Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 185 The Second Prisoner

"The law treats demons equally, but that doesn't mean the same is true in the Black Prison."

"We all know that different monsters are born for different reasons... Some are born as monsters, some fall after being attacked by monsters, some are smart and want to rely on the erosion of monsters to break through the shackles of rank, and some are fighting for a long time with monsters. Infected by evil spirit."

"The Black Prison treats different monsters differently."

"Innocent people who have fallen in the line of duty and been harmed by demons will be imprisoned in the cells of the Black Hell Castle. In these cells, they can get limited food and a quiet environment, and can touch a ray of light... Maybe, maybe at some point in the future, they can escape this madness and regain a new lease of life.”

"Native monsters, monsters on wanted notices, and monsters captured by hunting teams will be thrown outside the castle. They will struggle and wait for death in that dry hell."

"In the world of Hell, the most terrifying punishment is not being caught by wizards for experiments, or being locked up in a small dark room."

"After all, as a test subject, there is still the concept of 'living'. Even if life is worse than death, you are still alive; being locked in a small dark room, although it is pitch black in front of you, there are boundaries around you after all. Touching those boundaries in the darkness, The spirit will have support and the soul will feel inexplicably safe.”

"The truly horrific punishment is to be thrown into the dark world outside."

"That world where only darkness and despair survive. With arms spread out and groping around, there is an emptiness in the darkness. Your feet will also become soft. If there is not a strong enough anchor to anchor your spirit, then over time, you will lose It will not only be a sense of direction, but also something called 'sanity'."

While Zhang Yu was explaining everything in the Black Prison, he led the Kunpeng hunting team deep into the Black Prison Castle. As the steps continued to go down, the air around them became colder and colder, and everyone involuntarily wrapped their cloaks tightly around them.

The little witch Maidong was holding Zhang Boren's chest, revealing only a pair of eyes, looking at the boring and depressing walls, cells and cell doors around her with relish.

Then she caught a glimpse of a beautiful 'neon light' flashing at the vent of a prison door.


She poked the captain's arm with her finger and motioned for him to move closer to the direction of the 'neon light'.

Zhang Boren secretly glanced at the wizard leading the way, and his toes deviated slightly, approaching the prison door. The tall witch walking behind the two men glared at her captain fiercely, and finally remained silent.

Through the window of the cell door, Maidong saw clearly what the 'neon light' really looked like.

It was a completely corrupted demon, with almost no traces of a wizard on its body, just a vaguely 'human form' with some meaning. It was nearly two meters long, covered in carapace, and was pink in color, glowing slightly in the dim cell. Its back drags a pair of bat wings - or dorsal fins or membrane wings - and multiple pairs of jointed limbs grow on its front abdomen.

The 'neon light' that Maidong saw belonged to the head of this monster.

Its head - or the position of its head - is an ellipsoid covered with wrinkles, with numerous very short tentacles growing on it. The roots of the tentacles have many swirling oval tumors, and those tumors are the ones that glow. They gather together like a fly's compound eyes, flashing with dazzling spots of light.

Maidong's little head involuntarily emerged from the captain's cloak, supporting his upper body, looking at the colorful spots with fascination.

The light spot seemed to notice the little witch's observation, and flickered more frequently.


A huge crash broke the tranquility in the castle. Through the thick magic barrier, the terrifying figure of the demon slammed into the cell door, and several arthropods that shone with cold light stretched out from the gap. Catch the little witch.

Buzz! !

Along with the flickering of those light spots, the demon's tentacles swayed desperately, making an indistinct sound, like the vibrating sound of a tuning fork being rubbed, with a bit of adhesion in the metallic texture.

Zhang Boren was startled and took a step back.

Not only him, but also the assistant coach Zhang Yu who led the team, and the other three hunters of Kunpeng Hunting Team were all frightened by the sudden riot of the demon. The hunters even subconsciously put up a defensive formation, and several brilliant magical rays of light Blooming under the young hunter's robe, the dwarf had already carried his multi-barreled rune cannon.

The confrontation lasted more than ten seconds.

"Back off! Back off!"

Accompanied by noisy footsteps, several jailors rushed over from both directions in the passage at the same time, signaling the guests to leave the cell door. They dragged long black staffs, the tips of which were decorated with brass textures.

"A warning!"

The staffs in the hands of the jailers knocked hard on the cell door, making a clanging sound. Zhang Boren noticed that the prisoners who were watching the excitement behind other cell doors shrank back into the depths of the cells after hearing the sound.

But the red crustacean monster not only did not retreat, but instead extended its jointed limbs farther outward.

"I'm buzzing... buzzing..."

Its vague sound is like two wildly stirring tuning forks, making it difficult to hear what it wants to express: "Go buzz buzz... squeak buzz buzz... Go..."

"This is a mutated Mi Go," Zhu Ling whispered in the ear of her captain: "A fallen person who can survive in outer space and likes to collect the brains of wizards. Ordinary Mi Go is not high in rank, but this mutant Mi Go Ge…it’s hard to judge.”

"Second warning!!"

The metal-decorated tips of the staffs in the hands of the jailers suddenly emitted blue-white lightning and made a crackling sound at the same time.

The Migo obviously knew the power of electric light. The flashing light spots on its oval head changed from intense red-yellow to fearful blue-green, and the tentacles on its head clearly fled backwards.

But its claws were still clinging to the railing of the cell door, and there was a fierce conflict between its body and consciousness.

"Go buzz buzz...!!" The metal vibrating sound of the tuning fork colliding became more and more intense.

"Three warnings!!"

The jailers showed no expression on their faces, and without hesitation, they thrust the metal tips of their flashing electric rods into the cells.

Blue electric light illuminated the entire cell.

The crackling sound was intertwined with the Mi-Go's brutal howling, causing the cells along the entire corridor to fall into deathly silence. The young hunters of Kunpeng Hunting Team stared at this scene with blank faces.

In the New World, they had seen worse conditions than this.

The lightning was raging, and in just a moment, the strong smell of barbecue came from the cell. It tastes like cooked prawns.

The Mi.G's claws were still on the bars of the cell door.

The buzzing sound was also much weaker: "Gobong...zhibong..."


A tall figure appeared at the door of the cell with a sound of wind.

"what happened?"

He asked in a stern voice: "Why are there riots!"

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