Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 573 Zai Tuan (shān) Zai Zha (zuò)

There is a difference between 'great wizard level combat power' and 'real great wizard'.

The latter is the backbone of the Wizards Alliance. Each great wizard has a seat in the Alliance's highest authority, the Grand Wizards' Conference, and can participate in voting, discuss the alliance's policies, and decide the fate of thousands of ordinary wizards and even the passage of time. Towards the existence, every one of their names is a well-known big shot in the league.

The former only possesses some of the characteristics of a great wizard - such as a huge true body, powerful magic, or the ultimate mastery of a certain type of magic, etc. - and can perform magic equivalent to the level of a great wizard in a short period of time. There is an essential difference between a 'registered wizard' with combat capabilities and a real great wizard.

But because they have touched the line between top registered wizards and great wizards, and even put a few fingers across it, many wizards privately call these people 'quasi-grand wizards' or 'quasi-grand wizards' Pseudo·Great Wizard'.

The league does not recognize this title.

But one cannot deny the existence of such wizards.

The most common ones are the many high-level bloodline clans in the alliance, such as Titan Giant, Thunder Giant, Beamon, Changbai Mountain Chiqiu, Tanggula Ice Chi, Iron-eating Beast, etc. Their adult individuals are extremely large, and they naturally have the most powerful wizards. Remarkable features; in addition, the second-level expansion state of the battle formation was originally created with reference to the characteristics of the great wizard.

Since it is fake, it naturally cannot beat the real one.

Like now.

On the battlefield deep in the silent forest.

The Bofu clan's true form, which had been condensed after the Exoneration Hunting Team launched the second-level battle formation, was smashed to pieces by a giant claw attacking from the side as soon as they met.

The one who attacked this young hunting team was not the kind of mad experimental body they had seen during the winter hunting that only had magic power reaching the level of a great wizard, but a man whose soul and magic had transformed together and truly advanced to the realm of a great wizard. exist.

Only this kind of true great wizard can detect the flaws in the mismatch between the 'magic' and the 'soul' of the true body of the battle formation, and easily find the nodes where the magic flows.

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

The five young wizards of the Forgiveness Hunting Team fell to the ground like cannonballs. Zheng Qing felt that all the bones in his body seemed to be broken. But what was worse than this was the backlash of magic power after the battle formation was broken. Every breath was like a knife cutting me, and I couldn't lift a trace of magic power.

Perhaps Fatty Xin and Dylan are physically stronger and can still retain some of their fitness at this moment.


"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, hehe... uh uh..."

The strange sound of an elderly man coughing hard with phlegm in his throat echoed over the empty battlefield, easily taking away everyone's attention. Zheng Qing struggled to lift his upper body and looked at it without any effort. The guy who made the strange noise is also the owner of the giant claw.

Most of its body has climbed out of the pyramid building. It is covered in a wide black robe, tattered, but it seems like night has taken away the color of half of the battlefield. The sun falls on the robe and disappears quietly. The sound disappeared, as if there was a black hole hiding there, and the end of the black hole was in the pyramid building.

Its face is hidden under the thick hood, making it difficult to see clearly. Only a slender chin with a mustache and a few locks of gray hair are exposed. Perhaps it feels hostile sights from all directions, those with soft hair Floating, slowly squirming, a hazy gray halo floated on the hair, looking from a distance, it looked like tentacles of different thicknesses.

It also has many arms.

Zheng Qing couldn't count how many there were at the moment. He could only see that one of its hands was holding a huge black Dharma book, one hand was leaning on a dark crutch, and the other hand was slowly returning. It was shrinking - it was the giant claw that had just attacked the Exoneration Hunting Team - and there were several arms supporting the exit of the pyramid and the ground, like centipede feet, pulling its huge body out of the tower bit by bit.

Inexplicably, Zheng Qing thought of what an insect chrysalis would look like when it emerged from its cocoon.


A golden talisman wrapped in amazing magic power drew a straight line in mid-air. With the power to tear through the night, it accurately hit the slightly curved goatee, but it only burned. A few beards were burnt.



It was as if a child had poked a hornet's nest with a branch. The goatees that had stayed peacefully on the chin roared and struggled, turning into a group of ferocious tentacles, clawing around like crazy.

"Oh, it's scary enough."

The captain of the Chilian Hunting Team, the tall witch, put the heavy rune gun on his shoulder and stared nervously at the slowly rising, getting taller and taller dark figure, trying to sound more relaxed. : "Excuse me, can you stand up? If your legs are not weak... just run!"

Before she finished speaking, she swiftly turned her gun and pointed it at the slowly falling dark curtain.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two more golden thin lines crisscrossed through the air, like a pair of sharp scissors, cutting off the black curtain. Dozens of thick tentacles screamed and roared, slowly falling from the air. But before he even landed, he disappeared into the large black robe again.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The captain of the Chilian Hunting Team did not hesitate to use expensive special talisman bullets, laying a thin line of defense between the huge figure and his teammates.


The witch's voice was not loud, but it resounded clearly throughout the battlefield. Her tone was extremely calm and decisive: "Retreat immediately and leave the battlefield. In the name of the First University Teaching Assistant Group, this mission has encountered force majeure, and everyone is allowed to leave on your own..."

"Hey hey hey..."

The witch's voice was interrupted by the cry of a night owl. A pair of bony hands rose from the black robe, and slowly took off the heavy hood, revealing a wrinkled, goat-like face. Old face.

It was the huge head that had appeared when the pyramid was suspended.

It blinked, and the originally silvery-white hole immediately turned red as if filled with magma; then it blinked again, and slender red gaps suddenly appeared on both sides of its gray-white cheeks; Blinking his eyes for the third time, the slits opened one by one, revealing the same red eyes.

"Hey hey hey,"

Its mouth was submerged in the floating and dancing tentacles, but it did not affect the spread of its voice in all directions: "Smash my laboratory, who allowed you to leave?"

The huge black book floated in front of it. A skinny hand crawled over its shoulder, and its slender index finger drew runes on the flipped pages:

"Zai Tu (shān) Zai Zha (zuò)!"

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