Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 568 Priority

"Hey, hey, that's a bit exaggerated!"

"Are you kidding..."

"This is definitely not an ordinary illegal laboratory."

While Zheng Qing and Fatty Xin were exclaiming, Xiao Xiao had already given his own judgment: "Visual inspection shows that the base of the flying object is more than 100 meters, the height is more than 60 meters, and the slope is about 52 degrees... equivalent to a miniature floating city. There are only a handful of wizarding organizations that have this kind of technology, and it’s very expensive to build. It’s impossible for Crow to have many such laboratories… In other words, this must be a very important laboratory for Crow.”

"In other words, did you catch a big fish this time?" Zheng Qing's eyes gradually brightened as he stared at the illegal laboratory: "Do you think that 'professor' is inside?"

No one can answer this question.

The raging magic power is pouring into the center of the battlefield from all directions. The entire pyramid-shaped building seems to have been forcibly pulled up from the ground by a pair of big hands. The earth veins are broken and the ground is shattered. It is covered with a light red light film, and underneath it It was also carrying a large amount of soil, and as it slowly rose into the air, it fell down with a splash.

The attacks of the wolves became more and more frenzied, holding back the wizards who were fighting and retreating, trying to break away from contact. Suck

"Recall swordsmen and gentlemen!"

The captain of the Forgiveness Hunting Team quickly removed the ordinary rune bullets from the rune gun magazine and replaced them with blood rune bullets, while giving the order without thinking: "Prepare the second-level battle formation!"

Thousands of meters above the ground.

In a thick cloud.

On the back of the gray-white crow, Crow No. 3, whose eyes were originally closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and poked his head out of the crow's back, looking at the rising position of the laboratory. Suck

"Why so early?"

He muttered in a low voice, moved his butt uneasily, and quickly calculated with the fingers hidden in his sleeves: "According to the plan, we should take off after the three rounds of experiments have been completed? Why hasn't the first round of experiments been completed yet? Just started? What happened?"

But no matter how many times he calculated, he couldn't figure out any special variables. On the contrary, it was because the laboratory was launched ahead of schedule, which brought many new variables.


Crow No. 3 finally couldn't hold it any longer and whispered for help to the professor sitting in front like a sculpture: "Is there something wrong with Mr. Whateley?"

Whateley is the dark wizard invited by the crows to run this laboratory. In order to hire him, the crows paid for the most advanced bloodline transformation technology in the organization, and even transplanted a trace of the bloodline of the Thunder Titan into him.

Professor Monteria did not open his eyes and just sneered slightly. Suck

"What could be happening? It's just a common problem that all dark wizards have. Their self-control is too weak."

Although the professor's tone was sarcastic, his voice was very calm, as if he had expected this situation: "He is like a little boy who got a new toy now, and he can't help but want to show off to others... and... Remember the story of Griffin Giant? The most important thing to become a great wizard is not mana, but soul, courage, and awareness... Without these concepts, even if you can bloom with the most brilliant colors at night, it is just an epiphyllum. That’s all.”

"We should have insisted on using our own people at that time." Crow No. 3 said with a hint of annoyance. The worst case scenario for any plan is that things don't happen as planned.

However, the professor didn't seem to agree with his point of view: "Every crow is precious, and I don't want you to waste your sacrifice on something that doesn't have much meaning."

The edge of the battlefield. Suck

The location of the Forgiveness Hunting Team.

"Joint Command Order!"

The green bird hanging diagonally above the young hunters emerged from the fire again, flapped its wings and screamed: "The battlefield situation has changed, and the intensity of the battle has increased. Please prepare all hunting teams for support at any time! Command Headquarters Supplementary order: Don’t worry about those illegal experimental subjects, prioritize shooting down the floating laboratory! Repeat it three times, prioritize shooting down the floating laboratory!”

It can be seen that the fortune tellers at the joint command headquarters must have been so anxious that they completely ignored the format of the official document and even spoke in plain language.

Zheng Qing originally wanted to make a little joke.

But the next second, he couldn't laugh anymore.

After the green bird's announcement was completed, it folded its wings, landed on his shoulder, came close to his ear, and added in a voice that pretended to be small but could be heard by everyone present: "According to the "First University Management Regulations" It is stipulated that when necessary, a supplementary explanation will be given to the operation rules of the First University Guardian Array: The guardian array has the first responsibility to protect the First University campus. When the guardian array detects any threat to the campus within Phuket Island, When there is an illegal existence, the magic circle is allowed to adjust the program priority and launch a counterattack as soon as possible, above!

This addition seemed to say something, but it seemed like it said nothing.

Several young wizards from the Forgiveness Hunting Team all looked at their diviners, hoping to get a more accurate answer, but found that Dr. Xiao's face was pale and he looked like he had lost too much blood.


The short wizard cursed rarely.

When the war situation in the depths of the Silent Forest escalates. Suck

At the First University, on the top floor of the school working committee office building, an office that had been closed all year round was in chaos. Several left-behind staff from the four colleges were frantically flipping through the standard operating manuals to inquire about the cause of the abnormal situation.

"It's really a red alert!"

"Where! What exactly is the problem?"

"Patrol teams from the four colleges have been sent out, and no illegal intruders have been found... nor in Beta Town... It is winter vacation, the campus is very clean, and the investigation is very fast!"

"Don't look for reasons yet! Have you notified various departments according to the procedures? The joint meeting of professors? The school working committee? The dean's office? The offices of the two vice presidents?"

"Everyone has been notified...but how should we report it? The school's protective circle suddenly went crazy? Without any enemies found, it is extracting a large amount of magic power from the magic pool and condensing magic of mass destruction? The professors will tear us apart. In pieces!"

"If you don't notify me now, wait until the guardian circle throws this thunder spell out, then you won't have to worry about being torn into pieces...the professors will stew you slowly over a slow fire!"

"Can you stop it from going crazy?"

"Do you think the protective circle is your alchemy pet? It is alive! It has its own judgment logic! Any situation that poses a threat to First University is within its attack range... Wait, anything? ...Expand the monitoring scope immediately! Check if there are any high-risk threat events in Phuket Island!”



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