Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 538: Goodbye Brass Mark

"... Old Jack turned the compass in his hand, the spurs on his heels clicked, his left eye narrowed slightly, and his right hand pressed the Dharma book on his waist... A three-eyed crow stood on the white birch tree, and the green-haired lake water Yellow-skinned frogs crawled out of it, and their croaking sounds were intertwined with croaking, cursing each other for being blind..."

Xiao Xiao hummed this ancient hunting song softly. Wearing a pair of silkworm leather gloves on his hands, he used tweezers and clamps to skillfully separate the elf's skin and collect every part of the material collected - from skin, muscles, From fat, to nerves, blood vessels, bones, etc., each part is preserved in four different glass bottles.

Two of them should be given to the Three-Forked Sword, two should be given to the school, and the remaining parts should all belong to the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

Fatty Xin grabbed a quill pen and washi tape to label each bottle; Dylan held a noteboard, recorded the number of each bottle, and described the retained samples in detail.

Only Zheng Qing stood by like a fool, staring at his companions as they were busy.

Well, he's not the only one.

Also 'idle' is the young master of the dragon hunting farm, Vas Egger. At this moment, he is on the edge of this 'bloody land', leaning against an apple tree, holding a quill in his hand, writing on a sheepskin I was writing and drawing on the paper, and I didn’t know which girl I was writing a love letter to.

The reason for making such a guess is that Master Vas has a silly smile on his face from time to time. Zheng Qing felt that the Creator was very fair in this matter - no matter smart or slow, handsome or ugly, children who fall in love will always have stupidity written on their faces.

"If you think you have nothing to do, go help me light the magic fire." The busy doctor stopped humming and ordered without raising his head: "After collecting this batch of materials, we need to do some divination as soon as possible... Be careful to turn over the bone slices from time to time, don't bake just one side... If you have time, you can pick up a few more slices, and you will never go wrong by preparing more. "

"It's not like I have nothing to do."

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team muttered, and finally took a regretful look at the elf whose chest and abdomen had been cut open, turned around, and walked slowly towards the small pile of magic flames that Xiao Xiao had ignited before.

Around the fire, there was a small pile of broken bones, including dragon bones, as well as the skull and hip bones of the elf. Many of the bone fragments have been corroded by black magic, and a layer of crispy scars like fire bubbles appear on the surface. It seems that if you gently twist them with your hands, they will turn into a cluster of dust.

Xiao Xiao had thrown some herbs and minerals into the fire before. The mist they evaporated could moisten the dry bones, force out the poison in the bone fragments, smooth the scars on the bone fragments, and ensure that they could support the entire divination process. .

Zheng Qing took out his long-handled tweezers, picked up the bone fragments on the edge of the fire, and carefully turned them over to ensure that each side of the bone fragments could be moistened by the steaming mist.

The pale red magic flame danced like a heart in the moonlight, and each tongue of fire was like blood pumped from the heart, gurgling, sending its warmth and energy into the cold night.

"Are you new to the Trident Sword?"

The voice of Vas Egg suddenly came from behind.

The long-handled tweezers in Zheng Qing's hand paused for a moment, and then he continued to turn over the bone fragments calmly: "What newcomer, I don't know what you are talking about..."

"Our dragon hunting farm has been open for a few years, and we have often dealt with the three-pronged sword." The young master of the dragon hunting farm didn't care about the wizard's denial, and squatted beside him, staring at the pile of magic flames. , added in a low voice: "Those old-timey commissioners of the Three-Chased Sword won't be as meticulous as you... I'm not saying that they are not serious and rigorous... but they won't always be five people acting together."

"Didn't the Bureau require five people to act together?"

Hearing this rhetorical question, Vas Egger suddenly laughed, but immediately stopped his smile and explained quickly: "Theory is theory, practice is practice. When you really perform investigation tasks, you should know that time, efficiency and rigor are like the law of deformation. Mundell's Paradox, you can never fully balance it all.

If you want to conduct a comprehensive and complete investigation, the efficiency will definitely be low and the time will not be enough; if you want to efficiently investigate one thing within a limited time, it will definitely not be comprehensive... In order to take care of these three things, the old people of the Three-Chased Sword, They will quietly break through some of the bureau's 'principles'.

For example, for today's investigation, they may only have three people come to the accident scene, and the other two will go to nearby pubs, coffee shops, or Egger's old house to investigate at the same time... Of course, everything will be done under the premise of safety... And those of you who collect materials, write reports, and act collectively like you can only be newcomers to the Trident Sword... Or, are you a registered hunting team that performs designated tasks in the school? "

Under the cat-face mask, Zheng Qing's face was numb, and his hands mechanically turned over the bone fragments that were gradually returning to their original shape.

He originally thought that the fighting maniacs at Starry Sky Academy had no brains.

I didn't expect this senior to be so sharp.

"Who were you writing a love letter to just now?" He asked an unexpected question, deftly changing the subject: "I heard that you were studying at the Starry Sky Academy of First University... Listening to your analysis just now, I almost thought you were a student of Alpha. ”

The cat-faced mask shook slightly, interrupting this interlude.

"Brother Zha, come here and take a look at this." Xiao Xiao's slightly serious voice came to his ears.

Zheng Qing stood up in surprise.

Vas Egg also spread his hands very wisely and returned to the apple tree.

"What's going on?" The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team came up behind the fortune teller.

The tweezers Xiao Xiao held held a small piece of shriveled ridge bone. On the back of the ridge bone, an oval-shaped brass patch was embedded. There were no complicated runes on it, only a capital letter 'M' branded on it using an intaglio technique. .

This piece of copper looks strangely familiar.

It only took a few seconds for Zheng Qing to react.

"The two-headed ogre from last year's pre-school trial?" He whispered the origin of another piece of copper in his memory: "Merlin's initials? So, the dark wizard we are pursuing is a die-hard wizard. ...Possibly a member of the Dark Council?"


Xiao Xiao raised his hand and touched the mask on his face, as if he wanted to rub the corners of his eyes, but in the end he only touched the cold and smooth mask: "The last time we speculated that the 'M' was the initials of Merlin, it was because there were no more clues. It's speculation... But now we know about the 'crow', we know that there is a 'professor', and we know that they want to 'break through the shackles of rules, become angels, and pursue eternal and noble truth'... we should probably narrow our horizons even smaller. a little."

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