Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 184 The First Prisoner

Just like the desert cannot get rid of dryness and the rainforest cannot get rid of moisture, the thing that can never get rid of in the black prison is the ubiquitous cold atmosphere.

Even in the Black Prison Castle.

Separated by thick stone walls, multiple layers of exquisitely carved runes, and powerful magical barriers, that cold aura is still entangled around every wizard who appears in this world.

There is draft in the corridor, and the coldness in the wind is particularly strong.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Ophiopogon shuddered and woke up.

She muttered something under her breath. One side was the captain's broad and warm chest, while the other side was as cold as if it was drying in the ice and snow. Even through the thick cloak, the coolness could still penetrate.

The little witch could not go back to sleep.

She poked her head out of the captain's cloak and took a look outside.

"Where are you?" she asked confusedly.

"It's almost there. You can sleep a little longer." Zhang Boren patted her head comfortingly, indicating that she could continue to rest for a while. However, the little witch did not follow his request and put her head back into the cloak. Instead, she suddenly flashed her big eyes and stared at the gray hair of the black-robed wizard who was leading the way.

"Zhang Yu?" She greeted in a cheerful voice.

The wizard responsible for guiding him turned back with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"Ophiopogon japonicus." He nodded and said softly: "Professor Li Qihuang is in the lounge in front... He just prepared a batch of high-quality recovery potions today. You will regain your strength in no time."

The little witch, also known as Maidong, blinked indifferently, looked away from the wizard who was leading the way, and looked to the left and right: "Is this a black prison? It feels similar to the basement of the Ishikawa family..."

The young swordsman, who had been silent throughout, finally spoke.

"There's a big difference." His voice fit perfectly with the atmosphere of the castle. He was equally indifferent, but with a little more patience: "The basement of the Ishikawa family won't hold so many monsters."

Maidong finally noticed the wooden doors with narrow wind tunnels on both sides of the corridor.

"Are there monsters locked behind those doors?" Her voice was full of surprise: "I thought they would be locked up in a very strict, very strict place... but they are so close to us!"

"The prisoners held here are all low-risk prisoners." Zhang Yu turned around and explained with a smile: "And they are not necessarily demons. Some wizards who have committed serious crimes will also be imprisoned here."

"Low-risk prisoners?" This statement aroused the interest of the witch in the team. She got slightly closer to one of the cells and glanced at the leading wizard.

Zhang Yu stopped and smiled at her, but did not stop her move.

The witch looked into the cell with relief.

Separated from the narrow wind tunnel, there is a slightly spacious single room inside. The walls are green and black, and they are carved with various complicated runes. There is a soft carpet under the feet, and there are a few white candles hanging above the head. But that wasn't what surprised the witch the most.

What surprised the witch the most was that there were bookshelves, desks, sofas, coffee tables, and even a single bed that looked very warm in this cell. There is a pink rabbit on the bedside, playing with the carrot in his hand.

If she didn't know it was a prison cell, she would have even thought she was looking at a wizard's study.

Sitting behind the desk was a gentle witch, wearing a dark red robe, her legs bent between the large armchairs, barefoot, holding a potions textbook in her hand and reading with relish.

Zhu Ling thought her face looked familiar.

But before she could think about it, the prisoners in the room seemed to notice the watching eyes outside the wind tunnel. She put down the textbook in her hand, smiled and waved to the door, saying hello.

The witch outside the door was so frightened that she immediately retracted her head.

Then she realized the inconsistency in the scene just now.

"" The visitor pointed to the cell and then to the top of the head. There was a bit of confusion on his face, so he seemed to stutter when he spoke.

"What did you see?" Zhang Boren also approached curiously.

The swordsman named Ishikawa might also want to take a look, but he was too embarrassed to squeeze in with the captain, so he could only stare at the back of the captain's head. The dwarf Balin didn't mind squeezing, but he was too short. , even if you stand on tiptoes, you can't reach the handle of the door, let alone the narrow wind tunnel above the handle.

This made him fold his arms, indignant, and even his forehead turned a little red.

Zhang Boren quickly withdrew his gaze.

"That's a witch!" His voice was full of surprise: "It's definitely a witch, not contaminated... even a child can see this."

"I didn't see it!" Maidong, who was hiding in his arms, protested loudly and wanted to stretch his head to take a look, but was held down by his captain.

"Once." The wizard responsible for guiding replied softly: "She was once a witch. Now she is just a prisoner."


"Because she allowed two demons to leave without permission and leaked the secrets of the prison at the same time. The Supreme Court of Denhag sentenced her to fifty years in prison without the possibility of parole."

"But aren't such criminals held in Danhag's prison? Why is she being held in a black jail!"

"She used to be the guard of the Black Prison." Zhang Yu replied simply.

There was a sudden silence in the corridor.

Until the swordsman named Ishikawa raised his confusion: "...Do you think she looks a bit familiar?"

"Yes, yes, I thought it was an illusion just now." Zhu Ling nodded immediately.

"That's because she once served as a practical lecturer at First University and was responsible for the practical guidance of some graduates." Zhang Yu turned around and continued walking deeper into the castle: "You may not have taken her class, but It doesn’t stop me from thinking she looks familiar.”

The hunters of Kunpeng Hunting Team had to give up watching in front of the cell and keep up with Zhang Yu's pace.

The voice of the guiding wizard sounded deep in the corridor, mixed with the dark wind in the hall, and seemed particularly cold: "...I don't know if you have any impression of the name Nikita. She once served as Nikita's instructor. Back then After the accident, because of that major mistake, she was stripped of her teaching position and sent to a black prison as a guard. Then, she secretly released an infected person with a special status in the black prison. "

"I've heard about this... the infected person is her daughter." The witch in the team suddenly spoke up and interrupted.

Zhang Yu's steps paused.

"She knows, you know, we all know," his voice was calm, but there was a bit of cruelty in it: "When a wizard is infected by a demon, what will the final outcome be like...especially if the wizard is... As a child, choices are always difficult, and we must be responsible for our own choices.”

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