Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 188 June 5th

Fort Alpha.

The Cullen family lounge.

The sunlight outside the house crosses the spacious balcony and falls on the platinum-gold carpet. The slender Kalcos golden wool shines in the sunlight, and the magical halo is intertwined with it, adding a bit of charming color.

Friedman Cullen stands among this color.

He stood in front of the desk, with one hand in his coat pocket and the other holding the back of the chair, looking at an oil painting of sunflowers hanging on the wall. It's like looking into a mirror.

If on a normal day, the sunlight outside the house falls on the canvas, the sunflowers in the painting will always rush to stretch their necks, open their petals, and enjoy the caress of the sun. But today, on the canvas, the usually brilliant petals have wilted and looked dejected, and the edges of the beautiful heart-shaped green leaves have also begun to wither and turn yellow.

Just like his state of mind.

Sir Friedman stared at the sunflowers on the canvas and murmured to himself.

On the desk behind him, a piece of dragon-skin paper lay there quietly. The Luanwei pen floating in the air was twisting beautiful arcs in accordance with Jazz's voice, leaving a string of elegant flowers on the dragon-skin paper. Chinese characters.

There were fewer and fewer spaces on the dragon-skin paper, and Jazz's voice gradually deepened until it was inaudible.

for a long time.

The ink on the tip of the Luanwei pen gradually dries up.

The cyan feathers swayed, sweeping out a patch of crystal light dust in the sunlight. Then the dry tip of the pen landed on the end of the dragon-skin paper, and he tapped hard several times.

A light thumping sound woke up the pensive figure at the table.

Sir Friedman turned around, glanced at the impatient quill, walked back to the desk, and sat down safely. Then he reached out and grabbed the Luanwei pen floating in mid-air. When it was a little empty, a little golden spark came out from the tip of the pen.

The Luanwei pen was not used to being held by others for writing. The beautiful blue feathers twisted and the tip of the pen made a squeaking sound.

Jazz ignored the restlessness.

He grabbed the quill and solemnly signed his name at the end of the dragon skin paper.

——Friedman Blake Cullen.

The sparks traveled with the tip of the pen, leaving a meandering golden trace on the dragon-skin paper. It wasn't until Jazz finished signing and put away the pen that the golden trace gradually faded away, leaving a burnt yellow color.

It was as if someone had stamped the name on the paper with a soldering iron.

Sir Friedman threw it away, and the cyan quill slid through an arc in the air like a bird, crossed the pen holder, and fell into the wastepaper basket beside the table.

The dragon-skin paper letter automatically floated up, folded twice automatically, and slipped into the envelope that had been prepared by the table.

Jazz's eyes were not on the letter paper and envelope.

His fingertips were wandering in the drawer. There is a black box in the drawer. The box is padded with soft ice silk, and there are several pieces of fire paint of different colors on it.

There is fire paint mixed with dragon's blood, the color is like lava; there is fire paint bathed in the moonlight, with little starlight hidden in the deep blue; there are many gifts given to the Cullen family, maybe those alien brats don't know Alpha The difference from Atlas is that all distinguished guests like yellow, and all that fire paint is gold.

Friedman's fingertips wandered between pieces of paint with different colors and origins for a long time, and finally chose the most common piece of blood-red paint.

It was a piece of fire paint made from rosin, paraffin, and tar mixed with ordinary red pigment.

The young vampire watched the piece of fire paint quietly melt into a ball of mild liquid in mid-air, watched the ball of liquid roll and mix in mid-air, and watched the tiny bubbles emerge from the fiery red.


He suddenly smiled, shook his head, stretched out his finger, and touched the liquid on the opening of the envelope.

Then he took out his coat of arms from the drawer, dipped some silver powder into the powder box, and covered it heavily on the fiery red liquid. The fire paint quickly solidified and took shape under the pressure of the fire paint seal, and the thick envelope was filled with the faint fragrance of rosin.

"Give it to Serprano."

Sir Friedman gave instructions softly.

A short figure flashed past, and the table became clean again.

In the wastepaper basket next to the table, the luan tail pen with the tip burned off was twitching feebly. After losing the nib, no matter how beautiful its feathers are, they have no value.

"...Sir Friedman's letter brings an end to the succession battle between the two student leaders of Alpha. It also unites the entire college, heals the rifts in the college, and brings peace to Soprano and Karen. The easing of relations between the two countries has created favorable conditions.”

"Prior to this, both Friedman and Soprano were very cautious and refused to take the lead in reaching out to each other in front of many supporters - Soprano didn't reach out because he was competing for Ogu. Stewart has the upper hand in the game, and his consistent position is to be keen on reform, and there is no reason to embrace the stubborn conservatives; Sir Friedman does not extend his hand because he is unwilling to show his strength in times of danger and threat. Any weakness will destroy his prestige and status among bloodline supporters, especially in groups like 3A."

"But the development of the situation does not depend on the will of the individual. Faced with the aggressive momentum of Jiuyou Academy, the crisis revealed inside and outside First University, and the chaos within Alpha Academy, both parties need to ease their relations, and both sides need to ease the relationship. They want to ease the relationship, but they are not willing to show it."

“The result was a minuet for two, with confusing steps, where both parties could say there was no skin-to-skin contact, neither was shamed by the possibility of rejection, and it maintained a nice arc that allowed both parties to maintain Each side's position without having to negotiate how to start from scratch..."

After reading this, Zheng Qing couldn't help but pat his thigh in approval.

"It's so well written." He made no secret of his praise for this sharp review, and turned to look at Fatty Xin sitting on the other side of the desk: "The author of this article, this Henry Alfred, is Who? What he wrote is really great, especially that metaphor, it’s so, it’s as beautiful as a poem.”

Banner raised his eyelids and glanced at the newspaper in Zheng Qing's hand. He immediately knew which page and article he was looking at, and replied:

"Henry? He is a special commentator for the Beta Town Post and a senior advisor to the Wizards Alliance. An old wizard who is so old that he needs magic help to walk, and needs elves to feed him to eat... We have always felt that he is a bit old Confused. But looking at this new comment, he is still as sharp as he was when he was young.”

"Senior consultant of the alliance?" Zheng Qing became interested: "Then why would he pay attention to the affairs between two young people? This is a bit overkill."

"Things involving Augustus' inheritance and unity with Alpha are not trivial at all." Another voice interrupted the chat between Zheng Qing and Fatty Xin, and at the same time requested: "Excuse me, please pass me another frog, thank you. "

Nicholas wore silk gloves on his hands and raised them in front of him, with a sincere face: "I need to practice this chaos spell again... I will definitely test it during the exam."

On the table in front of him, the dust remaining from the used frog was already half an inch thick.

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