Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 448 Friday Morning

Compared with the excitement after the "Daily Bugle" article came out, the "Beta Town Post" analysis report this time had very few responders. The ten nightmare dolls Zheng Qing stuffed next to his pillow in advance, when he woke up in the morning , there are actually nine complete heads.

If you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand.

On the one hand, because the end of the year and the holidays are approaching, many people’s minds have already flown to farther places; on the other hand, it also has a lot to do with the stance of the Post article.

According to the "viewpoint" of the Post, there is no rumored "close" relationship between Zheng Qing and Su Shijun. He is just a liar with a personality disorder who wants to attract attention and gain fame.

To be honest, Zheng Qing couldn't tell which statement was worse, or both were equally bad.

But if given the choice, he would rather be the liar the Post talks about.

At the very least, scammers don’t need to wear an invisibility charm to go to class, they don’t need to face embarrassing challenges or questions from time to time, and they don’t need to stuff nightmare dolls under their pillows every night.

Of course, there are also benefits to wearing an invisibility charm in class.

That is, you can sleep openly in class without worrying about being deducted by the professor - provided that you do not grind your teeth, snore, or talk in your sleep while sleeping.

On Friday morning, in the alchemy class, Zheng Qing sat in the corner of the classroom, listening to the teaching assistant on the podium repeating the contents of the textbook in a monotonous voice, feeling drowsy.

The winter sun is always extra warm.

Sitting next to the window, with the clear light shining on his body, Zheng Qing had the urge to turn into a cat and start purring. It was only at this time that he missed the free time of wearing the invisibility charm in class.

The voice on the podium was incomprehensible.

There was no silence under the podium either.

From time to time, someone would turn the pages of the textbook, one after another, mixed with the rustling sound of Xiao Xiao or someone else writing, which made it even more difficult to raise one's eyes.

Beyond this, there are other sounds of desertion.

Zhang Jixin and Fatty Xin, who were sitting in the row in front of Zheng Qing, were holding textbooks and almost stuffing their heads into drawers. They were whispering and seemed to be discussing the guest list for Sunday's D\u0026a;K anniversary; further away, several witches were whispering. There was a heated discussion about the upcoming Christmas Moon Dance - it is said that this year's dance will be extra grand because of Su Shijun's participation, and many young wizards in the alliance are breaking their heads trying to get an invitation.

Dance under the moon.

This is another heart problem for Zheng Qing.

Thinking of this word, he felt out of breath, and even taking a nap was no longer pleasant. Perhaps God heard the impolite greetings in the wizard's heart, so he swiftly delivered a retribution.

The young government-funded student who was taking a nap moved his ears.

Because the sounds in the classroom suddenly stopped - from the boring voice of the teaching assistant on the podium, to the whispering of the witches in the corner, from the squeaking of chalk on the blackboard, to the clattering of textbooks as they were turned, and even other people The sound of breathing seemed to be frozen for a moment.

Zheng Qing knew why. Even before he opened his eyes, he could feel a slightly familiar and huge magic power hovering and condensing at the door of the classroom, and the dissipated coercion shocked everyone in the classroom.

The wizard suddenly raised his head and looked at the door together with the others.

The surging magic power was already visible to the naked eye, as if the paint splashed by an artist on the white cloth intertwined with each other in the void, slowly outlining the graceful figure of a witch.

From hazy to clear, she moves from illusion to reality.

It's Su Shijun.

Su Shijun without glasses.

Just standing at the door, she captured all the colors of the world, the porch, ceiling, blackboard, tables and chairs, textbooks, and even the blue sky and golden sunshine outside the window. Everything seemed to have lost the concept of existence at this moment.

Zheng Qing's face was blank. He didn't need to look at it to feel several eyes sweeping over him in a very short time. Those eyes were full of weight.

But there are more eyes, staring motionlessly at the witch at the door, as if the beauty in front of her

It is a piece of exquisite porcelain. If you move your eyes even slightly, the exquisiteness will be shattered.

"Yeah, sorry, sorry."

After realizing the reason for the deathly silence around him, the senator of the Moonlight Parliament chuckled, took out a pair of glasses, and placed them on the bridge of his nose. It was as if a dark cloud had covered the sun in the sky, and the world suddenly became dark.

"I'm so sorry," the witch's cheerful voice echoed in the small classroom: "I just learned some little skills, but I'm not yet proficient... I'm disturbing everyone."

The teaching assistant on the podium was the first to come to his senses.

"No, it doesn't matter, you, you..."

He stammered, his face flushed, and he couldn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"Oh, I'm looking for Zheng Qing."

The upper council member of the Yuexia Council showed an understanding smile and told the reason for his visit. At the same time, he looked around and asked naturally: "Is Zheng Qing here?"

"She's looking for Zheng Qing?"

"She's looking for Zheng Qing!"

"Where is Zheng Qing?"

"Zheng Qing!"

The young public-funded student had just recovered from the noisy, urgent and noisy voices when he saw a pair of big hands falling from the sky. Fatty Xin, who was sitting in front of him, leaned almost half of his body into the back row, grabbed his collar with both hands, and violently lifted him off the stool.

Zheng Qing felt like he was standing in front of the table, embarrassed and a little top-heavy.

It was hard to stand up and look towards the door, with several ridiculous red marks on his face from sleeping on his stomach. For a second, he was very grateful that he didn't drool while he dozed, barely retaining the last trace of his decency.

Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at him.

This feeling is very bad, but also surprisingly wonderful.

Especially those whose sights are filled with all kinds of strong emotions - from envy and jealousy, to emotion, annoyance, to sadness and disbelief - like a pot of rich miso soup, suffocating people.

The senator of Yuexia Parliament nodded slightly to the boy.

Then he turned to look at the young assistant teacher of Alchemy: "I need help from Zheng Qing with some small things..."

Before he finished speaking, the teaching assistant nodded hurriedly: "No problem, it's okay... Zheng Qing? Zheng Qing! Come out quickly!... Sorry, this classmate's seat is a bit far back... Please wait a moment."

He was obviously satisfied that he could finally speak fully and fluently.

Zheng Qing hurriedly put away the books on the table, and with the push of his companions, his hands and feet were sore that he walked toward the door. The eyes of the students around him were like knives, stabbing him with every step he took.

When passing by the first row of the classroom, he clearly heard the not-so-loud snort of classmate Li Meng.

The boy turned the corner of his eye with some guilt and saw the little witch folding her arms and looking at him angrily. He also saw another witch beside the little witch looking at the Dharma book in her hand with a calm expression.

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