Monster Hunting High School

Extra 9: The story before Extra 2 (End)

"For meat!" Fatty Xin raised his glass.

"To be able to wear sloppy, free, casual clothes!" Zheng Qing shouted vaguely.

"For the dormitory, for you to return to the group!" The wolf nature in Dylan's heart seemed to be gradually getting wild.

"For a better future, more choices!" Xiao Xiao made the final decision.


The four glasses slammed together, causing a splash of beer.

After three rounds of wine, the five tastes of meat are gone.

The young wizards were all a little drunk.

Fat Cat carefully avoided the young wizard who was going crazy in the dormitory. He glanced at the chicken legs stained with beer foam in disgust and began to think about whether he should secretly urinate in Fatty Xin's wine glass.

Anyway, cat urine, horse urine or beer all taste the same.

The fat man didn't notice the malice in Fat Cat's eyes.

Because he was a little drunk, Zheng Qingzheng grabbed his arm and poured out the bitter water:

"...You know, I'm not good at expressing myself in public places, and I can't give her a romantic feeling... It feels like she and I are completely in two different worlds. Although we are very close, our hearts are far apart. Even though we are the same because of the same It’s just a joke, but it doesn’t bring our souls closer together.”

"...You know, when we sit together, although I will stare at her face intently and be happy with her happiness, I always feel that there is an invisible barrier between us. You know, her personality She is very open, her behavior is very casual, and her makeup is always fashionable.”

"I can't stand it. I tried to respect her habits, try her recipes, imitate her style, but you know, it all failed..."

Thinking of those mushy foods and gaseous drinks, Zheng Qing suddenly felt flustered and uncomfortable. The wine glass in his hand slammed heavily on the table, and his whole body slid from the chair to the bottom of the table as if he had no bones.

Just like a maggot that can't find food.

Xiao Xiao flipped through the Dharma book and used four or five vines to drag the young public-funded student out from under the table. The vines were placed under Zheng Qing's armpits, like two crutches, supporting him from falling further.

"Do you have any plans for your four-year college career?" Xiao Xiao started a new topic, trying to make the atmosphere at the table a little more relaxed.

Zheng Qing's eyes were dim, he turned his head and asked vaguely: "Career? What are your plans..."

"Stupid!" Fatty Xin grabbed a chicken leg, as if Odin was waving his scepter, and a blue meaning flashed across his round face: "What the doctor means is, do you have any plans for the four years of college? Do you have any plans?" What an idea!”

"Plan..." Zheng Qing shook his groggy head. He felt like he was standing on the edge of a surging river, with the raging river at his feet, and he was trying to maintain a balance of consciousness between reality and chaos. .

Fatty Xin couldn't hold back, raised the chicken drumstick in his hand high, and took the lead in expressing his ambition: "The plan is to eat all the delicious food all over Ji Island! Find the endless secrets of the Silent Forest! Let the entire wizarding world be under my control The quill is trembling!"

This ambition was not praised by his companions, but instead provoked laughter.

"Do you think you are the owner of Sanwei Bookstore or the owner of Baicao Garden?" Dylan's poisonous tongue was as sharp as his fangs: "You alone want the wizarding world to tremble under your quills? Then I Wouldn’t it be possible to hold the Holy Grail of the Vampire Race and rule a new world?”

The fat cat squatting on the windowsill meowed in agreement.

"Hey, hey hey, hey hey hey." The fat man let out a series of creepy laughter, with blue eyes surging in his cheeks. He grabbed the chicken leg dripping with marinade and bit into the thick chicken hard, not as usual. He argued, but instead looked at the vampire werewolf classmate and asked, "What about you?"

Dylan was silent for a few seconds.

He held a wine glass in his hand, filled with pink liquid. It was a drink mixed with different alcoholic drinks and blood, with a thin, foamy layer of gas hanging over the liquid.

"Me," he replied slowly after a moment of silence: "My goal is very simple, to become an excellent registered wizard and find a strong coffin... that can allow me to sleep in it for thousands of years and tens of millions. A good coffin that will last for years.”

Xiao Xiao nodded in agreement: "The Silent Forest has the richest wood types in the entire wizarding world. You can definitely find the wood you want."

"Fat man is here to eat, Dylan is here to live, what about you?" Zheng Qing finally caught up with everyone's chat, and his eyes fell on the doctor.

Xiao Xiao shrugged his shoulders and curled his lips.

"Me?" He looked very indifferent: "After graduation, I will marry Sima and have two beautiful children, a boy and a girl..."

"No, not this kind of plan." Fatty Xin waved his hands vigorously, his face filled with disgust as if he was stuffed with dog food: "Tell me about your life and your career plan!"

"Life plan? We as a family don't have many pursuits, and the trajectory of our lives has been mapped out. As for me, as long as I fill up this notebook in the past four years, I will be considered qualified." Xiao Xiao patted the thick notebook on the bed. black notebook with a tired face.

"It doesn't sound difficult."

Dylan craned his neck and looked at the notebook: "...your notebook only has 180 pages. You write every day, so it shouldn't take more than a few days."

"Not everything can leave traces in history. And my notebook can only leave traces of history." Xiao Xiao has always been very difficult to speak.

"In other words, although you usually write a lot, you rarely count?"

"That's about it." Xiao Xiao seemed a little confused about what to say, but still tried to explain:

"For example, I wrote ten pages of records today, but when I look at it at dawn, I may only have one line left on my notebook. This is very common. Take yesterday, for example, I wrote several thousand words throughout the day, but Not a single word was left in my notebook."

"Blank?!" Fatty repeated in shock, with pity on his face.

"It's blank." Xiao Xiao sighed heavily.

"It's so pitiful." Zheng Qing sighed, thinking of the doctor's usual busy writing style, and shook his head.

"Actually, it's not that bad." Xiao Xiao remembered something, and the corner of his mouth curled up, and then looked at Zheng Qing: "'s your turn. The rest of us have already said it."

"Me?" Zheng Qing tilted his head back and looked at the bare ceiling above his head, looking at the dark mold spots in the corners of the ceiling.

Many images flashed through my mind instantly.

The mysterious gentleman, the bad-tempered yellow tiger, the mouse in clothes, the alien god who looks like a toad, the shadow that escapes from his body, and he has a child before he gets married.

Everything was mixed together, and stimulated by the aroma of alcohol and meat, he gradually brewed up his passion:

"I want to become a real man in these four years!"

There was silence in the dormitory.

Everyone was frightened by the 'great and amazing' goal of the young public-funded student.

It took a long time until Fat Mao's legs went weak from laughing and he fell from the window sill, smashing several books on the desk to the floor.

Dr. Xiao Da coughed dryly.

"This is indeed a great and realistic goal." His tone was serious, but his expression was a little twisted: "Reproduction... This is the most original pursuit of living things from ancient times to the present, from birth. ah!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help laughing, Dylan laughed, Fatty Xin laughed, and even Zheng Qing couldn't help laughing.

The elves who were busy in the dormitory didn't know what everyone was laughing at, so they also laughed mischievously.

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