Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 187 Mismatch

Lao Yao bit his pipe and glanced at her.

"This kind of thing... is clearly stipulated in the school regulations. Members of the professors' joint meeting and the principals of the college are not allowed to interfere with the personnel arrangements of the student self-government organization." The dean of Jiuyou College replied seriously: "So I am You are not allowed to express your opinion on this matter.”


"I'm not going to answer hypothetical questions."

"Then what do you think..."

"There is a word called 'darkness under the lamp'. In other words, I always neglect the students of Jiuyou Academy in one way or another. So I don't have much feeling." The professor refused to give the female fortune teller a little bit of divination. clue.

Zhu Ling paused for a moment, changed her question, and asked persistently: "What about the Alpha School of Law? Which student from the Alpha School of Law do you prefer?"

"It's useless for me to like it." Professor Yao finally stopped and chose to end the topic: "But as far as I know, the students at the Alpha Academy prefer the little guy named Serprano... Okay That’s it, it’s time for you to report.”

After saying that, he pushed open the small black door beside him and made a gesture of invitation.

Light suddenly flooded into the eyes of the young hunters.

Behind the door is a spacious and bright hall. The hall is so high that it does not reach the top, and above the head is a void with dots of starlight; the ground is a shiny brass floor, which is covered with exquisite runes, and from time to time, silver-white magic power flashes between the runes.

Countless thick wax torches hung upside down in the void, casting down patches of orange light, covering the entire hall in a color that seemed like the afterglow of the setting sun.

At the end of the hall sat several huge beings, ranging from tens to hundreds of meters tall. They were wearing loose wizard robes, sitting casually, and their whole bodies were emitting soft, colorful light, like hills. The wizards standing at the foot of these 'hills' couldn't see their faces clearly even if they raised their necks.

Zhang Boren vaguely saw the huge dinner plates placed in front of the great wizards who revealed their true identities. The plates contained whole sauce-flavored horned dragons and giant squids. The great wizards tore off the dragon's legs casually and chewed them slowly. The blood everywhere was filled with the concept of power, making the sturdy hunter subconsciously swallow a few mouthfuls of saliva.

In the center of the hall, there is a row of black stone platforms with railings embedded in them, which look like bank counters.

The counter has dozens of windows.

In front of every window, there is a long queue, neatly arranged and moving slowly.

Everyone in the team is a wizard, wearing black or gray wizard robes, and some also wear various pointed hats. There were no pets running around, and no wizards whispering to each other.

Except for the great wizards eating snacks, the entire hall seemed orderly, quiet and silent.

"You are among the last batch of reported hunters," the professor stood behind the young wizards and added: "Most of the time, the divination team will assign tasks to hunting teams as independent units... But this is war, any hunting team Injuries are inevitable.”

"The Divination Team will keep an eye on the damaged hunting teams at all times and conduct 'organic mismatching' of these damaged hunting teams to ensure that the hunting team's full combat effectiveness is maintained to the greatest extent."

"So you need to register your specialties, rank, and the time you got the registration certificate here to enrich the information about the divination group... Now, line up to register according to your respective categories."

After saying that, the professor's figure suddenly disappeared from where he was.

Several young wizards looked at each other.

The dwarf Balin was the first to leave the hunting party and ran towards the queue that was obviously composed of dwarves, giants and dwarfs.

Deep in the Black Prison Castle, Professor Yao and several young hunters who had returned from the new world were discussing the candidates for the new Lei Zhe and Augustus.

First University, Alpha Fort.

In the private lounge of the Cullen family, Sir Friedman was also preparing an obviously 'mismatched' letter for this matter:

"There is such a kind of person who is ordinary, ordinary and not eye-catching at all."

“Neither tall nor low, neither fat nor thin, neither beautiful nor ugly, neither famous nor unknown, just like the gears on a machine, making people look dazzled, but they are inconspicuously submerged in a lot of Among the same kind.”

"This state is called mediocrity."

"A mediocre person must have a good temper. Because if you have a bad temper, it will be difficult for you to be mediocre. Because your temper will make you pop up like an awl in a bag."

"A mediocre person must have a stable character. He likes a stable life, a quiet life, regular and peaceful. He will never learn to be a paranoid moth and throw himself into a trap in front of the light."

"Mediocre people always do things within their field of vision. Their sight will never go beyond the world beyond their calculations. They always like to do things with very certain consequences. Just like me, I always know my next move. What are the consequences of an action, such as the consequences of you reading this letter?”

"According to this situation, a mediocre person will not have a great future in his life. At most, he can get the title of registered wizard step by step, then get an ordinary marriage, live an ordinary life, and finally be quiet. of leaving this world.”

"For many people, this kind of day is very beautiful and worth yearning for."

"Similarly, for many people, this life is a life of despair."

"A person's life is really short. Even if you are a great wizard, your life is only a short three to five thousand years. For any kind of immortal species, this time is a bit shabby; for the vast universe, There is simply no way to describe the endless unknown and this amount of time in words.”


"In other words, no one knows that you have been in this world except yourself."

"When your own consciousness is blurred, who will know that there was once a person in this world who had some brilliant ideas? When you turn into a handful of loess, the reptiles that crawl in and out of your body cannot touch it. To the spark that once flickered in your mind.”

"I always shudder when I think about it."

"My family hopes that I can take on the glory of the moon, but I understand that I am just a mediocre existence, and I like things that are stable and organized."

"Glory does not belong to mediocrity."

"So, the glory does not belong to me."

Friedman stood in front of the desk, with one hand in his coat pocket and the other holding the back of the chair. He looked at an oil painting of sunflowers hanging on the wall and murmured. A self-analysis narrated by himself.

There are big problems in the whole letter.

But the message the letter wants to convey can be read by even a primary school student.

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