Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 543 Return to Sakura Tavern

The bar Zheng Qing chose for the Exoneration Hunting Team was the Sakura Tavern in the North District of Beta Town. Lan

The first time he heard the name, Fatty Xin clearly expressed his disdain to the young public-funded student with his expression and language.

"They also said 'rest, rest', 'the strings should not be too tight' and 'we will think about catching the dark wizard when we wake up tomorrow'," the fat wizard rolled his eyes, his tone full of ridicule: "I really believed it. ...Are you still doubting the North District Wizard?"

During the previous internal discussions of the Exoneration Hunting Team, there were several speculations about the origin of the dark wizards. One of the clearest targets was the North District wizard - because of the desire for magical knowledge revealed in the confession of the 'white crow', they only Saw it in the Wizard of the North End.

So after hearing Zheng Qing's destination, the fat wizard's first reaction was that Zheng Qing was using drinking as an excuse to check out the situation.

However, Zheng Qing was determined not to admit Fatty Xin's 'slander'.

"Just going to drink!"

The young public-sponsored student's expression remained unchanged, but he refused to look directly into the fat wizard's eyes: "I went to the Sakura Tavern because it's cheaper there... Wasn't my gold card from the Wandering Bar taken away by the Wandering Wizard?" Lan

In short, whether intentionally or not, the Exoneration Hunters ended up at the Sakura Tavern.

The tavern is located at No. 33, Gudiao Street, North District, Beta Town. Outside Gudiao Street, a group of them met a North District wizard wearing a shabby robe who was distributing leaflets. He also stuffed a few leaflets into them. Zheng Qing saw the beginning: "Please give Immediately after saying the words "I am a frog", his face drooped, he crumpled the flyer into a ball and threw it into a gray cloth bag.

"It's endless." Dylan's slightly unhappy mutter came to his ears.

The fat wizard habitually retorted: "Any revolution cannot be achieved overnight. It is a long and arduous process. It is not easy for them to maintain this 'peaceful' mentality during this process and win public support only through public opinion." ”

"I hope they can continue to be so peaceful." Zheng Qing sincerely wished.

Mr. Vampire Werewolf sneered: "They are willing to make peace because they only have one great wizard and the promotion time is still short. If there are ten or eight great wizards in the North District, or there is one legend, let's see if they are still willing to compromise like this. ?”

Zheng Qing was noncommittal about this assumption. Lan

But after he entered the North District this time, he had a completely different feeling than what he had in mind - the garbage heaps that could be seen everywhere disappeared without a trace, and the dirty walls and overlapping graffiti also disappeared along with those low-rise buildings. The short and dilapidated old houses were demolished and turned into small houses that were not too tall but neat and clean.

All of this is closely related to the great wizard born in the North District.

There is an exquisite archway at the entrance of Gudiao Street. Several wizards from the North District in gray robes stood under the archway, playing with fat frogs in their hands. Thick and bulging Dharma books hung on their waists, looking at them warily. He looked at every passerby and from time to time checked the identity of some pedestrians trying to enter Gudiao Street.

A row of bamboo baskets were neatly arranged in the shadow of the archway not far from them. When Zheng Qing passed by, he could faintly hear the lazy humming of amphibians in the bamboo baskets.

They probably don't know their fate. A trace of emotion flashed through the heart of the young public-funded student.

Deep under a section of wall in the street, on the bluestone road, a wizard with his face hidden under a hood was waving his arms and lashing out at the onlookers about First University's admissions model: "...Fuck your talent! Fuck your talent!" Damn your faith! Damn your fighting! It is necessary for every wizard to have such a stupid reason! What are they afraid of? "

"Maybe he's afraid that he will become as stupid as them." Dylan laughed in a low voice. Lan

Zheng Qing gave him a warning look.

This is the North District, and he doesn't want to cause any more trouble besides performing his mission.

Compared with the greatly changed Gudiao Street, the Sakura Tavern remains the same as Zheng Qing remembered it, with no changes. The simple two-story building still has white walls and black tiles. In the small garden downstairs, the cherry blossom trees at the four corners are as lush as ever. The colorful flowers are blooming in this cold season, and there is a trace of light in the air. The aroma.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude.

This sentence suddenly appeared in Zheng Qing's mind.

Although the appearance of this small courtyard has not changed much, its temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes because of the resident great wizard. Once you step over the threshold, the small two-story building that is not high suddenly gives people a majestic and huge feeling, as if A small mountain suddenly appears in front of you, making people hold their breath and concentrate.

After Korma advanced, he had been here several times, but he had never had such a clear feeling. Lan

Maybe she also got some benefits from her husband?

The young public-sponsored student's mind was filled with random thoughts, his eyes were inexplicably a little more guilty, and his steps unconsciously slowed down a little, attracting Dr. Xiao's suspicious gaze.

"Would you like to say hello to the second floor?" the short wizard reminded.

The second floor is the original meeting place of the Gini Cabin. Since the birth of the North District Wizards, it has become the residence of the Gini Wizards. If Korma is in the North District, he will stay there most of the time.

"No, we are just here to drink today!" Zheng Qing shook his head decisively.

Because of its special status, the Sakura Tavern is not open to the public during normal hours - the 'outside' here is only for ordinary North District wizards - and the students of First University have extensive and secret privileges in the entire Beta Town, such as , they just showed their student cards and entered the tavern that seemed to be closed.

There were not many customers in the tavern, but it was very lively because of the small space. Lan

Most of the guests are students from the First University who are stranded on the island. They come here to gain knowledge because of curiosity or the "Give Me a Frog" movement. A small number of guests belong to the "elite" among the wizards in the North District. They only watch them. With their clean robes and ruby ​​rings on their hands, you can tell the difference between them and the wizards in the North who still use frogs as casting materials.

Zheng Qing is somewhat famous in First University.

As soon as he entered the door, he quickly attracted many furtive glances and whispers. Although Zheng Qing's deformation sequelae had been greatly alleviated, his hearing was still very good, and the store was not big, so he could easily catch it. Weird words such as 'Congressman Su's husband', 'not handsome at all', 'during the dance under the moon', 'cheating', 'no courage', etc.

The boy's face suddenly dropped.

So much so that after pouring the first cup of Green Hornet into his stomach, the depression in his heart had not dissipated.



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