Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 162 Listening to the Trend (5)

The sunshine is fleeting.

Outside the cabin, gray-white mist soon filled the air again, drowning out the warmth.

Nikita's slightly confused eyes regained their tranquility under the sunlight, and once again shone with a strange crimson color.

"It's foggy."

She murmured, pushed away the chair under her, and stood up.

Every fog means a long voyage.

Nikita still remembered that long ago, on the day she first boarded the Mist, it was also foggy. That day, she followed the captain and walked a long way on the calm sea, and met three other legendary captains.

Captain of the Maelstrom, Poseidon, and Iceberg.

From that day on, she rarely had the chance to disembark again.

The fog rose and fell, and the Banshee watched from the narrow cabin window as the Foghorn sailed through the blue sea, the red sea, the black sea, and even the starlight filled the void; she watched the world outside change from ferns to The deciduous forest changed from a dead glacier to an even more dead starry sky; she watched the combat team members on the Mist coming and going on the ship, and the legendary monsters crawling at the feet of the captain.

But from beginning to end, she could only watch with envy.

Because she was just a cook on the Mist and had been on board for less than a year. The old crew once told her that newcomers who get on the ship must practice for three to five years before they have the opportunity to disembark or organize their own combat team to hunt in other new worlds.

"I know what you're sighing about."

Harry, wearing a pink polo shirt and flowery pants, slid in from the door like a loach, sliding along the deck and walls, all the way to the ceiling.

Then he hung upside down on a beam under the ceiling, sticking out his tongue like a hanged ghost, and winked at Nikita with his peach blossom eyes: "Good boy, call me 蜀蜍, and 蜀荍 will grant you a wish!"

Nikita narrowed her beautiful, narrow eyes.

Although she is a newcomer, she is also a genuine banshee. She was already a registered wizard before her transformation.

Banshees are very ferocious. If they weren't ferocious, they wouldn't be able to survive in this cannibalistic world.

She opened her mouth slightly, with a charming smile on her face, and her nose twitched slightly, like a girl in love who was waiting for her boyfriend to kiss her. However, the increasingly intense red color in her eyes made everyone who saw this scene feel frightened.

"Say it again." She said to the guest in a soft voice.

"It's so scary. It scares the baby to death." Harry, who was hanging in the air, twisted his body strangely upward, as if to avoid the sight of the banshee. At the same time, he patted his chest with his hand: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you. Now...the captain is asking you to come aboard. Be smart...he might take you off the boat this time!"

Nikita's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart beat several times uncontrollably.

Harry wanted to say something more, but he saw the banshee in front of him turned into afterimages and disappeared from the place.

The male demon hanging in the air smacked his lips and shook his head.

"Be steady," it said to the air with a serious lesson: "You are already a mature demon, you need to learn to be more steady. Do you know how to be steady? Don't leave earlier than your elders, this is stability!"

After saying that, it slid silently from the ceiling to the floor, its nose twitched slightly, and then it looked at the cupboard with bright eyes.

"Just eat a little bit." It rubbed its hands, like a fly falling in front of delicious food, and laughed: "...The cooked food is always for the monster to eat. Just eat a little bit... Just think of it as the money for running errands. . Not too much.”

Nikita didn't know that a big rat had slipped into her kitchen.

Of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't care. She would only tell the one-legged old man in charge of the angry lamp about the rat in the kitchen - she believed that the old man would catch the rat and hang it on the mast to dry for a week.

As for now.

The banshee was tremblingly crawling at the door of the captain's cabin.

A blood-red strip of cloth was randomly thrown on the floor not far in front of her.

The strip of cloth was a bit old. It was covered with dense non-talismans and dark red suspicious traces. It looked dirty. But in the eyes of the banshee, that piece of cloth is more beautiful than her most beautiful dress.

Because that is a protective belt that only the crew members of the Mist who are qualified to disembark will have.

The cloth belt was very close to her, within reach.

She also wanted to reach out and grab it and hide it in her arms.

But she didn't dare to make any move until the captain spoke.

The captain of the Mist ignored the violent mental activities of the young banshee. She was frowning and carefully considering the ancient leather scroll in front of her. Her green-black fingertips gently slid over the gold and silver runes on the leather scroll. Bring out a brilliant spark.

"Not enough... As expected, it's still not enough."

It finally sighed, lowered its head, and looked at the prostrate witch at its feet. Its voice was as gentle as ever: "I remember Sir Ulrich was your teacher?"

The ‘teacher’ it refers to is Nikita’s teacher after she became a demon. It is precisely because of Sir Ulrich's teachings that the banshee escaped from the pitiful situation of eating bugs and became the sad state of eating the corpses of dead people.

Of course, if the teacher himself could eat living wizards now, he would be happy.

This sad thought passed through Nikita's mind.

"Yes, sir." She lowered her head and replied respectfully.

"Very good." The captain of the Mist moved his fingertips slightly, and the red cloth belt on the floor floated up, flew towards the Banshee, and finally landed on her arm, wrapped it twice, and slapped her Beautiful bow:

"I plan to take a trip to the Lich Forest. You can take me to visit your teacher along the way."

These were the last words the Banshee heard in the captain's cabin.

The next moment, her eyes blurred.

When he came to his senses, he was already back in his kitchen.

Everything in the cabin was as before, dim, dull, disgusting but full of alluring blood. Only the red cloth band on her arm told her that everything just happened was real.

Outside the window, the sound of the tide is still there.

"The undercurrent is surging."

In an empty office, a voice sighed heavily.

This office is large, but has no windows. It is surrounded by bare walls. There are a few words and paintings hanging on the walls. The birds in the paintings are jumping around on the branches and chirping silently. The dull atmosphere adds a touch of energy.

The person who spoke was the skinny old man sitting behind the side table on the left.

He was wearing a thick black woolen robe and had a pair of small black eyes. There was a cup of tea and an old wizard's hat on the table, and a silver wolf-headed cane was leaning on the table.

If Kolma or Nikita were standing here, they would definitely be able to recognize that this old man is Ruoyu, the vice president of First University.

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