Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 181 In the Dark Prison

This is a world shrouded in darkness.

The dark earth, the dark night sky, the dark world.

A pair of scarlet eyes quietly opened in the darkness and looked around.

The night covered its body, but not its skinny aura. Like a wild dog. It stretched out its skinny forelimbs, lowered its body, and crawled forward slowly like a real wild dog without making any movement.

This is the basic skill to survive in this dark world.

Because no one knows how many dangers are hidden in the darkness, and how many lives are buried behind the dangers.

The scarlet eyes flickered in the darkness, and the figure of the 'wild dog' became slower and slower. Finally, somewhere in the memory, it touched a dry leg bone.

Scarlet lit up for a moment.

He immediately disappeared.

There was a faint creaking sound in the silence.

The dry bones were ground into powder by the teeth and swallowed with saliva. The taste is a bit bland and there is really no nutrition. But in the dark prison, being able to find some food and struggling to survive is the greatest luck. It cannot expect more.

Thinking of the word extravagant hope, the creaking sound in the night stopped for a moment.

I wonder if it reminds me of the scenery under the blue sky and white clouds, or the freshness of fresh flesh and blood. Originally, after staying in this world for a long time, such words would not bring much fluctuation to its state of mind. But in recent days, for some reason, it has been thinking more and more about those words and the meaning behind those words.

Such as extravagant hope, such as hope, such as despair.

Just when the "creak" sound paused for a moment, a dull rumbling sound suddenly came from the dark night sky above. Like a thunderstorm in a distant place.

The scarlet eyes raised and looked towards the sky.

The night sky above our heads was not a bright starry sky, but layers of black clouds. It is said that there is a terrifying magic circle hidden behind those clouds, which can easily strangle a big monster. When it was thrown into this world, it was just a real demon with a little fame, equivalent to the registered wizards in the Witch Union, and had no chance to experience the terror of those magic circles.

It could only feel the oppression beneath those clouds.

Thick clouds covered everything.

On a normal day, those clouds don't fluctuate at all for months, years, or even decades. Even if a newcomer is thrown in from outside by the wizards, it will not cause a ripple in those black clouds.

But in the recent period - it may be a few days, maybe a few months, or even longer, because for the residents living in this black world, time has no meaning - in short, the recent period, There was more and more movement among the clouds.

Sometimes there is a continuous flash of light behind the clouds.

Sometimes there would be a continuous rumbling sound from behind the clouds.

Sometimes, the clouds would even break through a hole, and some wizards in black robes would fall down.

It had seen such a scene from a distance once before. The black-robed wizards were like bird-men with open wings, slowly falling along the sky. Although it was far away, it could vaguely smell the coveted scent coming from those wizards through the dull wind in the darkness.

Many demons who lost their minds rushed towards the skylight like moths towards the light. Then it turned into puffs of fly ash. Although it was weak, it still had enough sense. It did not seek death like those of its kind, but looked at the skylight with cold eyes like other old demons who had stayed in the dark prison for countless years.

One end of the skylight is connected to the world outside the darkness, and the other end is connected to the strongholds in the dark world. Those are the strongholds that belong to wizards and are used to supervise the prisoners in this dark prison. It once wondered whether the wizards wanted to completely destroy the prisoners in this world, otherwise why would they send such a large number of wizards into the Black Prison.

until today.

There was strange movement again from behind the clouds.

After the rumbling sound, the clouds were not completely quiet. Suddenly a whirlpool appeared among the clouds. The whirlpool was very small at first, like an underripe green bean, but soon, the whirlpool turned faster and faster, and became larger and larger. In a moment, the green bean turned into a bottomless black hole.

Different from the past, today the other end of the cave is not dazzling by the skylight, but a bright starlight.


A huge figure broke through the starlight, got out of the vortex, and fell heavily into this dark world.

That's a roc.

It spread its wings as if it could cover the entire sky. But this world is already very dark. Even if it covers the entire sky, it will not cause more changes in this world.

On the contrary, its appearance attracted many coveted eyes.

"Come down."

A generous spiritual thought led the roc to fall from the sky.

At the same time, a huge palm protruded from the ground, with its fingers spread out and flattened, like a makeshift tarmac.

The Dapeng accurately fell into the palm of the hand.

Then he clenched and closed his palms, and disappeared into the boundless darkness again in the blink of an eye. There were several long and shrill howls faintly heard in the distance, accompanied by dots of scarlet, giving the night a terrifying color.

The 'Wild Dog' chewed the dry bone powder in his mouth, feeling annoyance rising in his heart, and kept replaying the brilliance just after the whirlpool in his mind.

The bone meal, which can usually suppress the hunger fire, for some reason today, becomes less and less flavorful the more I chew it.

Scarlet eyes flickered in the darkness.

Finally, it brought the bone to a ravine.

Unlike other places in the dark world, there is a persistent smell of sulfur lingering over this ravine. The 'Wild Dog' bit the bone, chose a shallow place in the ravine, spread his fingers, and started digging into the black gravel.

The ravine gradually deepened and widened under its excavation.

I don't know when a little dark red appeared in the deep darkness. The dark red slowly flowed between the skinny fingers, gathered together, and soon formed a small pool of orange-red.

This is magma underground.

It is also one of the few colors and flavors in this world that belongs to the prisoners.

The orange-red light shone on the face of the 'wild dog', revealing a pale, skin-covered face that looked like a skeleton. It stared greedily at the lava and thought of the spicy hot pot it had eaten a long, long time ago. The bottom of the pot was also the same color.

Then he put the bone he was biting into the 'hot pot base' and rinsed it.

There is an oily, burnt smell coming out of the bones, which is so fascinating.

It took a deep breath, wanting to lock that breath firmly in its chest, wanting to drive away the bright starry sky in its mind, as well as the huge roc bird that could fly freely.

In the distance, another fire lights up from time to time.

The hot magma is rolling in the ravines, bringing some light to the world, but like fireflies in the night, such a little light cannot bring hope, but makes the world seem more desperate.

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