Monster Hunting High School

Extra 8: The story before Extra 2 (2)

"I have a proposal."


"Let's eat meat!" A huge smile broke out on Fatty Xin's face.


Zheng Qing replied fiercely: "Not only do you have to eat meat, but you also have to drink wine! Eat big chunks of meat and drink big gulps! Just like the heroes of Liangshan, they are vigorous, joyful and never entangled!"

"You can also meet new girls." Dylan forgot about his covetous love for 'Broken Love Blood' in the blink of an eye, and focused on the longer-term goal, excitedly saying: "Where to eat? Jota? Eating sheep parrots? The Halfpenny Tavern?”

The fat man glanced at him sideways, raised his arm, and shook the watch on his wrist:

“Eat in the dormitory!”

Dylan suddenly slid back to the coffin in the tent like a deflated rubber ball, and soon only half of his head was left outside. Like a giant black snail.

The fat man patted Zheng Qing's shoulder comfortingly: "Don't worry, it's good to eat and drink, let's vent... From tomorrow on, you will be a good man again!"

"Speaking of heroes, where is the Liangshan Mountain you just mentioned?" Dylan, who had only half his head still outside the coffin, stopped his downward trend and asked curiously: "I do know about Kunlun, the Alps, and Olympus. …Are the heroes in Liangshan famous?”

Zheng Qing blinked, hesitating how to answer this question.

Xiao Xiao opened his notebook in time.

"The black wizard group in Liangshanshuibo is a group of evil wizards polluted by the depths of the starry sky. They call themselves the 'Children of the Stars'."

The doctor pointed to the red-lined part of the note, held it up to the coffin, and explained enthusiastically: "They used the names of different stars as their nicknames, causing great turmoil in Middle-earth in the eleventh century... In the end These wizards were sentenced by the Qingzhou Circuit Court of Danhag High Court to be exiled to an unexplored new world. Their deeds were also one of the reasons that promoted the birth of "Wizards' Hidden". At the 856th meeting of the Wizards United Conference After a long discussion..."

Zheng Qing's eyes widened and he was stunned. Facing Dylan's questioning gaze, he could only nod reluctantly, saying that he could not provide any more information.

"Sounds like they've done a lot of things?" Dylan drilled out a little, exposing his entire head.

Xiao Xiao glanced at him:

"If you'd like to come down and have a drink, I can tell you those stories."

Mr. Vampire Werewolf stopped admonishing and quickly slid out of the coffin again. At the same time, he explained to the other two roommates in the dormitory: "Since the doctor is willing to share more knowledge... then I naturally have to respect his patience. "

The fat man looked at him and said nothing.

The student dormitory area is limited and the rules are very strict. It is not possible to have a barbecue in the dormitory. Fatty Xin suggested eating meat, which was naturally cooked meat that had been cooked and braised.

When the fat man was skillfully arranging the dishes at the table, Zheng Qing finally couldn't hold himself back anymore, nuzzled up to the doctor, whispered in his ear: "What do you think of this matter?"

"What's the matter? Liangshan heroes?" The doctor looked confused.

"Elena." Zheng Qing's face was dark, and it took a lot of effort to suppress his violent impulse: "A letter of renunciation."

"Oh, no idea."

"Eh?" This answer caught the young public-sponsored student off guard: "No?!"

"Why do I have to have an opinion?"

"No, it's not necessary...but I think," Zheng Qing didn't know how to express his thoughts, so he thought about it and said another way: "...I want to know, do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing? ?”

"Good or bad is the shadow reflected in other people's eyes."

Xiao Xiao picked up a meat skewer from the table and waved it in front of Zheng Qing's eyes:

"Just like this meat skewer, some people think it's fat, others think it's delicious... You can face the abuse with a smile, but in the eyes of some people, it's shameful and embarrassing, and it's a sign of your inability to establish your own prestige; But in the eyes of some people, this is a sign of being cheerful, generous, not quarreling with others, and full of magnanimity; of course, it does not rule out that in the eyes of some people with special hobbies, you are a person with the invisible M attribute. "

Zheng Qing took the meat skewer with a messy look and took a big bite.

