Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 160 Listening to the Trend (3)

The so-called black tide is a natural phenomenon in which the magical creatures in the Silent Forest lose their minds due to hunger in certain bad conditions in late winter and early spring, and then attack Beta Town, looking for food and other ways out, because those magical creatures are so black and surging. The tide is called the black tide by wizards.

Of course, there is another explanation. Every time the black tide surges, it will alarm those 'wild hunters' who are lost in the depths of the silent forest. They were a group of wizards who were obsessed with hunting monsters and got lost in the darkness. They walked with the mist and were accompanied by death. They chased prey that they could never catch, pouring out of the forest like a dark tide.

According to general experience, the Kuroshio usually breaks out in February or March every year, and no later than April.

It is now early June, and this year's Kuroshio has already erupted. In theory, there will be no new Kuroshio.

But after Kolma heard the report from his subordinates, he didn't have any doubts.

Because the entire Phuket Island, or the entire wizarding world, the group most sensitive to the black tide are the magicians who have lived in the northern area of ​​Beta Town for generations.

The big names in the Wizarding Alliance investigate the Black Tide, either through alchemical instruments fixed on trees or rocks; or through divination magic such as crystal balls and tarot cards; or through the oral accounts of the parties involved and the extraction of the memories of the undead. They rarely come face-to-face with dirty and dangerous creatures.

As for the magicians in the North District, all their understanding of the black tide is based on life.

Many magicians need to go deep into the Silent Forest and risk their lives to collect herbs and magic materials in exchange for a meager income to survive. Because of their weak magical abilities and huge risks, every step they took in the Silent Forest was explored by their predecessors with their lives.

They are like dragonflies before a rainstorm. They are unusually sensitive to climate change. After catching the wrong prey in the wrong place, they know that a storm is coming. From this point of view, their ability is no better than that of those who catch the wrong prey in the wrong place. A highly skilled fortune teller.

It's just that the fortune teller is fiddling with the thin thread hanging the Sword of Damocles every time he performs accurate divination, and he won't waste energy on such trivial matters easily.

"How long will it take?" Korma turned his attention to the bottom of the river again, looking at the surging group of tadpoles. She was asking how long it would be before a new black tide broke out.

"It can happen at any time." The subordinate replied respectfully. Even if the mistake was not completely confirmed, they could not believe that two black tides would break out within a year, and naturally they did not dare to report it to the Great Sage.

"What about scale?"

"It's huge...unprecedented."

"Be specific."

"In addition to Beta Town, First University may also be within the scope of this black wave."

"The school didn't respond?"


"No reaction is the greatest reaction." Kolma said thoughtfully.

She originally thought that the wizard in the North District was sensitive to danger and discovered the surging black tide, but now it seems that the situation is obviously much worse than she expected.

Under normal circumstances, such a big change in the Silent Forest would definitely alert the school's surveillance circle. According to common sense, no matter how the school plans to deal with this inexplicable 'black tide', it will send a considerable number of hunting teams deep into the Silent Forest to explore, instead of remaining silent and indifferent like now.

No, not indifferent.

Kolma felt that the school's response was more appropriately described as 'ready for action'.

"The biggest reaction?" The subordinate obviously did not understand the meaning of Kolma's words and was stunned for a moment: "Does it mean that the school already knows that the black tide is coming? Then do we still need to warn the school? What about the subsequent defense work? ?”

"Everything is business as usual. When it's time to warn, when it's time to prepare for defense, prepare for defense." The witch tugged on her cloak and glanced across the water, looking into the depths of the Silent Forest:

"We can't put our hopes in others."

"The people of the North District always believe too much in the power of magic, the students always believe too much in the power of the school, and the old wizards who are above the North District and the students are too superstitious about the power of fate... When everyone Putting hope in others will leave you with nothing but despair.”

“The North End has had enough of despair.”

"Since the school plans to hide in a turtle shell, let the entire Phuket Island see the power of the wizard in the North District, and see how much fog the wildfire called hope can dispel and how much darkness can be illuminated!"

The rats sneaked along the deep Silent River for a long time, and finally landed at a secluded inlet.

The 'soap bubbles' that were protected from water broke away from the water, making a weak 'crackling' sound. Thousands of soap bubbles shattered together, just like the sound of wood burning in a fire.

The rats were divided into different queues according to the color of their vests, and they lined up neatly and flocked to a small open space deep in the bay.

In the center of the open space stood a short arch.

The arches are high and low, with Roman columns on the left and right. Olive branches and laurels are entangled on the vaults. A group of naked, chubby elves with weird smiles on their faces are hidden among the lush branches and leaves.

Red, yellow, and cyan, the three teams seemed to be three thin lines twisted together. One end was submerged in the short arch, and the other end was still immersed in the gurgling silent river.

The Rat Immortal sat on his wooden chariot and watched all this silently.

Next to it, squatting was a wizard shrouded in black robes, with a hood on his head, only a small piece of pale and smooth chin exposed.

"Are you sure they are reliable?" The wizard looked at the mice wearing vests, his tone full of doubt: "It's not that I don't believe you, I just think it's a bit ridiculous."

"Absurd?" The wrinkles on the Mouse Immortal's face became a little deeper: "Don't you think it's absurd for wizards to use elves as experimental assistants? Don't you think it's absurd for alchemists to use corpses to refine living things... Now, how many Do you think it's ridiculous for a little mouse to help you draw the rune array? As for reliability, if they are not reliable, then there is no one I can trust in this world."

"It's not about carving runes, it's just about getting started!" the black-robed wizard reminded him, and then complained: "If you hadn't suddenly asked to speed up the progress, I could have done better by myself."

"Time waits for no one. No one knows that the fruit will be ripe suddenly." The Mouse Immortal's tone was also full of helplessness: "Wandering boy is also very busy now."

"This is not necessarily a bad thing." The black-robed wizard comforted it: "We are not ready, the school is not ready, and those monsters are naturally not ready... When everyone is not fully prepared, the competition is It’s unexpected. And I believe that Ju03 is the biggest surprise in the world.”

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