Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2231 Arrogant News (True)

Xiao Xiao's suggestion is very sound.

At Daiichi University, topics involving colleges, ideas, and student movements are all very sensitive, and the Gimme a Frog movement happens to be related to all of these, so it’s never wrong to stay away.

After finalizing the invitation list, Zheng Qing felt that the recent busy period seemed to be coming to an end - at least before next week's dance party, he felt that there would be no other troubles coming to his door.

But this luck was shattered by a paper crane the next morning.

On Saturday morning, Zheng Qing originally planned to go to the library with his doctor after finishing morning classes to catch up on the lessons he had neglected to review recently. But as soon as he went out, a blue paper crane landed on his shoulder. Go up and peck his earlobe.

Zheng Qing opened it curiously, looked at it, and then quickly closed it.

The paper crane came from Jiang Yufei.

Tell him that Dr. Duzem may be at the institute today and make an appointment to go to the Institute of Abnormal Life. Zheng Qing has paid special attention to Duzem since he speculated that those crows needed the Philosopher's Stone to do experiments related to demon blood transplantation. There was no trace of the doctor, but he only saw the old servant named Constantine when he came several times in a row.

"I felt like I smelled death."

The fat wizard, who was still lying on the bed, closed his eyes and muttered as if in sleep, and tightened the quilt around him, as if that could make him warmer.

"Don't be paranoid."

Xiao Xiao tied up his belt and said with relief: "Maybe it's just a ghost that just passed under your bed...or maybe a cold wind came from the balcony."

Zheng Qing had a dark face and interrupted the doctor's analysis angrily: "Will there be ghosts in the dormitory?"

Xiao Xiao glanced at him and walked slowly towards the door. As he walked, he chanted like a song: "A ghost, the ghost of the Eight Diagrams Soul, is wandering in dormitory 403... Wandering, holding up a burning The torch is thrown deeper into the sea, igniting the oil in Neptune's belly, and exuding a mature smell in the sizzling oil..."

This involves a curse!

Zheng Qing cursed and followed him, trying to explain to the doctor the specific meaning of "there was a deviation in the report" and that he was not an irresponsible person, and so on.

It's a pity that based on his performance during this period, any explanation seems to be quibbling, pale and unconvincing.

After morning class, when he and Xiao Xiao came to the door of the library, they saw Jiang Yu's figure.

The witch is wearing a red robe today. The style seems to be ordinary, but for some reason the robe gives people a very expensive feeling - maybe it is its matte and soft fabric, or maybe it is the extremely thin magic emanating from its surface. The halo may just be its slightly wider belt.

In short, it formed a sharp contrast with the slightly sloppy robes of the two wizards.

Seeing Zheng Qing standing in front of her, Jiang Yu raised her eyebrows:

"I heard that you bought some nice robes, why didn't you wear them?"

Xiao Xiao lowered his head, as if pushing up his glasses, but looking at his slightly shrugged shoulders, Zheng Qing had reason to suspect that he was snickering, which made him even more embarrassed.

"There are a few," the young public-funded student murmured, as if he wanted to explain: "But I don't have the robe..."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he immediately regretted it. He should not have continued the discussion on this topic, but should have been smarter and changed to another topic to avoid further deterioration of the situation.

Dr. Xiao Da, who was standing aside, vaguely noticed the subtle atmosphere flowing in the air, and coughed very cleverly: "Ahem, um, you guys have something to talk about, I'll go upstairs to take a seat first..."

Before he finished speaking, without waiting for Zheng Qing to react, the short wizard immediately greased the soles of his feet and fled. How could Zheng Qing allow a suitable shield to escape under his nose? He subconsciously reached out to grab a corner of the doctor.


A warm and smooth semi-liquid object fell from the sky and hit the back of the wizard's hand accurately.

It's bird poop.

Zheng Qing's face turned pale and he wanted to scream, but he immediately realized that the witch beside him suppressed the "weak voice" that came to his lips, and instead uttered a curse word:


Immediately, he thought that he needed to maintain a certain grace in front of the lady, so he had to swallow the worse words that followed, and added an extra step: "...It is a kind of plant."

This explanation suppressed the rudeness, but it made an air of stupidity come out.


Zheng Qing's misfortune finally brought the witch into a good mood. She looked at the unlucky wizard who was still raising his arms motionless, as if frozen in place, and couldn't help but smile: "I didn't expect that there really is such a thing in the world. Something like that...maybe we'll be lucky today."

She was referring to the two people going to see Dr. Duzem.

While she was speaking, the witch had already opened the magic book in her hand and threw out a cleaning spell. The light green curse light wrapped half of Zheng Qing's arms in it. When the curse light dissipated, the bird poop disappeared without a trace, but I don't know if it was an illusion, but Zheng Qing still felt a warm feeling on the back of his hand.

He couldn't help but look up.

Unfortunately, the sky was blue and clear, and there was no bird responsible.

"Don't get caught by me."

The young public-funded student muttered, and several ways of catching birds flashed through his mind, the most effective of which was to use the residual breath of bird droppings to perform divination.

Just when he was about to say a few more harsh words, a magic ring danced in the gray bag, attracting the wizard's attention.

In surprise, he put his other clean hand into the gray cloth bag and touched the ring. A brief message came into his mind.

"What's the matter?" The witch keenly noticed the surprise on the wizard's face.

Zheng Qing didn't hesitate at all, carefully looked around, and replied in a low voice: "The 'Pride' from the Seven Deadly Sins sent a party application, saying that there was news about crows."

Regarding the news about the secret society, he had communicated with several companions in private. Due to his own particularity, the silence contract signed with the Seven Deadly Sins did not have the desired effect.

"Is it so effective?"

Jiang Yu felt funny and interesting, folding her arms and thinking: "Maybe you shouldn't go to Professor Duzem now, but should drink a blessing elixir and walk around... maybe you can catch it directly Live those crows.”

Having said that, Felixir is, after all, a taboo potion with negative effects, and there are certain risks in its use. And there are many special magics that can affect and circumvent the effects of such lucky potions.

After a brief discussion, the two finally decided to follow their previous plan and try their luck at the Institute of Abnormal Life to see if they could get any clues from Dr. Duzem.

Perhaps a dip of bird droppings is not powerful enough and brings limited luck.

This time, the two of them returned empty-handed again. The old servant said very apologetically that Dr. Duzem only stayed for a short time and left the institute. His specific whereabouts were unavailable.

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