Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 90 Final Examination Results

Zheng Qing hurriedly filled in the names of Jiang Yu and Downton on the voting form, then crumpled it into a ball and threw it away. The ball of paper fluttered in the air, stretched out its slender neck and wings, and turned into a small blue ball. The bird flew crookedly towards the podium.

Similar to him, many students in the class did not waste too much time on electing the class president, but focused on another group of paper cranes that rose from the podium and flew to the audience - the paper cranes in their bellies. Pretending to be their final exam results - this may be Lao Yao's bad taste. While the students submitted their voting sheets, he also turned everyone's report cards into paper cranes and flew off the platform.

For a moment, there were dozens of paper birds flying towards each other in the sky over the small classroom. From time to time, two would bump into each other. They struggled awkwardly amidst the witches' soft exclamations, trying hard to flap their small wings and fly towards them. The target flies away.

Zheng Qing stared closely at the group of paper cranes starting from the podium, watching their number getting smaller and smaller, from dozens to dozens, until only four were left in the sky above the right back corner of the classroom. .

Then he raised his head and watched the four paper cranes slowly flapping their wings and landing on the desks of the four hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

One of them landed in front of him.

Zheng Qing spread his palms and stretched them out in front of the paper crane. The paper crane extended its neck gracefully, pecked the palm of the young wizard's hand, then spread its wings, and in a blink of an eye it unfolded into a light blue report card.

Then Zheng Qing immediately froze on the spot.

Because the transcript is blank.

Just when he was hesitating whether to raise his hand and ask if he had been given the wrong list, a faint line of words appeared on the light cyan report card:

——First University Jiuyou College’s upgraded transcript for the 2008-2009 academic year.

Neat regular scripts appeared one after another, and then disappeared, replaced by a row of slightly smaller bold characters - In this transcript, the individual subject scores are calculated on a hundred-point scale, and the total score is nine hundred points, consisting of the usual score (10%), mid-term score It consists of four parts: grades (20%), final written test scores (35%) and final practical scores (35%).

(The displayed scores have been totaled by the final examination review committee. If you have any questions, please contact the counselor. You can apply in writing to retrieve the relevant test papers)

(Zheng Qing’s final grades are as follows)

——Charms: 95 (9+18+33+35)

——Fu Xue: 100 (10+20+35+35)

——Divination: 89 (6+18+30+35)

——Astronomy: 90 (7+17+32+35)

——The history of magic: 93 (9+18+31+35)

——Philosophy of Magic: 90 (9+16+30+35)

—— Potions: 91 (8+18+30+35)

——Life class: 95 (10+18+32+35)

——Alchemy: 85 (5+14+31+35)

Total score (828 points), comprehensive evaluation (excellent).

Additional note: The student did not participate in the final practical assessment. In view of the fact that he submitted a practical assessment appeal and referred to his multiple practical experiences in the first grade, it was reviewed by the First University Jiuyou College Examination Review Committee and the First University Professors Joint Meeting, and it was determined that this student Students with excellent practical results will be calculated as full marks.

Zheng Qing held this thin report card and carefully calculated every number on it, especially the last note. He patiently read it word for word several times. The fear and confusion in his heart was finally explained - it turned out that he was the final student of the semester. All practical exams were recorded as full marks!

No wonder he was able to suppress those two guys Matthew Cullen and Downton and get the quota of publicly funded students again.

Thinking of this, Zheng Qing subconsciously looked up at the front row of the classroom. There were two other publicly funded students there, and they were both ranked ahead of him!

"What a pervert." The public-funded student from Xinke (formerly) muttered to himself. He almost cheated and got 35% of his practical score, but he was still underperformed by the two witches. It was completely unimaginable how many points they got in other scores.

"What?" Xiao Xiao tilted his head and glanced at him.

Zheng Qing immediately looked away: "'s nothing. I mean, I took advantage of my practical results."

As he spoke, he stretched his neck and looked at Xiao Xiao's transcript: "Let me see what your other grades are... Damn, you are heartless!"

Unlike Zheng Qing, who only got 100 points in one subject of talisman science, the string of 100s on Dr. Xiao Da's transcript was particularly dazzling. The lowest score was 95 points, so that Zheng Qing felt his eyes were pinched just by taking a glance at it. It was so hot that it hurt.

But he couldn't help but take another look.

"Yeah, these results are damn good." Dr. Xiao Da took off his black-rimmed glasses, wiped the lenses, and sighed melancholy.

Fatty Xin turned around with great effort, squeezed in beside Zheng Qing, and looked at the doctor's transcript together.

"Fuck you, heartless!" He yelled the same words as the young public-funded students, and at the same time couldn't help but clenched his fists and shook them in front of the doctor: "Are you still dissatisfied with this? Is it because of the quota for public-funded students?"

"If you want me to give it to you, no matter what!" Zheng Qing vowed and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth. He really wanted to change the name on Xiao Xiao's report card to his own.

Xiao Xiao put his glasses on the bridge of his nose again, turned to look out the window, his voice became more melancholy: "You don't understand..."

"What don't you understand?"

Zhang Jixin also finished reading his transcript. He just turned around and heard the doctor sighing. He reached out and grabbed the list in Zheng Qing's hand. After looking at it for a while, he immediately raised his eyebrows: "Why are you only ninety-five in the history of magic?" ?”

"Holy shit, is ninety-five so low?" Fatty Xin screamed: "My magic history score is only over eighty... Ninety-five is almost one of the top scores in the grade!"

"No, no, no, you are different from the doctor." The red-faced wizard flicked the report card in his hand and glanced at Xiao Xiao meaningfully.

Fatty Xin was just dull for a few seconds, and then he suddenly realized: "Oh, the history of magic is Mr. Sima's class... You are dead, doctor. You have got so many perfect marks in other subjects, but history is only ninety-five... You are dead ”

Boom, boom, boom!

On the podium, Professor Yao knocked on the desk with his fingers, attracting the attention of the whole class. The buzzing whispers in the classroom quickly subsided.

"If you have any questions about the test results, please report back as soon as possible. You only have one week next week." Lao Yao chewed his pipe, but his voice was not ambiguous at all: "At the same time, next week students who failed will retake the corresponding courses and submit their applications. Material time, all processes must be completed before the end of next week..."

"Failed the exam?" Zheng Qing looked down at his test paper, then turned to look at his companions: "What does it mean to fail the exam? Failed? With such scattered weights, it would be difficult to fail!"

Fatty Xin glanced at him faintly: "Do you know that you can easily get beaten if you talk like this?"

"Then the results of your vote just now!" On the podium, Professor Yao raised his voice slightly to suppress the gradually rising uproar in the audience. He lowered his head and glanced at the stack of voting slips in his hand: "...I won't read the specific number of votes. 2009 -The two class presidents in the 2010 school year are still classmates Tang Dun and Jiang Yu, everyone is welcome!”

The classroom immediately burst into sparse and unexpected applause.

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