Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 166 Dog Name

Although Gouzi found the traces of the black goat, Zheng Qing did not plan to immediately summon all the hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team to find the missing black goat.

On the one hand, today is Wednesday, there are classes tomorrow morning, and it is close to curfew at night. It is impossible for Zheng Qing to lead a hunting team to violate more than a dozen school rules and disciplines for a black goat.

After all, he still carries a punishment of detention in school.

On the other hand, the young wizard also felt that this matter needed long-term consideration. The missing black goat is vaguely related to some existence deep in the starry sky, which means it is very dangerous. In theory, he should report this clue to the school; but the dog is also related to those external gods, so he cannot Be a clear leader.

"So, I plan to take time on Saturdays and Sundays to let Gouzi take us to look for clues." Zheng Qing said to the two roommates: "We won't be too close to danger... we just need to confirm that the black man If the goat exists, then immediately retreat and report its sightings to the school working committee.”

Choosing Saturday and Sunday was to allow more time; and the confirmation by the Exoneration Hunting Team could avoid the risk of the dog being publicly exposed to the school's sight.

This arrangement takes care of all concerns and is indeed very sound.

"The only problem is that the final exam is next week. Are you sure you want to go on an adventure with Gouzi this Saturday and Sunday?" Fatty Xin reminded.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds.

My mind passed through the depression hidden under the little wizard's smile when I met Lin Guo this afternoon; I passed through the anxiety and uneasiness on the little wizard's face during this time; I passed through the trustworthy faces of the Exoneration Hunting Team.

"I have full confidence in everyone." The young public-funded student finally confirmed his choice and smiled: "The daily academic results are all there. At most, we will get a few less excellent grades in the exam... No one will repeat a grade. Maybe this year it’s a little bit better, next year I’ll make a little more progress, and I can even win the ‘Greatest Improvement Award’.”

"And that black goat can't be waiting for us...for weeks."

Due to the large number of subjects and the variety of elective courses students take, the final exam usually lasts two weeks. Zheng Qing could not expect that the black goat, which had been missing for a long time, would stay where it was for two weeks after being discovered by the dog.

And no one knows how things will change in two weeks. Because of Satugua, Zheng Qing borrowed a lot of information about foreign gods from the library some time ago. Among them, the one that impressed him the most was that magical creatures polluted by the starry sky would become more and more polluted as time went by. The more depraved.

The earlier you handle it, the safer it will be.

Today is Wednesday, only a few hours until Thursday, and less than fifty hours until Saturday. Zheng Qing planned to gather the forgiveness hunting team after the practical class on Friday afternoon to prepare. He wanted to go on Friday night if possible. But considering that the black sheep was probably hiding in a corner of the Silent Forest, and the forest at night was not friendly to several first-year students, he finally decided to schedule his departure early on Saturday morning.

Before that, the Exoneration Hunting Team must make corresponding preparations.

"That being said..." The fat man scratched his head, glanced at Xiao Xiao, and then immediately looked away. Even if he wanted to wait a little longer and wait until after the exam, he would not find the doctor as his ally. Even if Dr. Xiao Da had to review for one week less than everyone else, he would probably still get the highest score in each subject.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" Zheng Qing glanced at the fat man.

The fat man sighed heavily, put his hands down from his head, and spread them in front of him: "You are the captain, you have the final say on this matter... But what should I do with this dog? Let him follow me for the past two days. you?"

Hearing the fat man mentioning himself, Gouzi straightened his upper body straighter and looked at Zheng Qing with bright eyes, which caused goosebumps to appear on the back of the young government-funded student.

"No, it has other tasks." Zheng Qing immediately rejected the fat man's remarks.

When he heard that he couldn't follow Zheng Qing, Gouzi's ears drooped and his tail stopped wagging so enthusiastically. But soon, when Zheng Qing placed a glass bottle in front of it, its ears straightened up again, and its tail puffed and shook the windmill.

"What is this?" The fat man looked at the contents of the glass bottle and guessed: "Dragon single clothes? Silkworm skin? Nymph's fetal cells? Or..."

"It's not that complicated, just a little bit of snake shedding." Zheng Qing shook his head and denied the fat man's weird guesses: "Do you remember Liu Feifei's big snake? These are some of the skins it shed in school last year..."

"Are you going to let Gouzi go find the faceless demon?" Xiao Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"That little monster can't be more dangerous than Professor Trudeau." Zheng Qing confirmed the doctor's guess and added: "And even if there is danger, this guy will run away as soon as possible, right... I'm afraid of it Very confident in his talent.”

As he spoke, he touched the dog's head.

The dog meowed solemnly twice.

Zheng Qing found that he had become somewhat accustomed to its cry.

"How do you know whether these snake sloughs were left before or after Liu Feifei's pet snake had its identity stolen by the faceless demon?" Fatty keenly pointed out possible loopholes in Zheng Qing's plan.

"I don't know." The young public-funded student replied: "But what does it matter? Anyway, the result will not get worse. Moreover, even if the faceless demon cannot be found, the remains of the pet snake will be found. Consider some progress.”

Upon hearing this possibility, the dormitory suddenly became much quieter.

Only Gouzi was still trying to put his nose into the mouth of the glass bottle in Zheng Qing's hand to catch the faint scent of the snake slough fragments remaining in the air.

After Gouzi left, the topic in the 403 dormitory did not end immediately.

Because Fatty Xin thought of a new question.

"Are you going to keep calling it 'dog'?" The fat man held a small box of chicken popcorn and squatted on top of his head. From time to time, a chicken popcorn was thrown up from below, and the fat cat quickly took it into his mouth.

"What?" Zheng Qing stared at the snacks in the fat man's hands, wondering whether he should go over and grab a few to eat, but did not respond to his question immediately.

"I mean that dog, do you plan to keep calling it dog?" Fatty explained patiently: "Everyone has a beautiful name..."

"Oh!" Zheng Qing suddenly realized, shrugged, and replied casually: "Then let's call him Xiao Hui... Li Meng's pigeons and Lin Guo's goats are all named like this."

"Are you planning to compete with a twelve-year-old?" Xiao Xiao complained.

"Then come up with a name." Zheng Qing was quite indifferent to this matter. He just wanted to get into his soft bed and snore comfortably all night.

"How about Cang Guo?" The fat man raised his hand actively: "That dog started to be as annoying as a fly... and then you found it in the cat fruit tree."

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