Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 164 Black Goat’s Hair

"Didn't you already release a mission at the Wandering Bar? Why are you still looking for that old wandering man alone?"

"This is different." Lin Guo puffed up his chest, with an expression like a little adult on his face: "You can only ensure that some wizards will pay attention to this matter by posting a mission in the Wandering Bar... and the Wandering Wizard came forward, All the wizards in the Wandering Bar will be concerned about this matter. As the saying goes, 'If you want to gain something, you must bear the burden.' This is human nature."

Zheng Qing was stunned for a few seconds.

He never thought that he would discuss the ways of the world with an eleven or twelve-year-old boy.

"Everyone says that the wandering wizard is a dark wizard. Aren't you afraid?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Since I was eight years old, I have learned how not to be afraid." The little wizard said seriously: "Besides, the fact that the school did not arrest him means that he is not that bad... and he wanders in and out every day. There are so many students and nothing bad has ever happened in that store... don’t worry!”

When he heard the first answer, Zheng Qing couldn't help but raise his hand and wanted to touch the little wizard's head. He had to learn to support himself at a young age. Lin Guo indeed understood the ups and downs of the world better than he did.

But after hearing what he said next, he finally put his raised arm on the little wizard's shoulders.

"Mafia bars are often safer than ordinary bosses' bars, but this doesn't mean anything." He patted Lin Guo on the shoulder and sighed deeply:

"Since when did innocence and stupidity become synonyms... You thought you found hope bit by bit, but you didn't know that in the process, you lost your brain bit by bit."

"Are you calling me stupid?" Lin Guo felt a little depressed.

"No, I just said that you are a bit naive." Zheng Qing shook his head and asked: "What did the old wandering wizard ask you to help with? Don't do anything related to black magic, you will be expelled from school."

When it came to professionalism, Lin Guo became more lively.

"Don't worry, I'm the most experienced in alchemy." He curled a finger and tapped his head confidently: "I have carefully analyzed the drawings he gave me, and they are definitely not black magic... On the contrary , it should be part of some kind of very high-level and rare alchemy item... I guess it should be the equipment of a chief of a giant tribe that was collected by a hunting team during exploration. I want to repair it and sell it at a good price. "

Zheng Qing looked at the little wizard's confident expression and couldn't help but sigh again in his heart.

He also came from that age, and he was not far away from that age. He knew that boys aged twelve or thirteen are the most stubborn and rebellious age in a man's life. Compared with most boys at this age, Lin Guo's behavior is much more stable. At least he will not use a knife to carve words on his arm because of puppy love.

Zheng Qing is not his guardian and cannot have higher demands on him.

"...Anyway, you have to pay attention to your safety." The young public-funded student shook his head and finally turned the topic to the focus of this meeting: "Also, did you bring the things I asked you to bring?"

"Brought it!"

Lin Guo grabbed his small schoolbag, opened the zipper, and rummaged through it. The big mouse on the small school bag curled its tail, hugged a piece of cheese, and took a nap lazily.

Seeing the mouse, Zheng Qing immediately thought of the mice wearing vests employed in his shop. As soon as he entered the store, he was a little curious as to why he didn't see those rats running out to pick up customers today.

But before he could ask, Lin Guo had already found what he wanted.

A bronze medal, a small piece of leather rope, and a tuft of black hair in a wide-mouth glass bottle were placed in front of Zheng Qing.

"This sign was used by Dahei before. It didn't have a bell before, so it was hung with this sign... So is this leather rope, which is used to pull the cart. It is pure cowhide and very strong." Lin Guo introduced them one by one. Looking at the origins of those things, he finally raised the glass bottle and said: "And these wools, I picked them up one by one on the big black mat. There is absolutely no problem."

These things all belong to Lin Guo's pet black goat.

Ever since it was confirmed that dogs could help 'hunt', Zheng Qing had this idea in his mind. As the saying goes, the snake follows the snake's path, and the mouse follows its path. There is a gap between the world of pets and the world of wizards after all. Since the Forgiveness Hunting Team had been searching for a long time but could not find any trace of the black goat, they might be able to find another way by leaving it to Gouzi.

If you want Gouzi to help find a black sheep that it has never seen before, you need Lin Guo to provide some items that are contaminated with the scent of the black goat.

Zheng Qing sat cross-legged on the floor and looked at several things lined up in front of him. Lin Guo squatted opposite him, holding a small schoolbag in his arms with a curious look on his face. He didn't know Zheng Qing's plan, but he had received a paper crane from Zheng Qing earlier and asked him to bring something to the store.

"come out."

Zheng Qing didn't raise his head and look around hard, he just raised his hand and waved.

Before Lin Guo had time to speak, he was frightened by a gray dog ​​that suddenly appeared next to Zheng Qing, and he fell back and sat down on the ground.

The dog stuck out his tongue, wagged his tail, and had a silly smile on his face.

"Smell it." Zheng Qing picked up the leather rope, put it in front of the dog's nose, and let him sniff it, then changed to the bronze medal, and finally the wool in the glass bottle.

Gouzi sniffed, his giggle a little serious.

"Where did the puppy come from?" Lin Guo came to his senses and got up from the ground.

"I picked it up from a tree." Zheng Qing said a fact that was hard to believe.

"On the tree!" The little wizard came over curiously and stretched out his hand to touch it, but unexpectedly his hand came up empty. The moment his hand touched him, Gouzi disappeared and appeared on the other side of Zheng Qing.

This aroused even greater interest in the little wizard: "Can it escape?"

"Absolutely." Zheng Qing answered perfunctorily - although the old school worker who smoked hookah said that the school would not care about the puppy's bloodline, under the current environment, the bloodline of the Outer God was somewhat sensitive after all. Moreover, its origin was too complicated, and Zheng Qing did not dare to be completely sure, so he simply ignored it.

"You want it to help find Dahei?"

"Give it a try, there's no harm in it anyway." Zheng Qing's answer was very cautious, but in order to strengthen Lin Guo's confidence, he still gave the dog a rare compliment: "Don't look at the stupid look on its face, but it is quite capable of finding prey. Good guy... Not long ago, there was a bad guy who I couldn't find even though I used all kinds of magic, but he found him in one night and dragged him to dormitory 403."

"It's amazing." The little wizard praised sincerely.

The dog stuck out his tongue, the tip of his tail hooked up and down, and his floppy ears stood up:

"Meow meow!"

It barked twice proudly.

The napping mouse on Lin Guo's schoolbag was suddenly startled awake and screamed.

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