was stained with dust, as well as a few suspicious brown marks that exuded an unknown smell. His neat hair was messy and his shiny mustache was crooked. All this made his originally handsome face look much more ferocious.

But this ferocity does not affect his appearance.

Without the fat cat to block him, the face of the wizard who was suppressed on the floor was revealed. Xiao Xiao easily recognized that he was Professor Trudeau.

Seeing that Zheng Qing was a little confused, the doctor explained to him the identity of the professor in a few words.

It's very surprising.

Zheng Qing immediately recalled the identity of the professor, and at the same time had a vague guess about the professor secretly climbing into his cat fruit tree - last year when he had just obtained the title of the Major Arcana 'World', There were rumors that the professor wanted to challenge him for a duel, but in the end it didn't happen due to various reasons.

From this point of view, Professor Trudeau attaches great importance to the title of ‘the world’.

"Perhaps he knew from somewhere that you were the black cat on the cat fruit tree, so he did some tricks on the tree." Xiao Xiao briefly analyzed: "It may be a little curse that makes you unlucky, or it may be that he wants you to stay forever When a cat...if you become a cat, the title of 'World' automatically comes back to him."

"As for that?!" Zheng Qing's eyes were full of disbelief: "Just for a little fame!"

"Most people live their whole lives with just that little bit of fame." Fatty understands this choice very well: "And sometimes fame is not just false... but there are real benefits in it. You are still a student. , It’s hard for those businessmen and associations to find work for you, but if you have already walked out of school, believe me, a title of Major Arcana is worth a lot of shiny jade coins.”

"If he really wants it, I can give him the 'World' title!"

"Is "Magic Wand" opened by your family?"

"Don't go so far." Xiao Xiao interrupted the argument between the two companions with some annoyance, and reminded: "Solve the current trouble first... What should we do now!"

The room suddenly fell into silence.

Looking at the angry but speechless professor lying on the floor, everyone knew that letting him go directly was not a smart move.

But it is not appropriate to continue to suppress them.

A hot potato.

What's more, if Professor Trudeau is caught on the spot in the cat fruit tree, Zheng Qing and others will have reason to 'suppress' the professor. But now an unidentified dog went to the professor's laboratory or bedroom and dragged him over.

No matter how you think about it, it is difficult to give a reasonable explanation to the school.

Do you want Zheng Qing to admit to the school that he was just trying to hunt rabbits?

Some time ago, the school repeatedly emphasized that students are not allowed to conduct magic experiments without the school's permission - this is the aftermath of the incident involving Senior Sister Kolma - in a sense, Zheng Qing drove the dog to catch people, It is also a magic experiment.

This is a violation of the school's expressly prohibited rules.

And now this result is also head-scratching.

At the smallest level, they instigated the dog to attack the school professor; at the largest level, they colluded with the existence deep in the starry sky, posing a huge threat to the safety of the school.

Zheng Qing was also carrying a sentence of detention and probation. He didn't want to be kicked out of school because of such an unfortunate incident at the juncture of the final exam.

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