Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 157 The Tide of the Times

Gouzi helped Zheng Qing catch "prey" twice.

The first time was a frog. Zheng Qing kicked a stone and hit a frog. The dog saw what the frog looked like. The second time was Professor Trudeau. The dog was hung on a tree by the professor's magic, and he also saw the professor's appearance.

Therefore, if he wants Gouzi to help find the lost black goat or the faceless demon, Zheng Qing must first let him know what he is looking for.

Early the next morning, when Zheng Qing got up to prepare for morning lessons, he opened the curtain and saw the dog squatting on the bedside, sticking out his tongue "haha". Professor Trudeau was not brought back by it.

He smiled and patted the dog's head and praised:

"Well done!"

The dog's tail wagged more and more cheerfully.

"Does he regard the dormitory as his home?" The fat man rarely opened his eyes in the early morning and hummed in a daze: "Did he pay the accommodation fee?"

Tuantuan snored for a long time.

"You can ask him to help you catch pheasants," Zheng Qing suggested cheerfully, and put an evil-proof talisman on the dog's body. Looking at the smoke coming out of the talisman in the morning light, he added: "... As for it You need to figure out where it was caught from. "

Naturally, the pheasants cannot be native to the island, and the ones within the school are more likely to be the pets of some students. The fat man didn't intend to cause too much trouble just for his temporary appetite, so the eyelids that had just been raised by Zheng Qing's suggestion instantly closed again.

"Who are you going to let it look for first?" Xiao Xiao changed into his training clothes and took two steps towards the door.

With a 'poof', the dog disappeared from the spot vigilantly, and reappeared, already crouching behind Zheng Qing.

"It depends on the situation." The young public-funded student mumbled and tightened his belt. Lin Guo from the Black Goat, Lin Guo is the manager of the Exoneration Hunting Team; the Faceless Demon once killed an innocent little white cat, for which Jiang Yu had a hard time last semester.

For Zheng Qing, both goals are important and there is no order of priority.

"Follow closely, don't be spotted on the road." He lowered his head, glanced at the dog at his feet, and warned: "The school doesn't like guys with special blood like you right now."

The dog didn't know whether he understood or not, but he still stuck out his tongue and wagged his tail stupidly.

Today's morning class is not much different from before.

The same time, the same place, the same vibrant scene. The only surprise came from an old man, an old wizard sitting on a large blue checkered cotton cloth, holding a bamboo tube and smoking a hookah.

"The dog is not bad," when Zheng Qing passed by the piece of cotton, the old man blew out a smoke ring and praised: "Much more energetic than the old dog raised by Verne!"

Zheng Qing looked around nervously, but did not find Gouzi.

He didn't even see it, so how did the old wizard discover the existence of Gouzi? With full of thoughts, Zheng Qing finished his morning class and kept thinking about this matter in his mind - and he always felt that the old wizard looked a bit familiar.

"Have we seen him somewhere?" Zheng Qing pushed Xiao Xiao with his elbow and gestured to the old man's location. Poseidon, who had just finished his morning lessons with him, was lying on the grass with his limbs spread out and sticking out his tongue, like a dog.

Xiao Xiao was also wiping the shell of his turtle.

Hearing this, he replied without raising his head: "The first time we went to the school working committee office building, we couldn't find the door. The old man pointed the way."

Zheng Qing suddenly realized.

"How could he find the trace of the dog? I couldn't find it myself!"

"What else can you find but what's right under your nose?"

This is a bit heartbreaking.

But then, Zheng Qing had some thoughts.

"He is an old man from the school working committee... He just praised the dog for being good. Does that mean the school working committee allows it to stay in the school?"

"How would you know if you didn't ask?"

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, and finally walked up to the old man and said, "Hello, is this the dog you just praised?"

As he spoke, he pinched Poseidon's forelimbs and held it up in front of the old man to show it.

The little fox raised his tail slightly to cover his butt, and then looked at the old man in front of him with an innocent look.

The old wizard buried half of his face in the bamboo tube, and a series of bubbling sounds came from the tube.

After a long time, he raised his head and blew out a string of interlocking smoke rings of equal size - this scene made the impression in Zheng Qing's mind more vivid.

"It?" The old man gasped, glanced at Poseidon held by Zheng Qing, and narrowed his eyes: "Isn't it a fox? I'm talking about the dog...the hunting dog that has been following you."

Zheng Qing finally confirmed that the old man could really find the dog.

He calmed down and looked around, but still couldn't find Gouzi. I don’t know if it is hidden behind a bush or in the crown of a certain tree.

"Do you know the origin of this dog?" he asked quietly.

The old man smiled.

"There aren't many dogs that can travel through time and space, and there aren't many that can cling to people so tightly." He panted, with a hint of stickiness in his words: "...It's you, you're lucky. That’s right. If this dog’s blood is any stronger, the school will not tolerate it; if it is any weaker, it won’t be as clever.”

This sounds reassuring.

Zheng Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and laughed: "I also think...the school is so big, how can it be like a puppy?"

The young wizard had completely forgotten that not long ago, he anxiously went to the school working committee office to urge them to deal with this dog.

"What the school cares about is not a puppy." The old man knocked the ash in the bamboo tube and turned to look into the distance: "What the school cares about is the starry sky behind the dog... just like the tide."


"There is a black tide outside Phuket Island, and red tide and white waves are surging in Phuket Island. These are the tides of the times. The unprecedented tide will submerge everything. If you don't want to be submerged by this tide, you must learn to ride on the waves. Jianqiwu... Those who are not good at water are now using boats and rafts to avoid being driven to the bottom by the waves. "

Zheng Qing glanced at Xiao Xiao.

The doctor frowned, his expression very serious.

"What about you?" The young public-funded student thought for a moment and finally asked: "Are you going to surf or take a boat?"

The old man burst into laughter.

"I'm old," he said, "I can only sit under the tree, look at the scenery, and listen to the sound of the tide... Close your eyes and listen carefully... There are waves everywhere around you, breaking on the rocks. the sound of."

Zheng Qing listened carefully.

All you could hear was the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the shouts and cheers of the young wizards in the flying garden.

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