Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 89 New Publicly Funded Students

With this episode, the initially tense atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became much more relaxed.

After the initial nervousness about meeting the legendary boss subsided, many people quickly regained the feeling they had when communicating with professors last semester.

"Professor, you...have you really been promoted to legend?"

"The promotion is not over yet, we are still working hard." Professor Yao put the pipe back into his mouth and replied humorously: "So you don't have to change your pronouns to use 'you'. I won't care if you use 'you' as before." of."

The classroom suddenly burst into echoing laughter.

"So Yao, what does it feel like to become a legend?"


Professor Yao clicked his pipe, took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "It's not that I can't say it, but it's like telling a mayfly about the reincarnation of the sun and the moon, or telling a summer insect about the cold winter snow. "Shuang, even if I talk about my experience in detail, you won't be able to understand it. Instead, it will cause some obstacles to future path choices, creating something like a 'knowledge barrier'."

"Then don't talk about it!" A classmate immediately stopped him loudly.

"Yes, yes, I still want to become a great wizard!" Others also shouted.

Lao Yao raised his hand with a smile, and the noise in the classroom immediately quieted down: "Teacher, this is why I preach and learn from my karma to resolve your doubts. Although I can't explain it to you in detail, I can give you an example... I feel like this In the past, I projected it to teach you. Although it looked real, I could clearly feel the illusion of the projection. But now, even the projection is real."

As he spoke, he raised his arms and shook his broad sleeves, as if he wanted to prove something. But including Zheng Qing, most of the young wizards in the classroom could not see anything and could only express their awe with unclear eyes.

Only classmate Li Meng half-raised her body eagerly and leaned towards the table, as if she wanted to grab the sleeve of the legendary wizard through the narrow aisle.

Jiang Yu grabbed the back of her neck very decisively.

Professor Yao smiled kindly at the little witch and looked at the other students in the class: "Okay, there will be more time for chatting in the future. Everyone just came back from the trial today. It must have been very hard and gained a lot of insights. We will have a class meeting this time. I won’t take up too much time, just talk about a few things and don’t affect the start of school tomorrow.”

"First of all, for this trial before the start of school, the final summary will be submitted by the school working committee. You have one week to complete your respective trial reports, which will be collected by the monitor at the regular meeting next Sunday..."

The classroom was filled with lamentations.

Everyone still likes the trial, and it can be regarded as a safari organized by the school; but no one likes writing the report. Especially a report with a prescribed format and theme is a painful torture to write.

Lao Yao turned a deaf ear to the complaints of the young wizards and raised his voice slightly: "The second thing is about the selection of squad leader. When you chose the squad leader last school year, you were not familiar with each other, so we approved the future choice through divination... This Once, everyone has enough time to vote and choose the candidate you think is more appropriate..."

"What else to choose? Downton and Jiang Yu did a great job!" As a fan of Downton, Duan Xiaojian immediately started making noises, causing others in the class to agree.

Even Zheng Qing nodded slightly and subconsciously agreed with his opinion.

"That's what I say, but the procedures cannot be messed up." Professor Yao bit his pipe and looked around with a smile: "Of course, on the basis of procedural compliance, we can speed up the pace a little, such as omitting the steps of the election speech... Does anyone volunteer to be the monitor of Astronomy Class 08-1?”

The classroom was quiet. Downton and Jiang Yu both stared at the blackboard intently, while others quietly looked around, as if wanting to see who would have the courage.

For nearly a minute, no one spoke.

It’s not that everyone doesn’t have the courage, but on the one hand, the two previous squad leaders have done a good job, and few people would think they are better than them; on the other hand, becoming a squad leader can certainly get some bonuses in terms of practical scores, but at the same time It will also involve a lot of energy and affect daily learning.

For students of Jiuyou Academy who focus on exams, this impact is very concerning.

"Since no one has come forward, we will go through the process directly."

Professor Yao showed an unexpected expression on his face, patted the desk, and a stack of light blue mulberry paper flew up into the air, paused for a moment in the air, and flew to everyone in the hall like snow flakes: "...This is a secret ballot , you just need to write down the name of the monitor of your choice. Just like last semester, there are still two monitors, one for boys and one for girls. "

Zheng Qing looked at the tissue paper floating in front of him. When he raised his hand, the tissue paper automatically fell in front of him. The light cyan paper is smooth and legible, only about the size of a palm, enough to hold two names.

Zheng Qing raised his head and looked around. Many people had already grabbed their quills and started writing quickly.

"When you are choosing class presidents, I will first announce the list of publicly funded students for this school year."

Standing on the podium, Professor Yao did not waste a second, making full use of the leisure time in the rustling, and said happily: "The students who won the 2009 public-funded student quota of Jiuyou College-Liu Feifei, Jiang Yu, and Zheng Qing, these Three students, please give me a round of applause. We will issue the transcripts later. Students who have questions about their scores can appeal to the school after the meeting..."

There was an uproar in the audience, and almost everyone turned to look at Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao beside Zheng Qing.

"What?" Zheng Qing raised his head blankly.

He hasn't finished filling in the names of the two monitors yet. Most of his thoughts were thinking about the paper mouse he threw out, and he didn't pay attention to what Lao Yao was saying on the stage.

He was very sure that the mouse climbed up the hem of a certain witch's robe, and that witch must have unfolded the letter. But she didn't react at all, and she didn't even return the mouse to herself.

"You are still a student at public expense!" Fatty Xin turned around enviously and patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder: "I thought Xiao Xiao could steal your spot."

"I think so too." Zhang Jixin said helpfully.

Zheng Qing turned to look at Xiao Xiao - in fact, he also thought that his place as a publicly funded student this year was not guaranteed, especially because he did not take part in the final practical exam due to physical reasons, which made him lose his biggest advantage over Xiao Xiao. Dr. Xiao's written examination results were intimidating to the entire class of students.

Almost every subject is full marks.

"As a special admissions student, Xiao Xiao will not participate in the selection of publicly funded students. Everyone needs to know this." On the stage, Professor Yao seemed to know the reason for the commotion in the classroom and immediately gave additional explanations.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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