Monster Hunting High School

Extra 7: The story before Extra 2 (1)

[ps, for the reason of recent updates, there are explanations in the related works, please move here. 】

[ps, this extra story takes place in the spring after the winter vacation, before the cold war between Zheng Qing and Irina. The young public-funded student lost his mind and wrote a letter of breakup to the witch... This chapter is paired with the second extra chapter at the end of the sixth volume. The effect is Better. 】


I must admit that my feelings for you started out of curiosity.

For someone like me, who had grown up pretty much in my own skin, it was very tempting to do something beyond my imagination (like have a romantic love affair with an exotic gypsy witch).

Lucky for me, I met you.

It's unfortunate that you met me.

You are everything I hoped for: you are so unexpectedly beautiful, passionate, and charming. You accepted my reckless invitation so unexpectedly. You are such an unexpected Holy Spirit.

However, I overestimated my abilities.

I am just a little wizard with mediocre qualifications, and a very old-fashioned, very uninteresting little wizard.

Just like the little scale in my heart. On one side is the goodwill and curiosity about you. The other side, at first, was empty. The scales are always tilted towards you.

Whenever you conflict with my choices, I will always go along with you with a smile and never show my hurt. Because I think the feeling is mutual. When I take care of your feelings, you will also take care of mine.

It wasn't until the balance was unknowingly filled with weights that I realized what a selfish guy I was.

I selfishly gave you a hundred chances, but never said it once. When you unknowingly used up these hundred opportunities, I left with peace of mind and felt that no explanation was needed.

I don't know why I'm writing this, I just thought I'd let you know what I think.

When I'm with you, I'm too stupid to speak.

After I wrote it, I felt that it was not actually what I wanted to say..."

This letter comes to an end.

The string of ellipses at the end may mean that the owner of the letter is depressed and his mind is blank, so he can't write any more; or it may just be that the letter paper has limited space and cannot accommodate those crooked calligraphy that are as big as the size of a fingertip.

On a sunny day in spring, Cang Geng is heard singing.

The oriole outside the window sang in the warm sunshine and gentle breeze, cheering for the young wizards who were studying hard.

Elena was sitting on the fixed seat on the third floor of the library, holding the letter in her hand, looking at the letter with a smile in the spring sunshine.

The pale cyan letter paper was stamped with a whitish hyacinth watermark, just like the witch's mood at the moment.

"What a pure little guy."

The gypsy witch held her chin in one hand and held the letter paper between her other fingers. She looked at the sunlight shining through the back of the paper and the shadows of white hyacinths swaying on the table. She suddenly smiled and added:

"And he's a confused little guy."

Not long after the blue paper crane flew away, Zheng Qing regretted it.

But for the sake of face, men always like to persist when they shouldn't.

He sat behind the desk in his dormitory, looking out the window eagerly, hoping that the blue paper crane would peck the glass on the window with a reply.

This absent-minded mood affects his state very much.

Xiao Xiao noticed this.

"Why don't you go to the library to review your homework with Elena today?" He took off his glasses, rubbed the corners of his eyes, and yawned heavily: " can't study alone anyway."

"We're done." The young public-funded student replied with a low voice and a stiff voice.


This scream was not Xiao Xiao's voice, but came from behind Zheng Qing, from Fatty Xin's bed.

Xiao Xiao was also a little surprised, but he just put down the hand that was rubbing the corners of his eyes and took a serious look at Zheng Qing, as if he wanted to know if he was joking.

"Ah what!" Zheng Qing squeezed a ball of paper and threw it into the fat man's tent.

"I mean... are you done?" The fat man's head emerged from the curtain, looking like a tabloid reporter catching big news.

Zheng Qing snorted, suddenly feeling less regretful.

"Of course it's over." He looked cold and said in a calm tone: "If we continue, I should be sitting in the library or the Jota restaurant now... instead of listening to your boring words here."

"But," Xiao Xiao had put his glasses back on and looked at the young public-funded student with a serious expression: "...Why? There is always a reason for everything to happen. If I remember correctly, you were still together yesterday. Bar."

As he spoke, he poked his head.

"Huh." Zheng Qing didn't bother to answer this kind of question - or in other words, he didn't know how to answer it. Was he going to tell his companions that he was just acting impulsively?

"It's good to divide it!"

The fat man got out of the bed at some point, rubbed his hands, and analyzed in a serious manner: "... According to my opinion, you didn't like her from the beginning, you were just curious about the difference between her and you, who has gypsy blood. , your interest is more in curiosity than love..."

Zheng Qing tilted his head back slightly, frowned, and listened.

Fatty's analysis unexpectedly matched the content of his letter - even though Fatty was just a single guy - are all the reasons boys can think of for breaking up so similar?

This is a philosophical topic worth discussing.

"...So, long live the end!"

Fatty Xin raised his arms, raised the fat cat high above his head, shook it vigorously, and shouted: "I have always wanted to tell you that you should find a friend with a similar bloodline to yourself, no matter how hard it is, Guaranteed to be of relatively pure earth origin. You know, those gypsy wizards always have some weird ideas, just like yours. Don’t you think she smells a little weird?”

Tuantuan was dizzy from being shaken by him, screamed, and stretched out his sharp claws, leaving a few superficial marks on Banner's arm.

"Taste?" Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows curiously.

The fat man put Fat Cat into his arms again, pondered for a moment, and then said in a more adequate way: "...that very strong fragrance, I don't know what you think, anyway, I can't breathe around her. ”

"Isn't that deodorant?" the young public-funded student muttered, silently defending in his heart: "I think she smells very good."

"I seem to smell the smell of broken love." Dylan quietly crawled out of the coffin, looking at the public-funded students with a faint look, and sighed in a low voice like a magic stick: "...This is a sign that spring is coming to an end. ”

Zheng Qing was startled by the sudden sound.

He looked up at the sky.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping at this point?" Zheng Qing reminded, pointing to the sun still hanging in the sky.

"Sleeping is not as good as the smell of broken love." Mr. Vampire Werewolf did not hide his gloating nature at all: "It would be even more delicious if you were covered in blood after being chopped by Elena with a hatchet."

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