Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 542: Sorting out

Phuket Island.

An area at the edge of the Silent Forest.

A deep pit like an upside-down pyramid is quietly hidden in this forest. The soil and gravel around the pit have been cleaned up, and the crooked Resurrection Poplar tree has also been uprooted, leaving only one tree beside the pit. It left one small pit after another, like a rotten scar, exuding a twisted aura that made the wizards sick.

At the edge of the pit, the pale yellow warning tape is like a huge spider web, entangled between the thick tree trunks. Even after more than a month of wind and sun, they still maintain a bright color because of the expulsion spells attached to them. Everything was silent for several miles, and there was no sound. No matter the insects under the humus layer or the birds in the holes of dead trees, they had already left their homes and fled. Even the stubborn centaur tribe or the violent ogre tribe would not hunt in this area.

Of course, the greater possibility is that the animals in the Silent Forest will carefully avoid this area. If there are no prey, there will naturally be no hunters.


The sound of a few pieces of gravel sliding down from the bottom of the pit broke the silence in the forest.

After a moment, several gray figures crawled out of the pit while swearing. At the end of the team was a fat wizard with slightly blue skin and a cat-face mask on his face. His robe was smaller than the others. The person was obviously a lot dirty, and the mask on his face had become a little crooked due to this difficult journey.

They are the five young hunters of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

"I said below that you should just use the flying spell to fly out!"

The fat wizard stood up straight with great effort, shook the dust off his body, and pulled off the mask on his face. His sweaty cheeks were a little shiny in the sun, and the resentment in his voice had almost turned into substance: "Easy and effortless, just a spell. thing...and this broken mask...we have already returned to Phuket Island, why are we still wearing this thing? There is not even a snowfly within a radius of three to five miles. Who would come to peek at our appearance? With my size and appearance, doesn’t anyone in school know about me?”

"You overestimate your popularity." Dylan looked at him up and down with empty eyes.

The fat man's eyes widened and he wanted to argue.

Xiao Xiao glanced at him, adjusted the mask on his face, and reminded: "When performing the task of the Three-pronged Sword, you should abide by the rules of the Three-pronged Sword. This is a responsible approach for everyone in the team."

As soon as this big hat was buttoned, the fat wizard's arrogance suddenly subsided.

"I didn't say I wouldn't wear it." He muttered, fiddling with the cat-face mask with both hands, as if he wanted to say something more, when a third voice came from his ears.

Following the doctor, Zheng Qing also spoke: "Didn't we discuss it before? This place was originally an illegal laboratory of dark wizards. Although it has been cleaned up by the school, the magic environment has been distorted after all. If you use flying spells casually, there will inevitably be consequences. The possibility of causing unpredictable risks... Even if the possibility is extremely low, we can't take the risk... After all, the school has kept this place too clean! "

He really meant that last sentence.

Because the hunt for the dark wizard encountered a 'bottleneck', the Exoneration Hunting Team planned to reorganize the existing clues, so they started from the original 'place of origin' to see if they could find any new breakthroughs.

Not surprisingly, they didn't get any unexpected results.

The ruins of the entire laboratory were cleaned up, and the tree species were dug up by the roots. Only a few square traces outlined with markers were left at the location of the test bench. The bluestone slab with the runes on it was completely removed. Every corner of the pit was thoroughly disinfected, and even after a month, the bottom of the pit still exudes the suffocating smell of potion.

Zheng Qing suspected that if it weren't for the slightly larger area, the school staff responsible for cleaning up this area would probably pack up the entire laboratory - including this pit - for containment.

A hunting team of five people.

Three people have already fired at him.

Fatty Xin looked pitifully at the last member of the hunting team who had not yet spoken, hoping to get some support, but immediately, he gave up on this plan in his heart.

Lan Que never likes to get involved in this kind of gossip.

But sometimes, God likes to make such impossible jokes.

Maybe he noticed the fat wizard's gaze. The blue bird holding the sword tilted his head, looked him up and down, and said unexpectedly: "You should exercise more."

As soon as the words came out, not only the fat man was stunned, but the other three were also frightened.

Xiao Xiao even subconsciously put his hand on the crystal ball and touched it, as if he wanted to calculate whether the guy next to him had been killed by a dark wizard.

But after seeing Lan Que's eyes, he stopped the urge abruptly.

"My fault, my fault!" The fat wizard raised his hands honestly and sighed, without any of the arrogance he had just after climbing out of the pit: "It's all my fault..."

As he spoke, he put the cat-face mask back on his face.

"What's next?" he asked gruffly.

The forest immediately returned to its previous dead silence.

The hunt that lasted for a week had made Zheng Qing vaguely aware that the dark wizard seemed to be teasing them. To put it more bluntly, he seemed to be 'walking a dog'; after finally catching a prisoner, he was actually People are deceived right under their noses.

This time I went back to comb through the clues and found nothing.

The morale of the hunting team was already very low.

After a while, Zheng Qing punched his palm and made a decision as the leader of the hunting team: "Drink."

Four pairs of eyes looked at him.

"Drink?" The fat wizard's eyes were full of confusion. Even through the mask, Zheng Qing seemed to be able to see the wrinkled look on his face.

"Is this some kind of 'metaphor'?" Dylan leaned into Xiao Xiao's ear and whispered.

The fortune teller of the Forgiveness Hunting Team lowered his eyelids and looked like he was thinking.

The next second, Zheng Qing solved the mystery.

"Yes, drink! Just drink!"

The captain of the Exoneration Hunting Team breathed a heavy sigh of relief and opened his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the entire forest: "After a week of exhaustion, it's time to rest... The strings that have been stretched all the time will easily break. Let's go back to school and sleep. After a night's sleep, take a shower, change into clean robes, and go to the bar for a crazy night. When we wake up tomorrow, we will think about catching the dark wizard.

The worst thing is that this mission fails, we give in, and can't catch the dark wizard. What's the big deal? It's only January now, and there are still eleven months left in this year, so we can always complete other tasks assigned by the alliance. "

Fatty Xin stared at him.

After a long while, the fat wizard clapped his hands hard, and was the first to agree with Zheng Qing's arrangement: "That's right! What a big deal! If you can't catch it, you can't catch it... and it made me eat fast food for a week..."

Compared with him, classmate Xiao Xiao is more concerned about another detail: "Will the hunting team reimburse the money for going to the bar?"

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