Oil blooms on the tip of the tongue, mixed with rich spices, giving the meat a rich flavor. Although it was taken out of the watch, the meat skewers were still warm as they had just come out of the oven, which added to the appetite.

Fatty Xin handed over a glass of cold butter beer at the right moment.

"Come on, come on, this is a specialty of Hogsmeade," he solicited enthusiastically, like a waiter in a tavern: "When my uncle visited Hogwarts last year, he specially brought it to me... Try it, come and try it.”

Zheng Qing unconsciously took the glass of beer and drank a few gulps.

The cold wine flowed through his mouth, washing away the taste of the barbecue and clearing the mind of the young public-funded student.

Dylan and Fatty were talking excitedly in their ears: "I heard that mixing butterbeer and Green Hornet can give you the taste of tea, and it will have more stamina... Do you have Green Hornet in your mouth?" "

"Joke!" The fat man sneered again and again: "If you want a hundred and eighty pounds, I may not be able to get it... But the presence or absence of such words is an insult to my reputation as a gourmet!"

Zheng Qing stuck out his tongue and licked the remaining taste at the corner of his mouth.

That's the taste of beer mixed with barbecue.

"No one eats meat skewers because they think it smells bad. Everyone eats it because it smells good." He first denied Xiao Xiao's initial example, and then emphasized his point of view:

"What kind of world do you think we live in? Our bodies may live in an objective world, but our consciousness lives in another subjective world. That subjective world is composed of everyone's opinions and understandings."

"The meat skewers don't smell bad, but there is a difference between fat and thin." Xiao Xiao picked up another piece of braised pork with chopsticks, lifted it up, and let the thick gravy drip down slowly: "... Why should we refer to others for what we think? Views?"

"What do you think the meaning of our lives is?" Zheng Qing gave up arguing with Xiao Xiao over food and took two more sips of beer. His earlobes were already a little warm:

"If living is to eat and continue to live, what is the difference between it and the walking dead? Aren't we living to pursue other people's praise, other people's envy, and even other people's hatred? In other words, we actually live in the eyes of others ”

"Slow consciousness."

While chatting, Xiao Xiao imitated Dylan's technique, mixing Green Bee, Amber Light, Siren Rum and Butter Beer, and took a careful sip.

Then his eyes lit up and he drank it all in one breath.

This made his face turn a little pale, and his voice became much more slurred when he spoke: "...Do you still think that you are a white man living in the eyes of others? Wrong, wrong, wrong!"

"When you get that notice, you have already left the world you thought you were. The worldview you established has collapsed at that time. In this brand new world..."

He opened his arms and the wine in the glass splashed everywhere, causing the elves to curse. They were used to a tidy and clean environment and were a little unprepared for the chaos in the dormitory in front of them.

Fat Cat Tuantuan had escaped from Fatty Xin's bed at some point and was squatting on the window sill, squinting his eyes and holding his paws, looking at the chaos in front of him with a sneer.

"...In this brand new world," the doctor said loudly, having completely forgotten the topic he discussed with Zheng Qing: "Your spirit has a wider independence... The world! The world! Everyone is an independent person. The world! The theme of our world is decided by ourselves! It has nothing to do with others!”

"No melons!!" The fat man blushed and shouted loudly: "The cantaloupes haven't come out yet, and the watermelons have been eaten... There are no melons in the watch! There are melon seeds!"

Zheng Qing ate barbecue, drank wine, and listened to the talk of his roommates, his eyes a little straight.

At the end, Xiao Xiao hugged his neck again and said something shocking:

"No matter how exquisite the food you eat, it's just shit in the end. Do you want to never eat again because of this realization?"

"Get away!"

"Shut up!"

"You want to eat shit?!"

The other three shouted angrily in unison.

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