Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 159 Listening to the Trend (2)

As long as you are willing to speak up.

After hearing Huang Huali speak, a satisfied smile appeared on Lao Yao's face.

He tapped the teacup with his chopsticks, ding ding ding, and then continued: "I remember the principal once said that cause and effect is like a big net, tightly binding every soul that wants to be free... The stronger the power, the more powerful it is. The binding force of this big net is getting stronger. Buji Island, or the First University, is the most powerful place in the wizarding world. "

"Since you took the initiative to appear in the center of this net, you should be prepared to be restrained by the net."

"For example, classmate Zheng Qing..."

The yellow raccoon cast a warning look at Professor Yao.

Lao Yao immediately raised his chopsticks, picked up another peanut, and gave another example: "Let's take that big mouse again. It is also a thread that binds your hands and feet... Are you still looking for that big mouse? ? It's a mouse now, and you can't catch it if you want to escape."

"None of your business!" The yellow raccoon's beard curled up, and his temper became even worse.

"Because that big network is not isolated. Every node on the network is interconnected." Old Yao spread his hands, the smile on his face disappeared, and his expression became more serious:

"Every move we make affects the existence of other nodes on the network. For example, your persistent pursuit of the Rat Immortal may be the last straw that crushes it, causing it to give up the olive branch offered by the school and accept the Dark Parliament Recruitment..."

"So what!" The yellow lily's beard rolled inward as if it was set on fire. Lao Gao stared at Lao Yao with the corners of his eyes hanging, as if he would pounce on him and bite him out in the next moment. A bloody hole.

"It's just a kind reminder." Lao Yao smiled slightly, lowered his head and picked up the last peanut with chopsticks, and rolled it in the bright red sauce:

"Every era has its own theme. The theme of every generation is chaotic before it is finally determined. The only thing we can confirm is that no matter which era or theme, young people will always be is the final respondent.”

"I'm old, you're old, but they're still young."

"When the tide of the times rolls over and they are not ready yet, we are the last breakwater. They stand on the dike and look at us, just like we looked at the old people in front of us..."

After hearing this, the expression on Huang Huali's face finally softened a lot.

Its beard stretched out again, and its tail drooped casually.

But its words still don’t sound very pleasant:

"You sound like an old wizard, not an old monster... Are you just looking after the town? It shouldn't be a big problem. Well, that little girl in the North District can also help a lot... I told you in advance, I'm very I’m busy, how long do I need to take care of you?”

Professor Yao laughed softly.

"Not long, not too long." His figure gradually faded in the laughter, like a shadow under the setting sun, growing thicker and then dissipating: "Two weeks at most... It is very likely that everyone will be free this weekend."

The guests leave.

Sanyou Bookstore became empty again.

Huang Huali stared at the teapot and plate left by Lao Yao, feeling troubled for no reason in his heart. It simply lowered its head, pricked up its ears, and resumed tracking the rushing tide of rats underground.

The tiny yet majestic footsteps of the rats were like the white noise of falling rain, slowly dissipating the boredom in his heart and making him feel peaceful again.

Rat tides swell in underground burrows.

Passing through the tangled tree roots, crossing the rocky ground with strange rocks and teeth, and finally flowing into the broad and peaceful Silent River behind a channel filled with moisture and water vapor.

The moment they entered the water, the vests on the mice automatically popped up a round transparent film, like a soap bubble, wrapping most of their bodies in it, leaving only a slender tail outside the film.

Their tails flatten when exposed to water and turn into tail fins.

Like tadpoles.

The mouse in the red vest was obviously familiar with this matter. It swung its tail fin slightly, quickly adjusted its posture, and continued moving forward quietly along the current.

The mice wearing cyan vests are a little awkward in their movements, but they can also move independently.

Only the cubs wearing yellow vests, whether it was their first time in the water, were extremely nervous. There were often more than a dozen "soap bubbles" clustered together, and more than a dozen tails entangled with each other, rolling and flipping in the water. He couldn't move more than three to five meters in a long time.

In the end, a few tall rats in red vests came forward, carrying the strings of soap bubbles forward.

Outside the water not far from the 'tadpole group', a witch was watching all this silently.

The water in the silent river flows gurglingly.

Kolma was sitting in a quiet cove by the river. Under her body was a dead poplar lying on the ground. Its bark was covered with moss and mushrooms.

She turned her face sideways, listening to the sound of the tide surging in the river. She stroked a silver ring on her right middle finger with her left hand. The ring was embedded with an amber. Through the translucent brown, you could vaguely see the amber. A shadow of rolling hills.

The ring was a gift given to her by the Rat Immortal after she became a great wizard. There is a small world in amber that can contain her true form.

"The tide is coming in."

She sighed softly, her long hair around her ears undulating slightly in the moist river breeze, and her long robe flowed back, covering her eyes from the prying eyes in the forest.

A North District witch standing next to her poked her head towards the river, scratched her head, and was very puzzled - the Silent River was obviously as gentle as ever, and there was no sign of a rising tide?

Korma looked away at the bottom of the river.

"Continue." She ordered the witch beside her.

The witch had just been reporting to her some bad signs recently discovered by the wizards of the North District - to be precise, the magicians of the North District.

"Okay, great sage." The witch bowed her head respectfully and continued to report: "...Because it takes a strong body to bear your curse seal, the North District has recently started to use Jiaguo to increase qi and blood and 氰木 to increase strength. The demand for fruits is huge, and all the fruits outside the Silent Forest have been picked, so everyone can only go deeper into the forest to find them.”

"While looking for a new picking site, our people discovered that certain races had gathered abnormally in the Silent Forest. These included the Dou Dou Group, Poison Horned Beasts, and Corpse-eating Bugs that had just appeared a few months ago, as well as Centaurs, goblins...some people even saw the shadows of dragons and giants."

"Theoretically, many of these figures will only appear before the Kuroshio. They may not even appear in the Kuroshio."

"In other words," Korma interrupted his subordinate's report and concluded: "Do you think a new wave of black tide is about to break out in the Silent Forest?"


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