Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 168 Fighting against Buck

Night falls.

The moonlight smeared every corner of the silent forest, and the whole world shone with a dim silver luster, like a decayed pearl. Baptized by the restless magic and moonlight, this forest has become the most dangerous area on Phuket Island.

No wizard wants to be in the Silent Forest at night.

But that doesn't mean the forest is completely silent.

Summer insects are chirping in the grass, vines are spreading among the tree trunks, and those hungry eyes are also walking through the forest under the cover of night, looking for something to fill their stomachs.

For example, a group of troublemakers.

Under normal circumstances, this magical magical creature lives in the crater at the end of the forest, surviving by swallowing the heat released by the volcano. Rarely do bad fights appear on the riverside. The moist water vapor will make them trapped and tired, just like the fishmen who came ashore. If you encounter an enemy in this state, you are simply asking for death.

No one wants to walk on a dead end, but many times, this road with an end in sight is the only direction they can move forward.

Buck looked at the silver moon in the sky melancholy, sniffing the moist smell in the air, and always had the urge to sneeze. But every time the itch rose to the tip of its nose, the dangerous feeling coming from the depths of the forest made it hold back the sneeze again.

This made him teary-eyed and his vision was a little blurry.

Buck is a male cockroach, three years old, with beautiful long black hair and a slender forked tail. In this small group of misfortunes, it can be considered as half a fighting force at this age.

Therefore, the clan arranged for it to be on duty tonight.

Buck had no idea why the group had moved away from the comfort of the crater. Because the old leader who led the group out of the crater, the old Fu Dou, who was two meters tall at the head and shoulders and with all the hair on his body was gray, was captured by a hill giant who woke up when he was passing through a hill two days ago. , wrapped a handful of branches and stuffed them into his mouth.

Buck's last impression of the old leader was a flash of fire emerging from the hill giant's mouth.

The leader seemed to scream, but Buck wasn't sure. Because at that time the entire group was frightened by the sudden attack of the hill giant and fled in all directions, losing several little tigers along the way.

Those little guys must be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Buck glanced at the silver moon in the sky again and sighed deeply.

When we lived in the crater in the past, the moon in the night was the fudou's favorite sight. Lying in the warm magma, enjoying the caress of the moonlight, every pore would exude an aura called 'comfort' .

But since leaving the crater, the silver moon has become much colder.

Every time he thought about this, Buck was a little confused. Because in its impression, the group had been migrating in the direction of the sun after leaving the crater, but it didn't know why the weather was getting colder and the air was getting moister. The fire in the feces excreted by many adult dogs has become much dimmed. In young ones, such as Buck, the color of the feces has changed from blue-white to orange.

It was very suspicious that if it stayed in the forest for a longer time, its poop would turn dark red. That was the color that only the dying old Fu Dou could pull off.

I'm afraid that only by returning to the crater can the color of my poop return to normal.

As for when he can return to the crater, Buck doesn't know. It vaguely remembered that the old leader said that there was a gap deep in the crater, leading to a certain place. The magma had never been seen flowing in, and nothing had ever come out of it. The wizard school on the island knew about this and didn't seem to think so. I mean, I just set up a monitoring circle for observation on weekdays.

Although being monitored at home made the Fudos feel a little uncomfortable, with abundant magma and abundant food, plus the school sending wizards from time to time to take care of them, there was no resistance from the clan.

Until a few months ago, the black tide brought the evil group and attacked Beta Town.

That was really an accident.

When the dark tide surges in the Silent Forest, few magical people can stay away.

When the tired and exhausted warriors returned to the crater from the small town, they were surprised to find that their old home had been confiscated by the school! A group of wizards in black robes waved Dharma books to drive them away from the crater.

Just throw them a few baskets of charcoal fire.

"It's just too much to bully a dog!"

Buck snorted angrily and sprayed out a few dark red sparks, which fleetingly disappeared in the damp forest. The colors of these Mars made his mood melancholy again.

It raised its head again and glanced at the golden moon in the sky, imagining that the golden moon was sowing warm seeds into the cold world below.

Then its ears moved.

There seems to be some movement in the woods?

Buck took a deep breath, blinked hard, and put the hot tears that had been blurring his vision back under his eyelids.

It lowered its body, growling threateningly in its throat, and there was a fire in its eyes.

The firelight fell on a bush not far away.

The sound came from that bush.

Buck stared at the bush and purred twice in his throat, which meant that he had discovered the presence of the intruder and came out honestly, otherwise don't blame him for being rude.

The bushes were silent for a few seconds.

Then, as the branches and leaves swayed, a gray figure jumped out of the bushes, appeared in front of Buck, and shook his tail excitedly at him. It looked like seeing a relative whom I had not seen for a long time.

The young Fu Dou snorted and suppressed the fire in his eyes.

A dog?

In other words, a lost dog?

It's not quite sure. Because from the appearance, Fu Dou looks similar to an ordinary domestic dog, except that ordinary dogs eat meat and poop, while Fu Dou eats charcoal and poops. Gray fur is the color of underage Fudou.

As for the opponent's tail not being forked, that's not a big problem. In the Fu Dou group, most Fu Dou have unsplit tails. But there are very few people like Buck who have a forked tail at the tip.

This confusion disappeared without a trace in the next second.

Because the strange dog opposite was wagging its tail and barking softly at it:


Buck's tail twitched, and a cluster of sparks appeared behind his butt.

No dog would bark like that, and neither would a real dog!

The dog that appeared in front of Buck was none other than Edamame.

Of course, it doesn't know it has a new name now.

Since accepting Zheng Qing's order to find the owners of the snake slough fragments, Maodou only spent most of the night extending the clues from inside the school to outside the school, all the way to the depths of the Silent Forest.

That aura was hidden not far from this group of misfortunes.

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