Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 540 This is your trouble

Trident Sword Headquarters.

Archives Management Office.

The Forgiveness Hunting Team, which had returned from the dusty Egg Dragon Hunting Farm, was restlessly waiting for the results of the investigation.

"It has been verified clearly that there are no specialists with the codenames 'Potato', 'Watermelon' and 'Bean' in the London branch of the Trident Sword, nor among the outsourced hunters... nor at the headquarters."

Lewis, the head of the office, looked at the dejected young wizards in front of him with pity, and comforted: "This is not your fault. According to your description, they behaved very professionally... I estimate that even the veteran hunters in the bureau will be there." This is a bad place.”

"More than professional... they even made us sign a silence contract!" Zheng Qing groaned softly. He was very lucky to have a cat-face mask on his face, which could slightly reduce their embarrassment at the moment.

"But you're in luck."

Lewis waved his hand, and the large robe covered his skinny arms, which seemed a little empty: "Those guys used a standard contract and did not do anything with the terms. Otherwise, there is a high probability that you will be in hell now to Murphy." Toss Mining.”

"I hope they do something." Xiao Xiao gritted his teeth and replied - as the most cautious person in the hunting team, before signing the contract, he had repeatedly checked the terms and seals in the materials and found no problems.

Although no one blamed him, as the diviner of the Exoneration Hunting Team, he felt that he needed to bear the greatest responsibility for this mistake. This makes Mr. Fortune Teller, who is usually the calmest, now the most irritable.

"It's not your fault."

Lewis repeated these words and comforted him babbled: "Sometimes liars in this world are more real than real. Young people, how can we not make some mistakes... When performing a mission for the first time, there will always be omissions. It’s a good place... As long as you learn from every pit and learn to sum up experience, it will be good if you don’t fall into the same pit twice..."

"How does the bureau usually deal with this kind of thing?" Zheng Qing interrupted the tall and thin wizard.

"What should I do?" The file manager looked a little confused.

The young public-funded student under the mask couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Someone is pretending to be a staff member of the Trident Sword! Aren't the fortune tellers in the bureau planning to find them out?"

"Oh, you said this."

The tall and lanky wizard waved his hand casually: "There are too many liars in the wizarding world. Under normal circumstances, the bureau will not pay special attention to such trivial matters... The diviners are very busy, and they even assign tasks every month. If you can't complete it, why would you go to such extra trouble... Don't look at me with that look... The Three-Chased Sword is responsible for most security matters inside and outside the alliance, and its personnel are limited, so it is outsourced to private hunting teams every year. I don’t know how many of them there are. After executing the case, many of them will pretend to be the name of the Three-Chased Sword. As long as they don’t go too far, most of the bureau will turn a blind eye and won’t pursue them.”

"But you also said that these imposters are not outsourced hunting teams!"

"They didn't cause any 'harm', right?" Lewis spread his hands and said meaningfully: "At best, they just cut off a certain clue you found... On a certain level, this It’s your trouble, not the bureau’s.”

Zheng Qing felt that his eyes had been opened.

"Also, even if you find them, what charges do you plan to use to send them to Danhag?" The file manager changed his angle and continued his analysis: "Dark wizards committed crimes? You have no evidence. Fraud? At this level, at most A little gold... So, I still suggest you solve the trouble you caused yourself. Sancha Sword is not the number one university and will not wipe your ass. "

"There must be a mole in the bureau!"

"It's not surprising that the First University is like a sieve, with all kinds of weird guys entering the campus, let alone a small public security bureau under the alliance?"

"Little Public Security Bureau? Oh, what a big sigh!"

"Am I wrong? If it behaved more professionally, it wouldn't hire those private hunting teams! It's such a mess! The mask of the Trident Sword, the documents of the Trident Sword, the process of the Trident Sword... Those scammers are even more dedicated than the real agents of Trident Sword! They can just start a new Trident Sword!”

After leaving the archives management office, the atmosphere among the several young hunters has not been very good. Except for the always indifferent classmate Lan Que who still maintains his "calm composure", Lian Ping always prides himself on being cultivated and thoughtful. Dylan was also full of fire, expressing strong dissatisfaction with the level of internal control of the Trident Sword.

In comparison, Xiao Xiao, who was the most angry at first, calmed down.

It was just that he kept stroking the crystal ball in his arms with both hands and murmuring something in his mouth. He didn't put away the crystal ball until he boarded the Earth Dragon Express and entered the compartment, took out the scratch paper and put it on the small table. Start writing vigorously.

Zheng Qing stretched his neck and looked at it for a long time, vaguely feeling that the doctor was calculating something using a unique method that combined arithmetic divination and the Eight Diagrams of the Book of Changes. The paper was filled with dense numbers and graphics, which made people dizzy.

"Have you figured out anything?" The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team looked at his fortune teller eagerly.

"It was handled very cleanly." Xiao Xiao lowered his eyelids without pausing the quill in his hand: "The only thing we can be sure of is that they must be related to those crows. Therefore, if we catch the crows, we will catch them."

This is absolutely true nonsense.

The young public-sponsored students looked away in disappointment and muttered: "Everyone can tell that they are accomplices...Does such a thing still need divination?"

"Accomplice? I don't think so."

Fatty Xin unexpectedly expressed his objection: "Have you not noticed the attitude of those liars towards prisoners? When they gave the prisoner named 'Tom' the veritaserum, we reminded him that he had already taken it twice. It was a real potion, and using it again might cause unknown magical damage, but they still gave him the potion."

Dylan sneered: "Do you think there is such a concept of 'unity and friendship' among dark wizards? I think they just wanted to know how many secrets of the organization Tom had revealed, so they couldn't wait to support the third dose."

Zheng Qing felt a little dizzy after hearing this.

"The discussion on this matter ends here!" As the leader of the hunting team, he made a firm gesture: "Let's discuss how to find the one-eyed old crow first... and then take advantage of the time now to rest for a while, Let’s have something to eat… Where’s the cart selling things?”

He stuck his head out of the box and looked towards the end of the corridor.

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