Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 165 Answers without answers

After smelling the scent, send the dog away.

Only then did Zheng Qing have the intention to look back and think about the business situation of the store.

He had long noticed the sparse 'staff' in the store today - even if there were no customers, the clerks should not be sneaky and leave their workstations.

"Where are the people?"

The young shop owner twisted his fingers and tapped the wooden tabletop of the bar. With a straight face, he asked Hank, who was always immersed in the accounts: "Where are the clerks? Where are the cats and mice? I remember there should be three or four cats in the store. A rat in a vest."

Hank, who was born in Qingqiu Mansion, has always cared about etiquette.

Hearing the shop owner's inquiry, he stopped what he was doing and replied politely: "As you can see, they are not here today... You can't expect some cats to stay in the shop and help you receive customers. After all, they are just a few dumb cats... But there is a talking civet with a worse temper than the eldest lady. If it doesn't scratch the guests one day, thank God. "

There was a bit of resentment in these words.

Of course, whoever is responsible for the work in the store and the boss sends a group of animals to serve as store clerks instead of people, he has reasons to express his dissatisfaction.

"Well, when I say 'Miss,' I mean it in general." Hank suddenly remembered something, and the big tail behind him bounced up like a feather duster, and wiped the shelves behind him, and added: "Not specifically... You know."

Zheng Qing knew a few eldest ladies, but the only one who could make Hank so cautious was the owner of Qingqiu Mansion.

He blinked, meaning he wouldn't chew his tongue.

"Hmm, well, since the cat is not here, what about the mice?" the young public-funded student reminded: "Those mice in vests, I remember the names are Jingle Ears and Jingle Ears, right, aren't they quite clever?"

"I asked for temporary leave because there was something going on in the clan."

"What's up?"

"I'm just an accountant, not their insurance, sir."

"...In other words, you are the only employee in the store now?"

Hank didn't say anything, he just spread his hands and looked around, his meaning was very clear.

Zheng Qing coughed dryly: "Then... they didn't say when they would come back?"

"No. After all, we have never paid them wages or signed a formal employment agreement." Hank replied calmly: "So, when they want to leave, we have no right to stop them."

Zheng Qing nodded awkwardly.

In order to save some costs, he chose to let cats, mice and foxes help in the store. The fox was sent by the Qingqiu Mansion. It was nominally to supervise the transactions with the Rat Clan. In fact, it was Su Shijun who prevented other members of the Yuexia Council from causing trouble in the store. The rats wearing vests were sent by the Rat Clan to take charge of the Rat Clan's goods. It was sold on a consignment basis in the store; as for those cats, they were just accomplices - at that time, due to a certain announcement, trading of rats and corpse beetles became popular in the school, so Zheng Qing found those cats to look after the things in the store. Living thing.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Lin Guo, who had been staying nearby, finally couldn't bear the boring conversation between one person and one fox. He picked up his small schoolbag and said goodbye to Zheng Qing: "I wasted too much time outside today. I have to go back to the castle early to review. Homework."

Zheng Qing felt relieved - he didn't know how to answer what Hank just said, and Lin Guo's interruption was really life-saving - so he nodded pretending to be serious: "Well, studying is still very important. Go back quickly..."

Then he turned to Hank behind the bar and said: "I have to go back to review for the final exam next week as soon as possible. I will trouble you about the store. If Dingdang Ears or Dingdong Ears come back, tell them that the store is willing to work with them. Sign a formal contract."

"This is really good news." The male fox muttered, nodded, and wrote down the boss's words in the account book.

Zheng Qing was worried about hearing any trouble again, so he hurriedly pushed Lin Guo out of D\u0026K.

After leaving the store, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then I remembered that I had other things to do.

"Well, it's okay for you to go back to Alphaburg by yourself." He lowered his head and pressed Lin Guo's head.

The little wizard turned his head disdainfully and refused to let him touch it: "I have been running around between the town and school since I was eight years old. I can go back even if I close my eyes!"

After parting ways with Lin Guo, Zheng Qing went to the Gini Cabin instead, where he made an appointment with Liu Feifei to meet at the Sakura Tavern. Because Nicholas wanted to learn the skills of using curse seals from Kolma, Liu Feifei simply arranged today's study room in an empty tavern.

Ever since Korma became the Great Sage of the North District, the Sakura Tavern has never been open to the public.

Zheng Qing came to Liu Feifei to ask for the shed of her pet snake. According to Liu Feifei, the big snake shed its skin once after entering the school, and Zheng Qing hoped that the breath of the Faceless Demon still remained on it.

Yes, that faceless demon that had been missing for a long time, Zheng Qing also left it to Gouzi to find.

Maybe it was because Zheng Qing had always seemed very alert, or maybe it was just because it was still bright. During this evening trip to the North District, Zheng Qing did not encounter any trouble along the way and successfully obtained the snake slough from Liu Feifei.

Originally, he wanted to pay a visit to Senior Sister Kolma, but he gave up the idea when he heard that she was giving lessons to the wizards in the North District.

As for the snake slough, Zheng Qing planned to hand it over to the dog immediately after he found the traces of the black goat. Let it not be idle and follow you all day long like a pervert.

Because Yu Zui had been searching for a long time but could not find any trace of the black sheep, Zheng Qing thought that the dog would also waste a lot of time this time. But on Wednesday night, when Zheng Qing and his companions returned to the dormitory from the library, they saw the dog squatting at the door of the dormitory.

Between its two front legs lay a small tuft of black wool.

It was completely different from the black hair on the glass bottle provided by Lin Guo, but Zheng Qing could guess at a glance that it was the hair on the black goat.

"Did you find it?"

Gouzi nodded.

"Why didn't you bring it back?" Zheng Qing felt that Gouzi could bite even a top registered wizard and bring him back, so there was no reason why he couldn't bring back a black goat.

The dog whined, nodding and shaking his head, as if he wanted to express a very complicated meaning.

"Slow down, slow down." Zheng Qing stretched out his hand to stop its dog talk, pondered for a moment, and guessed: "What you mean is that you found the black goat, but for some reason you couldn't bring it back... and then You can take us to find it, right?"

The dog stuck out his tongue and nodded his head vigorously.

"How do you understand such a complicated meaning?!" Fatty complained behind Zheng Qing: "Didn't it purr twice just now?! I remember you are a cat!"

Zheng Qing had a straight face and did not answer the fat man's words.

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