Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 539: Dumbfounded

"Narrow the field of view? How to zoom out?" Zheng Qing asked curiously.

Xiao Xiao obviously had something in mind: "Since everyone previously agreed that this 'M' is the first letter of a certain word, we will first narrow our field of view to the intersection of all clues, which is the First University. Screen all the first letters within the school. List of laboratories with the letter 'M', current and retired professors..."

"Will the school give us this kind of information?" Dylan looked doubtful.

Fatty Xin pinched his chin and said thoughtfully: "If there are sufficient reasons, we can let Trident Sword or Dan Hag negotiate."

"Tsk, the school probably doesn't like your suggestion."

Zheng Qing thought of the delicate current situation between First University and the Alliance, and had reservations about the fat wizard's naivety: "Having said that, even if the school agrees, the workload is not small...not to mention the faculty, just applied magic research I have seen many of the laboratories in the institute, such as the series of laboratories jointly established by Miskatonic University and First University, all starting with 'M'... and the laboratories funded by the Morgan family, Mendel, Mason, Mary, etc., many old laboratories have ‘M’ in their names, even Professor Monteria’s laboratory has an M.”

Xiao Xiao concentrated on continuing to dissect the elf, and was indifferent to Zheng Qing's nagging words in his ears. However, Fatty Xin noticed a certain contradiction between the fortune teller's suggestion and his previous attitude.

"According to the doctor's opinion, the suspicion of the wizard in the North District has been greatly reduced."

The fat wizard clapped his fingers and counted in detail: "Whether it is the name Colmar de Gini, Gini's House, Gu Shui Street, or the Wizard of the North District, they have nothing to do with 'M'."

"It's you who thinks the crow is related to the wizard in the North District, not me." The apologetic fortune teller finally raised his head and looked at the fat wizard seriously. At the same time, he tapped the tweezers in his hand to the side: "Don't move!"

Zheng Qing wore silk gloves on his hands and was picking up a bone that had just been pulled out from the tray. He tried to squeeze it, but as soon as he exerted force, Xiao Xiao hit his wrist.

He took an exaggerated breath and let go.

"The bones are pretty strong."

The young public-funded student took off his gloves, touched his cold earlobes, and reminded his companions: "Do you still remember the two-headed ogre on the trial field? Its bones look big and hard, but they break when pinched. , brittle and weak... I remember you said that it was because the mutation of the experimental subject was not mature and stable enough, right? "

Xiao Xiao nodded slightly.

"But this piece."

Zheng Qing pointed to the piece of ridge bone that was just thrown into the plate: "The elf's bones should be brittle but not hard... I just used seven or eight points of force, and there is not even a crack on the bone. What does this mean? ?”

"Does it mean that the mutation of the experimental subject has been relatively mature or stable?" Fatty Xin concluded in a rhetorical tone.

Dylan put away the clipboard in his hand, squatted down, and fiddled with another ridge bone with tweezers. His tone was full of doubt: "If they are really mature experimental subjects, then why are they going crazy?"

Xiao Xiao slowly uncovered a piece of burnt skin and replied softly: "Maybe their madness is not out of control, but in some kind of experimental state."

The other three fell silent.

Zheng Qing sighed, stood up, stretched his waist, and walked around the charred oak tree in a circle. The crispy branches after carbonization broke under his feet, making hard and harsh crackling sounds. One of the cracked branches seemed to have a tree sperm or a squirrel's nest hidden in it. There was a faint smell coming from the cracks in the branches. The smell of smoked siren rum - Zheng Qing guessed that there were stored berries that had been roasted - was mixed with the smell of peat from the potion reagents coming from Xiao Xiao, giving people a The feeling of being drunk.

"This is a preliminary investigation report. Sign it and send it back first."

Dylan handed over the noteboard through the branches: "It doesn't contain our guesses about the matter, it just lists various clues... and the autopsy results."

Zheng Qing flipped through it briefly.

This mutated Great Yarmouth elf corpse was similar to the corpse of the two-headed ogre in his impression. There were many sutures after surgery and traces of wound healing after the use of healing magic.

But there is something special about it.

For example, skin. Under normal circumstances, an elf's skin is as thin as silkworm skin, but this elf's skin is covered with a layer of white mesh structure. Dylan put a bracket after this record, which reads: Following Xiao Xiao's guess, he believed that this layer of mesh structure was to strengthen the elf's body structure and ensure that it would not become chapped after going berserk, leading to massive blood loss and death.

"Remember that two-headed demon?"

Zheng Qing turned to the end and noticed a gap. He looked up at Dylan: "That ogre once devoured the flesh, blood and souls of the warriors in the tribe to maintain its activity... So what about these elves? The doctor is not here Any remains of the same kind or that can provide high-intensity energy are found in its intestines.”

"What do you think?" Dylan took the noteboard back, took out the quill, and made a record.

Zheng Qing scratched his hair in annoyance.

"My first reaction was actually Dr. Duzem's Philosopher's Stone. It's impossible for those crows to catch Zhu Si just to play games with her." He let out a long sigh again, feeling irritated in his heart: " But I also think that no one would be stupid enough to risk offending a legendary wizard to do such a stupid thing..."

"There are not many dark wizards with sane minds." Dylan pouted, adding Zheng Qing's guess at the end of the report, and then handed the noteboard over again: "Hurry up and sign... We haven't had dinner yet! If I had known it, , I should bring all the fish and chips that Fatty ordered.”

"It's really terrible that the dark wizard cares about the food he gives you."

Zheng Qing shook his head and signed his name hastily. Before he could light the report, a ball of blue flames suddenly jumped out of the void. In an instant, it grew a neck, head and wings, turning into a small blue bird. , chirped around Zheng Qing’s head:

"News from the London branch of the Trident Sword: The aftermath incident management team has arrived at the White Crow Bar and is waiting to hand over to the Exoneration Hunting Team. Please complete the handover as soon as possible."

"It's so annoying, handing over again?" As soon as Zheng Qing complained, he realized what he was saying, his eyes widened suddenly, and he froze in place.

Didn’t the aftermath team already take over with them at White Crow?

So who is waiting now?

similar to him.

After hearing the news, several other members of the Exoneration Hunting Team were also dumbfounded.

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