Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 447 Another invitation

Destiny is a good word.

Because no matter what goes well or unfavorably for you, you can never go wrong by leaving it to fate.

But for Zheng Qing, fate is more like a synonym for bad luck, like a noose on the execution platform, tied around his neck, tightening little by little and refusing to let go until death.

Just like now, the noose is tightening a little more.

The young public-funded student couldn't help but pull at his loose collar, feeling a little out of breath. When Jiang Yu read out the name of the report, he had a feeling that something was wrong. He counted on his fingers and found that it had been seven weeks since the "Daily Bugle" report was published. He did not expect that there would be anyone else. Follow that article.

In other words, there are still people making fuss about that article.

He originally thought that the storm had slowly subsided with the passage of time - especially after he had just experienced a winter hunt and saw palms as big as mountains falling from the sky, which almost pushed his memory of that article to the deepest part of his mind - and then in a blink of an eye, , and was roughly searched out.

No wonder the fat man said it was an ‘old news’.

Thinking of this, the young public-funded student couldn't help but glared at the fat man angrily again. The fat wizard shrugged innocently and stuffed another sour plum covered in sugar into his mouth.

Jiang Yu's clear voice reading the newspaper echoed among the four listeners.

Everyone was attentive and very quiet - but some people, such as Xiao Xiao, were really listening carefully to the content of this report; some people, such as Zhang Jixin, were pretending to be serious; and some, such as Zheng Qing, on the other hand, was afraid to miss every word.

Only when the witch read the words of an unnamed source and mentioned that "he is a very philandering person and has ambiguous relationships with many witches" did some uneasy movements come from the audience.

Several wizards cleared their throats in unison, with a certain public-funded student being the loudest among them.

It was as if a few coughs could wipe out certain words from the newspaper.

The witch who was reading the newspaper seemed unaware, as if she had not heard the noise at all, and still read the newspaper in her hand calmly, which made someone even more anxious.

for a long time.

When the witch finished reading the newspaper, Zheng Qing breathed a heavy sigh of relief in his heart - fortunately, fortunately, although the report of the Beta Town Post had its usual yin and yang, it still had the demeanor of a major newspaper after all. Randomly quoting those hair-raising rumors - there are always many regrets in life. If he had a choice, he would definitely not ask the fat man for the newspaper.

"I don't want to be famous that much."

After a while, he spoke dryly, taking the lead in breaking the delicate atmosphere in the room. He first looked at Xiao Xiao, who was looking unhappy: "Doctor, you know a lot. What do you think I have..."

He glanced at the newspaper again and then remembered the awkward word: "...that histrionic personality disorder?"

Xiao Xiao pushed up his glasses and said expressionlessly: "It's hard to say, after all, I'm not a professional, but according to the factors listed at the end of the newspaper - self-indulgence, lack of consideration for others, changeable emotions and easily suggestible, superficial thinking, language The mannerisms and behavior appear to be childish - in a way, I feel it fits your situation perfectly."

The corner of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched slightly, and he turned to look at Zhang Jixin, changed the topic, and said sincerely: "...Besides, elder, I have no intention of challenging your brother's position."

Zhang Jixin's brother Zhang Shuzhi is the current Lei Zhe.

The report just mentioned that "some observers believe that classmate Zheng Qing is challenging Lei Zhe's dominant position in Jiuyou College." This kind of statement particularly made him feel uneasy.

Hearing Zheng Qing's defense, the red-faced wizard laughed: "Honestly, you don't need to challenge him. He will be resigning next year. You can try to succeed him then... But Doctor, when will you accept it? A 'routine inquiry' from the Beta Town Post? I thought smart people would ignore them."

"I don't."

Xiao Xiao grimaced, glanced at the newspaper in the witch's hand, and explained simply: "That statement was the material submitted by the hunting team when they were investigated for ethics by the student union before participating in the winter hunt... They are all routine clichés... It specifically quoted That sentence was something I complained to the student union when I submitted the materials, but I didn’t expect them to hear me.”

"Do hunting teams need to undergo a moral review when participating in winter hunting?" Zheng Qing felt that it was the first time he had heard of such a thing.

The short wizard took a deep breath and asked in a stiff tone: "Do you know the procedures that the hunting team needs to go through to participate in the winter hunting? Do you know how many documents need to be submitted?"

Zheng Qing was speechless.

Indeed, in the past, these writing tasks were all handled by doctors.

He and Zhang Jixin looked at each other quietly and lowered their eyelids in unison.

"No wonder the Post said bad things about you."

Fatty Xin licked the frosting on his fingers with a look of surprise on his face - he was talking about the incident between Xiao Xiao and Sima mentioned in the report - and then confidently speculated: "The Post must have asked you for an interview. Yes, more than once, but you didn’t agree, so they made irresponsible remarks in the report...right?

"It could also be an attempt to make contrary opinions less persuasive."

Jiang Yu suddenly spoke, pointing to the newspaper and analyzing: "In the entire article, all positive descriptions involving Brother Qing are marked with words like 'questioned', 'accused', 'widely disputed', and 'unconfirmed'..." …On the contrary, the words of other anonymous sources are all accurate. The doctor said two good things about Brother Qing, and then the next paragraph was labeled as 'unobjective' and 'unreliable'."

"I'm very familiar with this technique. It's indeed the Post's usual routine." The fat wizard nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Xiao also nodded slightly, quite agreeing with the witch's analysis.

Only Zheng Qing, after hearing the two 'Brothers Qing', was immediately frightened. He turned his head very hard, pressed the shoulders of the fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, and tried his best to maintain a calm tone: "Also, Is there any way to figure out the identities of those so-called 'sources' and 'anonymous critics'? We can't just let them talk nonsense..."

Xiao Xiao took a small breath and spread the fingers of the young public-funded student bit by bit.

"It's impossible," he said matter-of-factly, looking helpless: "Not to mention that their speeches were carefully considered and ambiguous, making it difficult to convict from a legal perspective... There are hundreds of interference spells in the Beta Town Post alone. To protect their information sources... I'm not even a registered wizard."

"You are belittling yourself. Your divination skills are better than most of the registered wizards I know." Jiang Yu spoke again, first praising the apologetic fortune teller in a brisk tone, and then shaking the newspaper in his hand , glanced at the shivering wizard beside him, and said in a slightly more serious tone: "In addition, there is one more thing..."

She spread the newspaper on the desk, pointed to the last line of the report, and seemingly casually extended an invitation to Zheng Qing: "...This year's Badmington is over...then next year's Shanglinyuan Spring Hunt, I'll take you there."

The young public-funded student gave her a blank look.

"The Beta Town Post is so abominable, it even said bad things about Teacher Sima." The witch seemed to have found a very appropriate reason, with a righteous look on her face: "So, we will do anything that can make them lose face! "

"That's right."


"They should be embarrassed!"

The other three wizards nodded in agreement, completely ignoring someone's confused look.

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