Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 180 Towards a new world

Leaving the Withered Land, Captain Misty did not take Nikita back to the ship.

Instead, he led her through a fog.

When the banshee followed the captain out of the fog, she smelled a familiar scent.

Looking up, the lush canopies of the towering trees are intertwined, leaving almost no gaps for the sky; lowering the head, the multi-legged reptiles quickly crawl along one fallen leaf into another, holding a drop of nectar in their pincers. It's for dinner today. Fist-sized mushrooms shone with a charming blue light in the moisture, and invisible birds sang softly in the darkness.

The young banshee covered her mouth, with an expression of fear and sadness on her face.

This is the forest of silence.

Located on Phuket Island, there is a vast forest intertwined with light and darkness outside First University.

This is also where Nikita fell.

"I feel the fear deep in your soul." Captain Misty's voice sounded in front of her.

The banshee nodded silently.

Two demons appear on Buji Island. If they are discovered by wizards - especially the First University - they may not even die.

Even if one of them is a great demon.

Wizards like the experimental materials of high-level demons the most.

It just so happens that what First University is most in need of is a great wizard. This island may have the highest density of great wizards in the entire wizarding world. Imagine two hyenas trapped in a pride of lions.

"Don't worry. Although the school's guardian array is very sensitive to demonic energy, this place already belongs to the Silent Forest." The captain led the banshee and walked leisurely through the crisscrossing tree roots in the forest, explaining in a gentle voice:

"And it is one of the most remote areas in the Silent Forest. The guardian circle will not monitor this area all the time... and I will not stay here for too long."

When the banshee heard this, she panted and nodded in relief.

Then he suddenly raised his head and looked at the captain with a horrified expression. His lips moved slightly, wanting to speak but feeling a little timid.

Captain Misty happened to turn around and glanced at her, with a smile on his face and his eyes as cold as ever, as if he had guessed what the banshee wanted to ask, and very thoughtfully repeated what it had said before:

"...That's right, I won't stay here for long."

The banshee finally turned her attention away from the emotion of revisiting her old place.

She couldn't help but shudder.


She wanted to ask, what about me? I came with you! You can't leave me alone! But facing the captain's indifferent eyes, she really didn't have the courage to speak her mind.

The banshee grabbed the scarlet strip of cloth on her wrist and ran her fingers around it, like the words lingering on the tip of her tongue, hesitating for a long time.

But she ultimately made the right choice.

"I...what can I do for you?"

Banshee very wisely chose another way of speaking. Since you can't resist the arrangement of fate, why not compromise with fate in exchange for fate's favor?

Just like in that desert, she dropped the beetle, climbed on the dead body, and bit his neck open.

Just like in that dark cabin, she gave up her fantasy and finally sank into the abyss.

Right now, it's just that the river of destiny has a new fork, and she just needs to continue moving along the widest tributary. Even if she knew that there might be a waterfall with a height of thousands of meters in front of this tributary, what did it matter? This is, after all, the widest tributary. Moreover, there are dangers on any tributary.

Captain Misty nodded with satisfaction, finally showing a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"Experience is a pile of embers with a little bit of residual warmth inside." The captain's words always carry a bit of philosophy, but what he actually wants to express is very simple:

"You have spent a long time in this university and know enough about this forest. Compared to the other guys on the boat, you still have enough residual warmth to keep warm... Stay here and close up in the forest. Those restless beasts, take them out of the Silent Forest at the right time and enjoy the delicious food you deserve!"

As he spoke, the Kraken closed his eyes, opened his arms, and took a deep breath.

It was as if he had smelled the fragrance of the blood of the young wizard coming from the campus on the other side of the silent forest.

In comparison, the banshee is much more rational.

"When is the right time...?" She asked cautiously, but she felt silent for herself for a few seconds in her heart. No matter how it sounds, the captain's arrangement is to make himself cannon fodder.

If the First University is so easily overwhelmed by a herd of beasts, wouldn't the annual black tide of silence be the most terrifying accident in the entire wizarding world? But in fact, the Black Tide of Silence didn't even destroy Beta Town a few times.

The captain's answer was very simple:

"When the stars come."

This answer is a bit vague, and Nikita really wants to ask again, what is starlight? When will the stars come? Will he lead the beasts to rush out after the starlight falls, or at the same time as the starlight falls? Where will the starlight fall? Can you raise a huge herd in the Silent Forest by yourself? She is just a little lich who has registered as a wizard!

Captain Misty quickly used practical actions to give the young banshee some confidence.

It led the banshee through the edge of the Silent Forest, and in a short period of time, she subdued a tribe of forest giants, a black dragon with three heads, and a group of Welsh green dragons.

The banshee was very satisfied and regarded the three-headed black dragon as her mount.

When the morning star lit up, a red light appeared on the horizon, and morning fog filled the woods, Nikita suddenly understood that this was a sign that the captain was about to leave.

"You won't stay here for long." Captain Mist stood in front of the surging white mist, looked at the young banshee, and threw her a domino:

"Maybe a month, maybe a week, maybe tomorrow, it won't be too long anyway... Don't worry about the lack of beasts you gathered, our allies have completed most of the tasks. You stay here, and you represent me. attitude. Take it and our allies will find you."

The confidence in the Banshee's heart finally increased a little more.

She even began to think about whether to take the initiative to do something - she originally planned to hide in a certain cave with the three-headed black dragon after the captain left, and then control the group of forest giants and Welsh Green Dragon to do things.

but now.

The figure of Captain Mist gradually disappeared into the depths of the white mist.

The banshee raised her head and looked across the stacked treetops to the red sun that jumped into her sight. Something called ambition grew inexplicably in her heart.

She realized one thing very early on, that is, this incident related to the Black Prison was not a unified action of the demon world. This visit to the Withered Land confirmed this.

A very significant fact is that during the entire process of visiting the Withered Land, Captain Misty did not follow the general etiquette to visit the real owner of the Withered Land. Both Sir Ulrich and the captain had a very tacit understanding and did not mention the behemoths behind them.

Such as the Siren King, or the Lich King.

The law of nature is that big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat small shrimps.

So when small fish start to steal food in the hunting grounds of big fish, can small shrimps also steal the bait of small fish?

Nikita closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and faced the sun. Her tongue felt warm, as if she had just swallowed a big mouthful of sunlight. The sun shines through the eyelids, leaving a colorful red patch on the retina. That piece of red was flowing and rolling, filled with countless mysterious symbols and patterns, which made the young banshee obsessed with it.

The red color made her feel warm.

When he opened his eyes again, the world was enveloped in a misty blue color.

Brand new. Brand new.

She knew that she was about to enter a new world.

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