Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 156 Chasing the murderer

"Maybe we can ask Professor Yi to do a divination proof."

Zheng Qing suggested hopefully.

Xiao Xiao shook his head.

"Professor Trudeau is the director of the Anti-Curse Teaching and Research Office and a top registered wizard." He slightly strengthened his tone: "Do you think he would not make any preparations before doing something bad - assuming it was really him? ?”

"Hypothesis?" Zheng Qing pointed at Gouzi, who immediately straightened his body a little straighter: "Gouzi caught him personally. Is there anyone else besides him?"

"This goes back to the previous question." Xiao Xiao spread his hands: "Do you have any evidence?"

Zheng Qing opened his mouth, then closed it in frustration for a moment.

He really had no way to provide evidence.

Although the witness's gifted dream could be used as evidence in court under certain circumstances, and he did see a handsome wizard with a shiny mustache in his dream, he really could not accept others' manipulation of his memory with peace of mind. Move your feet.

Especially since he now knows that there is a seed hidden deep in his soul.

It's like a child carrying money through a busy market. Hiding it and tucking it away is not enough. Why would he make a big fuss and let others search his body?

"What do you think about stuffing him into Dylan's coffin first?" Fatty Xin gave his suggestion, which attracted the attention of the two roommates.

"Then what?" Zheng Qing complained: "You have to let him out. Do you plan to lock him up for four years, or longer? Or do you plan to seal the coffin and bury him underground?... By the way , I’m obviously responsible for this matter, okay, why do you think I’m killing people and silencing them now?”

"I just suggested throwing him in the coffin and tossing him a little bit - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth - and then pouring in a few kilograms of confusing agent afterwards, so that he won't come to trouble us when he wakes up." The fat man defended in a low voice. .

This is a tactic occasionally used among students in school.

Xiao Xiao disagrees with this:

"It's not a trivial matter for a professor to disappear. It would be even worse if he was attacked or showed signs of 'torture' after his disappearance. Especially now that the school is tight on the outside and tight on the inside, and everyone is busy in a dark prison... If the school mistakenly thinks that it is the action of some forces A moment of sensitivity in your hands may cause greater trouble.”

"This won't work, that won't work either, then what do you think we should do!" Zheng Qing waved his hand anxiously: "With such a big living person staying in our dormitory...can we turn him into nothing?"

"Why not?" Xiao Xiao asked.

"Huh?" Zheng Qing blinked.

"You have a dog." Xiao Xiao reminded.

Zheng Qing moved his eyes and landed on Gouzi. When the dog saw his gaze, he immediately pricked up his ears, waggled his tail, and stuck out his tongue happily.

"You mean..." Zheng Qing was a little unsure of the doctor's thoughts.

"Send it back the same way, wherever it was dragged from, let the dog go back to where it came from." At this point, Xiao Xiao paused, and then added: "... Anyway, he didn't cause you any losses, you It’s also frustrating for him. It’s frustrating when you can’t see the hand behind the scenes, but you don’t need to be worried when you see where the hand is.”

Zheng Qing pondered for a moment.

"That's it!" He nodded, glanced at Gouzi, then pointed at the wizard who was suppressed on the floor, and ordered: "Where you caught it from, send it back to where you were!"

Gouzi blinked, and his figure suddenly blurred. Immediately, several figures jumped out of the void, biting and dragging Professor Trudeau into the void.

The whole process lasted only a blink of an eye.

After Gouzi dragged the professor away, Fatty Xin realized what he was doing and screamed strangely: "You agreed too quickly! What if Trudeau reports us to the school after he goes back? He has seen a few of us. Looks great! At least let him sign a silence contract!"

"If you were a school professor and you were bitten and dragged around by a dog, or teased by a few students, would you spread the word and hope that everyone would know about it?" Zheng Qing asked in return.

"Especially a person who loves vanity." Xiao Xiao reminded.

The fat man was stunned.

"Then we can't just let him go." He muttered, and finally shook his head: "Even if he can't retaliate publicly, he is a professor at the school... he might stumble on you privately."

"So, the silence contract is not as strong as expected on him." Zheng Qing stretched out and fell heavily on his bed: "If he wants to take revenge, he can always find a way... We can't be like Mo Like Fisto, we make an impeccable contract.”

The fat man shook his head and walked towards his bed. When passing by the desk, he picked up the ball squatting on the desk and put it on top of his head.

The round tail swayed behind the fat man's head, like a money rat tail with tassels embedded in it.

It wasn't until the elves brought a towel to Zheng Qing to wipe his face that Zheng Qing noticed that Xiao Xiao had been standing at the door of the dormitory, lowering his head and thinking about something.

"What are you doing?"

"What?" Xiao Xiao woke up from his deep thoughts and looked around: "Where is the dog? Isn't he back yet?"

"Who knows." Zheng Qing pouted: "Maybe it won't be easy to send Professor Trudeau back... Listening to what you said, I already think that the dog belongs to us? Didn't you remind me to stay away from it before? Do you want to order?”

"Two different things." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and seemed a little hesitant, but finally asked: "What do you think, let it go to find the black goat or the faceless demon?"

Zheng Qing's face was buried in the towel and there was no movement for a long time.

The fat man sat up from the bed, patted the bed and said excitedly: "What a great idea! Why didn't I think of it?"

Tuantuan didn't pay attention for a moment and fell off the fat man's belly. He was so angry that he tore the fat man's mosquito net to pieces with one claw. The fat man scratched the base of its ears soothingly, still focusing on chatting with his companions.

"Whether it's this dog, the faceless demon, or Lin Guo's lost black sheep, it's all a bad thing... As the saying goes, 'Catch a thief and fight fire with fire', that's what the fat man said!" The fat man was dancing and talking. I can't wait to implement this idea immediately.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but interrupt: "Thief calls for catching a thief. That's not how the word is used, right?"

"Don't pay attention to the details," the fat man waved his hands carelessly: "Pay attention to the spirit of understanding... To catch thieves with thieves, the prerequisite is to make the thieves become people on our side, and then he can find them when he looks for them, and then he can shout We're going to catch the thief."

Xiao Xiao didn't pay attention to Fatty's convoluted explanation, but looked at Zheng Qing and asked seriously:

"what do you think?"

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds, returned the towel to the impatient elf, and then whispered: "How about giving it a try?"

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