Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 170 Intruder

The moonlight dimmed, and the shadows of the night became heavier and heavier.

Deep in the silent forest, in an unknown corner.

Next to a small campfire.

A gray-skinned dog was lying in front of the fire, squinting his eyes and taking a nap. His soft ears suddenly stood up, and he stood up and looked into the distance. Around it, several hens who were also napping curiously curled their tails, thinking that this new companion had thought of some interesting new game.

Unexpectedly, the new entrant walked towards the depths of the forest with steps that he did not recognize his relatives. Turning around a bush, the moonlight flashed through, and the gray figure disappeared without a trace.

Only a few females were left standing on the ground looking at each other.

Also in the Silent Forest, under a hill far away from here.

During the day, the fudou who had just dug out a large pile of charcoal from the mountainside gathered together to sing and dance, regardless of the darkness of night and physical and mental exhaustion, and openly ate the newly lit charcoal fire.

The light blue flames blistered the corners of the mouths of many young little frogs, but no one was willing to give up the delicious food on their lips. Including the gray-skinned dog who joined the group very late.

It is showing everyone how to swallow a piece of charcoal bigger than its head with a small mouth.

The red coal was stuffed into his mouth, he raised his neck and swallowed hard. A huge meat bag suddenly appeared on the dog's slender neck, which attracted onlookers to marvel.

Just as the piece of meat slowly sank into his stomach, the performer suddenly stopped swallowing, turned his head, and looked into the distance in surprise. After a while, there was a commotion below the hill.

Because the gray-robed dog who performed a show of swallowing a large amount of charcoal in a small mouth disappeared without a trace with a snap. It was like being burst by coals of fire.

There was also a gray-skinned dog, kneeling in front of an old man with all his teeth missing.

It has kowtowed thousands of times, begging Lao Fu Dou to accept him as his disciple.

Lao Fu Dou was filled with beauty in his heart, but on the outside he sternly refused, scolding the gray-skinned dog for all the ways that he did not conform to the traditional image of Fu Dou. For example, the fur color is too light, the filial piety is too little, the eyes are always looking around, etc.

Just as it was scolding, the gray-skinned dog kneeling in front of him suddenly stood up and turned his head to look into the distance.

Then he turned around, raised his hind legs, and babbled.

After pouring water on Lao Fu Dou's face, he ran away and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Similar scenes occur in every corner of the Silent Forest.

Wherever there is a gathering of dogs, a gray dog ​​will appear. Earlier, they used various means to get into the group of misfortunes, but at a certain moment, they unanimously chose to leave.

Every gray figure disappeared.

The scent of Edamame next to Buck became clearer.

But this subtle change in young Hudou was not noticed by Mr. Buck. The only thing it could feel was the increasingly tense atmosphere in the forest and the increasingly quiet environment.

The night wind stopped, and the rustling whispers of the leaves quietly disappeared. The katydid and the weaver lady also closed their mouths, hiding silently under the rotten branches and dead leaves, listening to the unfamiliar footsteps in the forest.


It was the sound of a dead branch being trampled down.

Buck and Edamame turned their heads at the same time and looked in the direction of the sound. Under the dim moonlight, only the mottled tree shadows swayed slightly on the ground.

Nothing unusual.

Just when Buck was about to withdraw his gaze, the slightly swaying tree shadow suddenly swelled, and in an instant, two tall figures strolled out from the shadow and came under the moonlight.

The one walking in front had black hair and bloody eyes. He was covered in a scarlet robe, but his exposed wrist was tied with a dirty red cloth strip. It was unknown what it was for.

The one who followed closely behind him was similar in stature to the previous one. He was wearing a plain moon-white robe. His bare feet were stepping on the dirty forest land, but he was spotless. But the most eye-catching thing is its face.

It was an empty face, like a crescent moon, as clean as new porcelain, with no features or eyebrows. Only two red lights glowed where the eyes were, but they were like red lights through a screen window.

These two uninvited guests are Nikita and Faceless.

Buck lowered his body, his muscles tensed up, and he let out a threatening growl from his throat. His forked and slender tail circled in the air like a scorpion's stinger, piercing the air and making a terrifying hissing sound.

Edamame's reaction was slightly smaller than Buck's, perhaps because it had no intention of taking responsibility for the group of troubles behind it, or perhaps because it was confident of escaping from the two strangers. In short, it had no psychological burden, and it allowed it to stay. He looked much more natural in front of the guests, and was looked down upon by the lady walking in front.

"This puppy is good," Nikita glanced at Maodou appreciatively: "Let him lead this ragtag group of people, maybe he can bring us unexpected joy."

The two red spots on Wu Mian's face flickered on and off without making a sound.

Edamame glanced at it warily, then turned to look at Nikita.

It was very sure that the owner of those snake sloughs was the weird-looking guy in front of it. But it wasn't sure it could take it away. Because the aura of the beautiful banshee next to her was a bit dangerous.

Nikita narrowed her beautiful red eyes, opened her arms, and took a deep breath.

“A nostalgic taste.”

She murmured, as if talking to the two dogs in front of her, or to herself: "For most magical creatures, the Silent Forest is like a paradise. Plenty of food, the protection of the school, speculation, Allies, comfortable living environment... you have everything here.”

Regarding these words, Maodou did not comment, but carefully looked at the banshee in front of him, thinking about where to tear her to pieces as quickly as possible.

It is not worried that its hostility will attract special attention from the banshee.

Because it's not a dog.

At the same moment when the banshee appeared, the Fu Dou camp not far from the two dogs had received an alarm. Along with the banshee's voice, pairs of red eyes began to flash in the dark night.

The humid air began to smell of sulfur.

The wind that had been quiet began to flow again, becoming hotter than before.

The banshee seemed unaware, still closing her eyes, whispering softly:

“...The only problem is that when you are too close to the light, your eyes will sting. When you live in heaven, your spirit will feel tired and forget its own meaning...Who still remembers the fight? Glory? You once traveled thousands of miles, bringing fear and war to wizards; you once swallowed up the sky and the earth, biting off half of the moon in one bite. Look at you now, just a little further away from the crater, and you have become a group of resentful people. "Little Women."

"Like a bunch of abandoned pets."

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