Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 2232 Accident

"Isn't Dr. Duzem hiding from us?"

"Do you feel that way too?"

"He must know something, otherwise...should we tell the school?"

"What to tell the school? A repeat of our accusations against those crows, or our suspicion of Dr. Duzem? Do we have any evidence other than suspicion? More importantly, the existence of those crows is very doubtful in the first place."

After leaving the Institute of Abnormal Life, the young wizards and witches argued quietly but fiercely all the way. Zheng Qing tended to seek help from the school, while Jiang Yu expressed her distrust of the school very clearly.

Her wariness was justified.

If the existence of crows was still unknown during the school hunting competition, and they did not cause great harm, and it was understandable that the school could not find traces of a group of secret wizards, then after the winter hunting, these reasons no longer exist.

The giant hand from the depths of the starry sky touched the sensitive area of ​​First University unscrupulously, but the school did not make a very violent reaction.

Not only that, in the post-game report, the two hunting teams of Excuse and Margin mentioned the crow at the same time, but the school did not make a big fanfare about wanting it. It dealt with it in a coy and cover-up manner, just like the attitude of politicians after scandals were exposed.

"It's really suspicious..."

Zheng Qing recalled the school's procrastination on this matter and murmured in approval. But before he finished speaking, Jiang Yu suddenly grabbed his arm, pulled him to the side hard, and pulled him in. In the shadows by the roadside.

Soon, a group of witches in white robes chattered past the two of them, and the vague but clear words "Moonlight Dance", "Next Friday" and "Congressman Su" were vaguely heard in the air.

The wizard glanced at the witch unconsciously.

There is a breeze in the corner.

The breeze blew by, and a bunch of black hair fell down from her face, curved, went around her fair and long neck, and fell behind the other shoulder, making her look like she was wearing a slender black collar. .

He cleared his throat subconsciously and looked away.

Jiang Yu seemed to have come back to his senses at this time. He naturally let go of the wizard's arm, brushed the long hair falling on his neck, and explained in an understatement: "I'm just worried that Alpha's people will see you and me." If I walk together, I will be cursed as well.”

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth and wanted to laugh, but felt that he would be beaten if he laughed at this time.

"I wear my hat properly."

He tugged on the hood that covered most of his head, as if he was trying to convince the witch, but also seemed to be comforting himself: "The doctor has confirmed it many times, and I also wore this hat and passed by Fatty Xin several times, but he didn't Recognize me..."

"Are you sure they don't want you to be beaten?" The witch tilted her head and glanced at him, her expression subtle, as if she had finally confirmed something.

The smile on Zheng Qing's face faded little by little.

"all in all,"

The witch shook her head slightly and returned to the previous topic: "When you attend the secret party tonight, you can give some hints to the devils about the relationship between the school and the crows. You may gain something unexpected..."

"In short, when you attend the party tonight, you should pay attention to maintaining the demeanor of a noble under the moon, and it should be fine. Arrogance does not lie in language, but in temperament."

In Alphaburg, in the lounge of the Cullen family, Sir Friedman was giving his final instructions to his cousin: "As I have emphasized before, everyone at the party does not know the identity of everyone else. , every word you say will become your mask...and this mask on your face is the last one."

Matthew Cullen stood at the dark staircase, recalling his cousin's last instructions in the lounge. He raised his hand, adjusted the bat mask on his face, took a deep breath, and walked into the rolling building with heavy steps. in the white mist.

At the end of the white mist is a small bronze door.

On the door, a green grimace was squinting as he looked at the figure slowly walking down the stairs.

"Good evening."

Matthew followed his cousin's instructions and greeted him politely but coldly.

"It's not good at all." The green ghost face muttered and complained in its hoarse voice: "Being woken up by you in the winter night, there is no worse experience than this... By the way, boy, your ex Didn’t I tell you that you don’t need to wear a mask in front of me?”

Matthew just raised his hand, which was about to knock on the door, and paused slightly in mid-air.


He seemed to be struggling to understand the word.

The ghost face on the door flicked its tongue and laughed wildly for a while, and then said in its ugly voice: "For the sake of being polite... the mask on your face is one with mine... … They are really a cautious group of kids who have to test them every time there is a change of office.”

Matthew silently recalled his cousin's instructions, thoughtfully, and finally knocked on the small bronze door with his hand that was still in mid-air, boom, boom, boom.

"Oh, by the way, I'll give you a piece of advice," Ghostface licked the ring on the wizard's hand, then clicked his lips and reminded: "Don't be suspected of going to the wrong place after you enter... If you ask me, you are still a young man. Can play!"

The small door opened silently.

Revealing a long and narrow aisle and orange light.

In the light, there is a huge oval conference table with a withered bonsai on it. Above the bonsai is facing a piece of candles hanging upside down. The candles are beeping and burning in the quiet atmosphere.

Matthew took a few steps forward, walked into the candlelight, looked at the seven figures around the conference table, and suddenly fell silent - there were no other masked figures around the table as he imagined, but instead various figures with different images. animal.

A black cat must be the sinner my cousin mentioned.

A little white pig and a red fox, he was also mentally prepared for these two. His cousin said that Mammon and Beelzebub used the transformation technique at their last gathering.

But in addition to these three, there is a wolf that looks more like a dog, a black goat with shiny fur, a Persian cat, and a peacock that looks like a parrot next to the table.

The young successor carefully recalled every detail his cousin told him, confirming that he was a member of a wizarding organization called the Seven Deadly Sins, not a transfiguration learning group.

He looked at the seven animals in silence.

A long while.

The black cat cursed and threw a copper coin at the red fox opposite: "Merlin's big pants... you actually guessed it!"

"Lucifer is the most prude among us," the voice maker under the red fox's jaw emitted a dull and self-satisfied laugh: "If you expect him to turn into a bat and show up in our conference room, you might as well expect him to wear a Mask streaking..."

The parrot-like peacock coughed loudly to stop the fox from talking nonsense.

"I think," it lazily analyzed: "The bigger reason why Lucifer doesn't turn into a bat is that the bat's vision, hearing, and vocalization methods are very different from ours."

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