Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2230 The thinking behind the list

On Friday night, the three wizards in dormitory 403 spent a long time finally finalizing the guest list for the anniversary of Sunday's shop.

In addition to the ten members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, ten more guests were invited.

Su Shijun, as the instructor of the Exoneration Hunting Team, ranked first; then Sima Yangyun, a lecturer on the history of magic, and also has a special status, ranked second; and third is Linda Barnes. , the former editor-in-chief of the school newspaper, who participated in the store opening ceremony last year and has an ambiguous relationship with the fat wizard; then there are Nicholas and Liu Feifei, who are the few classmates in Astronomy 08-1 who have a good relationship with every hunter in the exorcism; and The fishman Iseni who met Duke Milton with Yu Zui in the store when it opened last year, Andrew Taylor from the Alpha School, the psychic Crystal Granny on the left of the D\u0026K store, Mu Mingzi who sells amulets on the right, and the bar diagonally opposite The owner is a wandering wizard.

All aspects are concerned.

That is to say, Lao Yao is not in school, and he has become a legend now, and his status is somewhat special, which makes it inconvenient to appear in public, and Zhu Si's whereabouts are unknown, otherwise he would not have invited Andrew and the wandering wizard.

In fact, the three wizards in dormitory 403 had been arguing for a while about whether to invite the wandering wizard.

The fat wizard firmly opposed the shop to have any connection with the suspected dark wizard. He analyzed in detail the negative impact of being infected with the dark wizard on the image of the shop from the perspective of public opinion; Xiao Xiao showed his divination results very simply, and the divination was very good. It clearly expresses the concept of "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors".

In contrast, the two did not have much entanglement on whether to invite Andrew Taylor.

"That werewolf cub is thriving in Alphaburg,"

The fat wizard carefully licked the frosting on his fingers and smacked his lips indifferently: "He is rich, flexible, has some principles of his own, and is capable of trouble... Especially this winter hunting, at the last moment, he was magical. Bringing about twenty hunters safely back to the protective circle won me a lot of fans."

"He was also well regarded by Serprano,"

Xiao Xiao pushed up his glasses and added: "I guess it is because of their similar poor backgrounds and their irreconcilable conflicts with the conservatives of Fort Alpha... This makes him the ideal successor to Serprano's legacy and career. The best candidate... If you want to maintain stability within the school in the future, it is not a bad thing to do more contact now. At least you can collect more characteristic information to help us build a more reasonable and accurate divination model. "

Zheng Qing originally nodded repeatedly.

But as he listened, he felt that something was wrong. He tilted his head involuntarily, glanced at his fortune teller, smacked his lips, and said hesitantly: "Well, wait, it may sound a bit narcissistic... but why do I think you are? What are you implying?"

"Whatever hints are, they are completely explicit."

The fat wizard pinched out a dried lychee from the fruit box, threw it into his mouth, chewed it, his face was full of displeasure, as if he was despising someone's obedience: "Looking at the entire Jiuyou Academy, among the second graders and below, which student is better than Are you more famous? ... Not to mention controversial achievements such as participating in the Black Prison War, just being a publicly funded student for two consecutive years, plus the title of "World" with a magic wand, and the Merlin Medal just after entering school, make you a The only one chosen.”

"What's the only thing..." Zheng Qing still held on to a trace of luck.

"The next Lei Zhe." Xiao Xiao raised his eyelids and glanced at Zheng Qing. He noticed that the wizard opened his mouth, and seemed to guess what he wanted to say, so he interrupted in advance: "I know that you are not a registered member of the Holy Will. I have never participated in the activities of divine will, but this is not a problem..."

"Zhang Jixin didn't join Divine Will when he was a freshman in college," Fatty Xin showed off his well-informed information: "The biggest reason why big historical societies like Blood Club and Divine Will have been able to thrive so long is that They are not a closed and exclusive secret society, and they are not afraid to accept the best young wizards as their leaders..."

Zheng Qing inexplicably thought of the seven deadly sins and subconsciously made a comparison.

Xiao Xiao snapped his fingers.

"Easier to understand,"

He raised a finger and waved it in front of Zheng Qing's eyes: "Lei Zhe may not be a student leader, but a student leader can definitely become Lei Zhe... The uneven development of magic power of wizards determines that this world will always be governed by a A small group of people determines the direction of historical development, and the best solution for the vast majority of the remaining people is to follow the trend of the times and shout and cheer.”

"The development of magic power is uneven, but the distribution of inspiration is balanced."

Zheng Qing muttered a retort - in fact, based on the philosophical knowledge he learned in middle and high school, he really wanted to make a detailed criticism of Dr. Xiao's wrong view of heroic history, pointing out that countless strange ideas can also be born in ordinary wizards. Wonderful inspiration.

"In this context, the doctor is the one waving the flag, and I am the one shouting." Fatty Xin felt sad. He picked through the fruit box, picked out a dried date, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"More importantly," Xiao Xiao glared at the two guys who changed the topic, nodded at Zheng Qing, and continued his analysis: "You are still a serious member of the Federation of Societies, maybe you can still be there by then. Also serves as the president of the Federation of Societies..."

"Why not the student council president?" Zheng Qing sighed.

"Because the club is a fully autonomous student organization, while the student union is semi-autonomous. They are under the dual jurisdiction of the Professors' Joint Conference and the School Working Committee, and their degree of freedom is relatively low."

Fatty Xin had obviously carefully studied various institutions in the school, and was extremely familiar with the organization and personnel. He said in a vague voice: "And you are not a member of the student union... Relatively speaking, Liu Feifei, Jiang Yu, and Downton successfully competed for the president of the student union. It’s more likely.”

A picture flashed through the mind of the young public-sponsored student: a black cat and a white cat standing at the top of Jiuyou Academy, with a field of tabby cats of different colors at their feet.

He shook his head subconsciously, as if trying to shake off this funny scene.

Then he remembered someone else.

"What do you think," he thought carefully, choosing the right words: "If you don't want to see the wandering wizard... then how about we invite Senior Sister Kolma?"

"Good idea!" The fat wizard clapped his hands hard.

"But there are already representatives of wizards from the North District among the guests,"

Xiao Xiao insisted on his opinion: "And as the Great Sage of the North District, Senior Sister Kolma is much busier than you think... What's more important is that the 'Please Give Me a Frog' movement has continued For several months, there has been no large-scale outbreak, but it has not been stopped by the school... the atmosphere is very delicate... I strongly do not recommend that you be overly involved in such a sensitive incident. "

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