Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 163 Listening to the Trend (End)

Although this office is empty, there are not many desks in the office, only three.

There is a main table at the top, with no one sitting behind it, and the tabletop is also empty, not even a crystal ball. There is a huge letter hanging on the wall behind the main desk. There is only a simple word "道" on it, but it adds endless charm to the entire office.

Separated by several steps, there is a side table on the left and right sides, arranged in an outward shape.

Vice Principal Ruoyu is sitting at the left desk. Behind the side table on the right sat a girl with bright eyes and white teeth, wearing a simple and elegant robe. She looked about twelve or thirteen years old.

Further down from the side table, there are several steps. Under the steps are two rows of tables. Behind the tables are dozens of high-backed chairs, but most of them are submerged in the deep light. As far as the eye can see, there are only a few figures sitting quietly behind those tables, silently listening to the arguments on the steps.

"... Demons, the Dark Council, and now there are those existences deep in the starry sky." Vice Principal Ruoyu's voice seemed a little heavy: "As far as you can see, there are undercurrents surging everywhere under the calm."

"It's surging!" The witch sitting diagonally opposite Ruoyu looked young, but her tone of voice was old-fashioned when she spoke. She was no less generous than the old man: "Counting over and over, there are those who can be monsters and dare to stretch out their hands. , just a few old things... If I had followed my plan and smashed their nest early, there wouldn't have been so much trouble!"

"If you follow your plan, the clan will be destroyed in half a month." Ruoyu stretched out his hand to pinch his wolf-headed crutch and emphasized his tone slightly.

"Is there any way to get the best of both worlds? Isn't the original intention of the school to create the forbidden curse just to protect the school!"

"The Moonlight Council is also part of the alliance. There are many students in the First University from the Moonlight clan... You have never regarded them as your companions. Moreover, this time they will also serve as a supporting defense force and enter the Black Prison..."

"I always think this is the biggest wrong decision we have ever made." As she spoke, the witch stood up from behind the side table and walked down the steps.

"What are you going to do?" Vice Principal Ruoyu stood up and asked, leaning on a cane.

"Go to Danhag." The witch tightened her cloak tightly and glanced at the old man: "...the legal hearing about illegal sacrifices by wizards in the North District. What, do you want to go?"

"... Just go and show the school's attitude." Ruoyu tightened the crutches in his hands and softened his tone: "Don't waste too much time. The school situation is very complicated now."

The witch hummed softly and walked out along the corridor between the tables on both sides of the steps.

The figures sitting behind the tables stood up and bowed their heads to express respect for the witch.


The door in the distance was opened.

The dragon's roar came from outside the door.

A cold breath surged into the corridor, blowing the witch's cloak. Under the dim light, her figure gradually became slender and mature, and she soon transformed from a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl into a mature lady in her thirties.

Her eyes were calm, and her thin lips were like blades, exuding an attractive aura.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared outside the door and the cold wind in the corridor slowly dissipated that the atmosphere in the entire office became more relaxed. The figures behind the table sat down again, and only one figure stood up.

It was a wizard in yellow robes.

"Urban...?" Vice Principal Ruoyu lowered his head and looked at the powerful wizard with a bit of questioning in his eyes.

The wizard lowered his head, caressed his chest, saluted the vice principal, and then said softly: "I request to return to the defense campus."

"Return to defense?" Ruoyu pondered for a moment.

Another wizard in blue robes also stood up: "Master Ruoyu, no matter what, someone has already paid attention to the students. We can't pretend not to see it... Whether they want to lure the tiger away from the mountain or take advantage of it, we will always Only by satisfying their wishes can they know what despair is.”

The vice principal slowly sat back in his seat.

"The school's defense has been arranged." He paused the cane in his hand, and the whole office reverberated with a heavy 'dong-dong' sound: "First University will protect every student in the school... Please everyone rest assured."

"The only thing you need to focus on now is the guarding of the Black Prison."

"The school has gathered most of its combat power, recalled hundreds of hunting groups from the New World, and convened the five senators from the Moon Parliament. This is not to show off our power to the alliance... but to our enemies, who need our all-out efforts. ”

"Everyone...please work hard."

Boom, boom, boom.

The heavy sound of the crutches tapping on the floor echoed in the office for a long time before slowly dissipating.

The figures behind the table also became quiet again.

Zheng Qing, who was walking around the campus, had no idea how far the topic of 'tide' extended in reality.

It is true that the Exoneration Hunters have discussed the challenges facing the school and the risks that may befall outside the school more than once, and have received bad revelations in divination more than once.

But all those risks seem hollow and vague under the interference of magic.

It was as if he was looking out through a glass stained with water vapor. He could see the blazing flames outside, making the sky red, and he could see a huge black shadow stumbling closer, but how far away was the flame and how far away was the shadow? How close he was was still unclear, but it was always in the fog.

On campus, the most discussed topic among students is still the final exam.

And the final exams are getting closer and closer.

Even the topics of Nicholas and the Outer God, Lei Zhe and Augustus's change of leadership, to some extent, were forced to give way to the exams. Because the upcoming next week is the starting point of the final exam week for the 08-09 school year.

At this critical moment, Zheng Qing still took a break from his busy schedule and went to the small shop DandK on the pedestrian street where Yu Zui was located.

Because he and Lin Guo had an appointment to meet in the store.

When the young student on government funding arrived at D\u0026K, the sky was already a little gloomy. There were no customers in the store. Hank, the accountant sent by Qingqiu Mansion, was sitting behind the bar to clean up the accounts. Lin Guo was holding a snowball, pinching his hands to turn the snowflakes in the glass ball into a sea, and then agitating the tide to roll and roar in the narrow ball.

"Why don't we meet in 403... or the library!" Zheng Qing complained the first thing they said when they met: "The exam is next week, but I still have more than ten potion formulas to memorize... If you are willing to review with us, Fatty can help you reserve a seat in the library."

"That's convenient." Lin Guo held the glass ball, looked up at Zheng Qing, and replied with a smile: "I made a few alchemical devices for the kind old wizard in the Wandering Bar this afternoon... He promised to help me find Dahei!"

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

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