Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 169 Two voices

The silence of June and the increasing heat of the summer, especially near the Silent River, where the forest is dense and the wind is light, and the water vapor is evaporating, makes this sullen atmosphere linger in the forest, making it even more irritating.

The bad guys couldn't sleep well at night and had bad tempers.

Buck and Edamame just had a brief negotiation in front of the bushes, which caused a threatening grunt in Fu Dou's camp. Several of the sounds made Buck subconsciously tighten his tail.

"Stay down and don't move!"

Buck glared fiercely at the gray dog ​​in front of him and sent a thought: "I'll bite you to death if you dare to move!"

The puppy looked at Buck with an innocent face, opened its mouth, and seemed to want to meow twice more.

The Nighthawk had sharp eyes and quick claws. He picked up a short wooden stick from the ground and stuffed it into the greyhound's mouth.


It warned again with its eyes.

Maodou finally gave up the plan of meowing twice and lay on the ground obediently. An oil gourd climbed over a pile of wet fallen leaves and climbed onto the tail of the edamame. The gray dog ​​glanced at it from the corner of his eye and flicked its tail, sucking the little bug into pulp.

Buck stared at the bug on the tip of the dog's tail and hesitated for a few seconds.

Although almost no futo meows, what if it happens?

What if this guy was raised by a cat? What if it has strong foreign language skills? What if it's just a discomfort in the throat and the voice seems thinner? The stories that the old Fugou once told Buck around the magma pit came to mind one by one, but the Fugou in those stories was raised by wolves and learned how to howl like wolves.

Once this kind of speculation comes to mind, it is difficult to suppress it.

Buck wandered around the clearing for several times, and finally made up his mind, slipped into a small mud pit at the edge of the clearing, dug his front paws, and in a moment he dug out a piece of burning charcoal that still exuded a dark red luster.

This is his reward for being on duty tonight.

Buck swung his tail, and the forked tail tip was like a sharp fork, easily picking up the piece of charcoal and holding it up to the dusty dog.

The Greyhound tilted his head back subconsciously, as if he wanted to avoid the red-hot coals.

Buck breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes showed a hint of joy. It saved its snacks and successfully confirmed the identity of the greyhound in front of it.

But before the joy dissipated, the gray dog ​​blinked at it, opened its mouth, and swallowed the coal with a gulp.


It burped comfortably, and a cloud of sparks came out of its mouth.

Buck stared blankly at the fluffy sparks slowly dissipating in the humid air. The tail hanging in mid-air was like a reed in a pond after autumn, rustling in the night wind, full of sadness.

Edamame naturally does not have the bloodline of Fu Dou.

As a dog with a trace of Tindalos hound blood, Maodou is slightly less ferocious and stubborn than the real Tindalos hound, but in terms of intelligence and cleverness, it is far superior.

Although it has not been long since he became wise, Maodou has already learned countless hunting skills through hundreds of clones densely packed in the gaps in time and space, such as tracking, lurking, hunting, and camouflage.

Pretending is a profound science.

The real disguise is not to be what you learn, but to be what you want to be.

For example, if Edamame wants to be a bad dog now, then it must be like a real bad dog, like flames, hate water vapor, and be able to swallow charcoal fire and pull out dung fire.

The first two points are easy to achieve. All you need to do is express your affinity for flames and your aversion to water vapor. The last two points are a little more difficult. Just like the piece of charcoal that Edamame swallowed just now, it used its innate ability to move the piece of charcoal between the gaps in time and space without actually eating it into its stomach.

As for fecal fire, Fu Dou doesn’t have to defecate every day, so edamame is still very safe for a day or two.

The moonlight is getting darker.

The Nighthawks of the Fudou Group were like stone sculptures, standing blankly behind a bush, staring at the dark forest and wandering into the sky. Next to the night watcher, the greyhound had his eyes closed and his tail curled up, but his ears were erect.

Not long ago, when it traveled through the gaps in time and space to track the traces of the owners of snake sloughs, it accidentally captured a small picture of future time and space.

In the picture, a black figure floated in mid-air, waved his hand, and sprinkled a piece of fire, burning a large forest. In the flames, a group of misfortunes howled happily, jumped up and down on the flames, and crawled respectfully at the feet of the black figure.

Its keen sense of smell told it that the black figure was the owner of the snake sloughs it had sniffed.

And those troubles are a bright clue.

Just follow this clue and it's not difficult to find your goal.

The Silent Forest is very large, and although Fu Dou is a rare magical creature, there are many of them. But this can't stop Gouzi who has a clone. Its figure jumped and shuttled through the gaps in time and space, and its clones were everywhere in every group of fighting camps in the forest.

The one in front of Buck is just one of its many ears and eyes.

But he is the luckiest one.

Because when the moonlight turned from thick to dark and gradually fell over the treetops, two unfamiliar voices suddenly sounded in the forest.

It was the voice of two witches speaking.

"These guys in the Silent Forest were born to fight in the dark, without any education... They have not been corrected by the gardeners in the school. What kind of beautiful flowers can grow from the seeds that take root and sprout in the cracks of the humus layer and stones? Where is your son coming?”

"We're going to raise more troops...not beasts."

The first witch had a clear voice and spoke quickly: "You have been on the island for so long, do you know which clans are easier to recruit? We don't have much time."

"You, you have been on the island for a longer time." The second witch's voice was slightly hoarse. When I first heard it, I felt that the voice was like a radio that had been broken for a long time and had poor signal, but after listening to it more When you hear it, you can detect a certain hoarse charm hidden in the hissing sound, which is fascinating.

Maodou is not a wizard, so naturally he cannot hear the charm in that hoarse voice.

But it was a dog, and it was easy to catch the familiar scent in the air.

The owner of the snake slough.

Among those two voices.

Gouzi opened his mouth silently, conveying the message to the clones scattered in every corner of the silent forest. Its erect ears became straighter and straighter, and its eyelids that were originally closed suddenly opened, flashing a heart-stopping light green in the dark forest.

After hearing her companion's rebuttal, the first witch was obviously silent for a moment.

"I have indeed been on the island longer than you." Her tone softened slightly: "But at that time I stayed in school, on campus. There were only a few times when I went out of school, and the last time I was very unlucky... …reduced to this point.”

"me too."

The second voice replied.

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