Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 569 Tug of War

The guardian array of First University is a nested array. The walls, fences, etc. of the First University campus are used as boundaries to form the inner array; the winding coastline of Phuket Island is used as the boundary to form the outer array - in other words, the protective arrays that everyone usually discusses are all inner arrays. In fact, the entire Phuket Island is shrouded in a huge security barrier, but in order to save magic power, its coverage is rarely expanded to the maximum.

Just like a giant dragon that is taking a nap, with a few bold little mice crawling around it, it will not raise its eyelids more and waste precious energy, but if an ogre or an ogre floats in the wind, The smell of trouble forced the dragon to open its eyes, raise its head, and spit in the direction of the danger.

"In other words, we have been noticed by the school's guardian array?"

After listening to Xiao Xiao's explanation, the first thought that came to Zheng Qing's mind was confusion: "Isn't this a good thing? With the help of the formation, wouldn't it be more convenient to clean up those experimental subjects?"

While they were talking, the five members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team had already finished organizing themselves and launched the first-order Bofu clan battle formation. The blue magic afterbirth rose up around them like a ball of jumping blue flames.

"Active help and passive help have different effects."

Xiao Xiaoyan explained concisely and concisely: "To use an inappropriate analogy, a fire dragon that is awake or a fire dragon that is awakened from a dream, there is no doubt who is more dangerous... In other words, now the school's guardian circle The counterattack launched was passively stimulated by the small 'Floating City', so the operations during the counterattack were naturally not so precise."

This is very straightforward.

When Zheng Qing heard this, his little face immediately turned as pale as the doctor before.

"You mean, we might also be within the attack range?" he shouted.

"Remove the word 'possible'." Dr. Xiao Da adjusted his glasses and directed Fatty Xin, who was in charge of the formation, to adjust his position slightly. He sighed heavily and looked up at the sky: "...we It must be within the attack range of the guardian circle."

Zheng Qing looked up along his line of sight.

Only then did he notice that at some point, the opal-like sun in the sky had been completely submerged behind increasingly thick clouds, and the colors of those clouds began to become more and more intense. The area covered by the clouds completely covered the entire battlefield, and even had a lot of room to spare, extending far outside the battlefield, obviously with the intention of never letting go of any threat.

This sight looked strangely familiar.

Even through the thick magic afterbirth, Zheng Qing seemed to be able to smell the numbing smell in the air.

"It's really crude and simple. If the control accuracy is insufficient, just use numbers. Is this the legendary miracle of powerful force?" Dylan gestured with a beeping voice to indicate the distance between the hunting team and the outside of the cloud coverage, and suddenly turned around. He turned his head to look at the doctor: "Is it still too late for us to run now?"

"What do you think?" the doctor asked bluntly.

Mr. Vampire Werewolf was silent for a moment.

Similar to the campus of First University, the school's guardian circle is also 'living' and has its own 'consciousness'. It usually turns a blind eye and lets some sneaky mice go, which is harmless. But after someone wakes up from a dream, and suddenly finds a dagger of Damocles hanging above his head, anyone will get a little angry.

"So, our only solution now is to blow up that laboratory before the thunder curse falls, right!" Zheng Qing tightened his belt, twisted the two obsidian cufflinks, and took a deep breath. Take a breath.

"It doesn't have to be blown up. As long as you shoot it down and don't let it hang in the air to stimulate the protective circle, it should be safe." The doctor guessed with some uncertainty.

"here we go!"

Fatty Xin interrupted the discussion of several companions.

Everyone looked towards the field.

I saw several tall figures appearing on the originally empty battlefield. There were long snakes, giant wolves, big bears, and an ancient bronze bell hanging in mid-air. They were moving the ancient bronze bell from four directions. Surrounded by the pyramid that is still rising slowly, long snakes are entangled, giant wolves bite, big bears roar, and ancient bells shake wildly, trying to pull the pyramid back to the ground.

"Is this the second-level battle formation of other hunting teams?" Mr. Vampire Werewolf touched his chin, with an eager expression on his face: "I don't know who is more powerful between them and our Bofu clan..."

"I'm more curious about which hunting team launched the second-level battle formation that bronze bell."

Xiao Xiao pushed up his glasses, carefully looked at the simple and huge patterns on the bronze bell, and murmured: "The style of the Three-pronged Sword has always been known for its simplicity and practicality, and will not do such weird things; the school working committee is also Consistently old-school style... So, the three giant beasts should be the patrol team of the school working committee and the two crisis support teams with three-pronged swords. "

Unlike two teammates who pay attention to details.

Zheng Qing was more concerned about the power of the second-order battle formation.

The first time he witnessed the second-level deployment of the battle formation was on the Black Prison battlefield. However, there was so much great power pouring into the Black Prison at that time that it was even as powerful as the true bodies revealed by the great wizards. It's a bit inconspicuous, let alone the pseudo-true body that relies on the second-order battle formation.

Then, the Forgiveness Hunting Team mastered Bo Fu's second-level battle formation through some trickery. Unfortunately, they never had the chance to actually go on the battlefield. The few hunting matches they participated in were limited by venue, viewing angle, etc. Zheng Qing couldn't fully understand what was so powerful about the second-level battle formation.

until today.

More than 20 wizards who were originally overwhelmed by the crazy attack of hundreds of human wolves and lost sight of the other, after regrouping and launching a second-level battle formation, the situation on the battlefield was reversed almost instantly.

The human wolves continued to attack one after another, but their sharp claws fell on the giant beasts, and they could only gouge out pieces of magic flesh and blood that melted in the wind. In the blink of an eye, the flesh and blood that they had cut out were transformed by the flow of magic power. Restore as before.

More importantly, compared with giant wolves, long snakes and other giant beasts, they are too small, like fleas on a human body. Do people care about where the fleas on their body are jumping when they are fighting?

Like now.

The four huge figures didn't care about the bites of hundreds of human wolves. They concentrated on dealing with the slowly rising pyramid and wanted to pull it back to the ground.

The long snake stretches its body like a huge cable. The snake's head is wrapped around the pyramid, and the snake's tail is grasped on the big bear and the giant wolf. The two sides seem to be engaged in a fierce tug-of-war between heaven and earth. The ancient bronze bell hangs on the pyramid, jingling and shaking wildly. The falling sound waves shook the pyramid, preventing it from making any progress.

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