Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 179 Reinforcements

This is a tug-of-war of epic proportions.

The location of the tug-of-war is in the sky. On one side of the contestants is a big hand protruding from the void, and on the other side is a big blue fish swimming out of the tower.

The rope used in the competition is twisted by space vortices. It is invisible and qualityless, but it is stronger than any shaped rope.

The strong wind stirred up by the shark's fin and the big hand howled and cut in all directions, and the trees and houses within a few hundred meters turned into powder under the violent breath. A terrifying heat wave flowed out of the space vortex, seeming to melt the entire world.

The magic circle in the withered land was activated again.

Invisible ripples stirred again, and the noose chain and the big net opened, binding the blue fish and lifting it upward.

In the center of the net, the big fish was wrapped by the magic circle and the space vortex. The blue tide that originally surrounded it finally dissipated, revealing its crystal clear skin. The blood and bones flowing under the fish's skin could be vaguely seen, as well as the shadowy cloak.

The big fish at a disadvantage was quiet for a second.

Then it shrank inwards.

His figure suddenly shrank.

Under that shrinkage, a bit of blue spirit appeared in the core of the big fish, and what followed was a destructive aura that spread outwards with that bit of blue spirit as the core.

"It's going to explode..."

An old lich monster in the mage tower screamed, but before it could finish speaking, Sir Ulrich snorted and glanced at the old lich.

The old lich instantly turned into a stone statue, with a frightened expression still on his face.

Jazz turned his gaze to the air again.

After the aura of destruction emanating from the big fish spread, it finally broke through the shackles of the space vortex and appeared outside the battlefield, radiating in all directions with the brightness of a supernova explosion.

Nikita was suddenly startled.

Because at the moment when the 'supernova' exploded, she vaguely heard a long roar like a whale's cry deep in her soul. That long moan contained so much emotion and content that for a moment, her brain couldn't parse the information in it, and there was a brief blank.

The blue is fleeting.

But the roar that penetrated deep into the soul broke through the sky and broke the blockade of this world after the arrival of the giant hand.

The gray sky, which had been driven away by clouds, sun and starlight, opened a small hole in the roar, and a little starlight was revealed outside the hole.

The starlight seemed to be slow but urgent, passing through the small hole and falling on the big fish's forehead.

The blue color on the big fish suddenly stopped, but its cry suddenly became cheerful. That kind of joy from the heart, even from a long distance, Nikki [81 Chinese website] can still hear it I can clearly touch it - that is the joy of escaping from the edge of death and regaining a new life. Just like how she felt when she drank the wizard's blood for the first time in the desert.

Sir Ulrich did not have the sentimental sensibility of the little banshee next to him.

Its face looked a little gloomy.

Because the starlight fell behind the fish's head, the figure and aura of the big fish immediately became lighter. The originally tight space vortex seemed unable to restrain its figure.

Just like flying from the wind wall of a tornado to the eye of the wind, the big fish got rid of the fate of drifting with the current.

Then it raised its head and screamed again.

Amid the roar, the big blue fish underwent an astonishing transformation.

Its fish head slowly shrank, its body changed from round to slender, and the fins on both sides became wider, even longer than its body length. The starry runes on the fish skin turned into Pieces of feathers.

Nikita knew immediately that she had witnessed a rare moment of magic.

She saw the process of a large kun transforming into a roc.

Just like unicorns rarely give birth in front of wizards and dragons resist onlookers when hatching eggs, Kun transforming into a roc is also a very famous scene in the wizarding world but rarely seen. Even in the long history of magic, there are only a handful of wizards who are lucky enough to record this scene.

After all, the Yellow Land is the territory of the Liches.

A lich is a demon that was transformed from a wizard into a demon.

Before they turned into monsters, they were once wizards. They all knew the legend of Kunpeng, and they also hoped that they could transform from a small fish into a big roc. It's just that they failed in the process and became birds with broken wings.

The manic atmosphere of the lichs in the mage tower became a little silent the moment the roc appeared. Even Sir Ulrich's eyes were blank for a moment.

The big bird that had just transformed would not care about the enemy's mistakes.

It spread its wings, flapped it hard, and suddenly rose up, swaying upwards, passed through the gap in the vortex of space, drilled into the void, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The huge palm stayed in the air for a moment.

Then it turned into layers of dark clouds and disappeared again.

Nikita quietly closed her eyes, lowered her head, and transformed into a quail again.

A group of young wizards broke into the lich's territory, turned everything upside down, and then turned into a big fish and slithered away. No matter it was the domain of the great demons, the magic circle in the Withered Land, or even Sir Ulrich changing back to his original form and catching the big fish himself with his huge palm, none of them could keep the big fish.

This is simply a disgrace to the withered land.

To make matters worse, this event is also witnessed by Captain Misty, a sea monster.

The banshee began to worry about whether the lichs would kill the demons and silence them.

The big fish turned into a bird and flew away through the sky.

There was silence in the withered land.

The old lichs who were going crazy in the hall only now realized that there were two big demons upstairs. They all lowered their bodies, preparing to bear the wrath of the big demon.

Sir Ulrich finally walked out of the black shadow barrier.

It walked slowly towards the bronze tripod in front of the black wall. The cane touched a skull fragment on the steps, making a crisp cracking sound.

The old lich slowly walked under the black wall.

He looked down at the snow-like ashes at his feet.

This is the last trace left in this world of the souls rescued by those wizards just now. Captain Mist took Nikita out of the lingering white fog and came to Sir Ulrich. He looked at the bare black wall with some emotion, shook his head, sighed softly, and said nothing.

But Sir Ulrich had something to say:

"You didn't convince me...but they helped you convince me."

The great lich twisted a piece of pure white ashes between his fingertips, and said in a faint tone: "This is the head of one of my favorite little wizards... Her soul has been screaming on the black wall for more than a hundred years... Every time I hear her Even after listening to her for more than a hundred years, I still don’t get tired of her voice.”

"But now, I can't hear it anymore."

"They ruined the few hobbies I had."

"So I promise to help you... but you must let me pick a suitable skull in the school as compensation."

Captain Misty smiled with satisfaction, his voice as gentle as ever: "How can one be enough? The entire university will be open to you... You can choose any collection you like."

Nikita turned a little pale.

Trembling all over.

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