Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 574 A critical moment

The spell Zai Tuan (shān) Zai Zha (zuò) was born out of the ancient magic "kill people like mowing grass" and the derivative magic "kill people like mowing grass" and "kill people like mowing wheat", which means killing people is like cutting grass or wheat. It is a spell of mass destruction and is often used by wizards against enemies on the battlefield.

Like now.

The huge figure hanging in mid-air recited this spell in a hoarse and cold voice, targeting all the hunters of the school and the Trident Sword. The loose robes quietly fluttered above everyone's heads, dividing the entire battlefield into distinct areas. There are two parts, half day and half night, and those fierce murderous intentions are pouring out from the night.

When the last syllable of the spell falls.

Thin black lines floated out from the rich night, messy and disorderly, like handfuls of weeds thrown into the air casually, seemingly without any weight.

One of the thin lines seemed to fly in the wrong direction, drifting towards the pyramid building that had already landed, and then passed over the top of the tower without any hindrance.


Accompanied by a soft and melodious sound, the pyramid that had been unscathed by the mad attacks of the wizards before slipped silently from the tower body. The cross section was as smooth as a mirror, and the edges were flashing with colorful magic nodes. It seemed that the magic power flowing in the tower had not yet reacted. Come over here and see what happened.


Several golden talisman bullets fired at the huge figure also passed over the black lines, making a soft sound like a soap bubble breaking. The golden bullet marks that were originally as thin as a hair were cut into two thinner halves, like a withered flower. flower, its petals falling feebly into the night.

And the spells cast by wizards.

And the magic circle they set up on the battlefield.

The thin black thread is like a scalpel in the hand of a doctor, cutting everything in this small world accurately and meticulously. There is a beeping sound in the air, like the strings of a piano breaking. This is what the wizards have prepared in advance. The various magic arrays set up on the battlefield, the sounds of array disks and spells shattering.

Is this mowing grass?

Zheng Qing, who was curled up on the ground, suddenly had this idea in his mind. A few seconds ago, he tried to activate the talisman rewarded by Lao Yao, but because the magic backlash had not yet dissipated, he huddled up in pain and couldn't even say a word. If he couldn't come out, he could only hold his head and hiss and breathe in the cold air.

It was because he had been used to having headaches since he was a child that he didn't faint because of such recklessness.

Out of the corner of his eye, the assistants of the Chilian Hunting Team, who were not far in front of the Forgiveness Hunting Team, tried their best to throw out a series of protective spells, but they were unable to stop those slender black lines from falling slowly. The shredded spell bloomed with bright colors in mid-air, and then gradually fell silent in the increasingly dense darkness of the night.

The wizards scattered around the battlefield resisted desperately and quietly, silently waiting for the powerful spell to slowly come. No one screamed, no one begged for mercy, and no one had any last words.

Just as the sun sets, day disappears and turns into night.

Everything happened silently.

"do not give up!"

The captain of the Chilian Hunting Team stood at the edge of the boundary between night and day. A clear voice suddenly sounded on the battlefield: "Run if you can. If you can't run away, don't give up... This is the number one university!"

boom! boom!

Every time she spoke a word, she pulled the trigger. The talisman bullets she usually collected seemed to cost nothing. She was squandering them unscrupulously, with few results, but she showed no signs of being discouraged, like an agile antelope. , stepping on tiny steps, jumping flexibly in a small area.

Although her efforts could not defeat the slowly falling spell above her head, she could deflect those thin black lines slightly. But because of her struggle, more and more thin black threads emerged from the night and floated towards her.

Zheng Qing held the talisman spear in one hand and the talisman scroll in the other, and tried to sit up.

It would take thirty seconds, at least thirty seconds, before he could mobilize a trace of magic power. With that magic power, he can recite a spell to release the green snake hidden in the ear hole; he can pull the trigger on the rune gun to light up the blood rune bullets in the magazine; he can try to open a book full of forbidden spells. The hand gesture book, etc., no matter which one, at least it will not be as easy as now.

And without that magic power, he couldn't even crush the protective jade charm Su Shijun left for him.

For a moment, Zheng Qing regretted putting away the Haha Bead and the Double-Headed Minotaur in advance.

After You Zui launched the second-level battle formation, in order to prevent these treasures from being damaged and because their role was getting smaller and smaller, Zheng Qing took them back. If those alchemy dolls and minotaurs were still there now, they could at least drag everyone back to the edge of the battlefield.

Thirty seconds.

It only takes thirty seconds!

The young public-funded student watched desperately and helplessly as several thin black lines intertwined like spider webs, sliding towards the leader of the Chilian hunting team who was blocking the front. He watched as the rune gun in the witch's hand was cut into pieces starting from the muzzle. Fragments, he roared in his throat, closed his eyes, unable to bear to see what happened next.

A pair of strong hands lifted him up from behind.

"Can you stand up?"

A familiar voice sounded in the young wizard's ears: "Magic backlash? Well, wait, I seem to still have a little bit of La Plata water..."

Zheng Qing turned his head hard, feeling as if his neck was about to be broken by himself. Then he saw a pair of green eyes and a familiar face.

"Thomas!" The boy's voice was hoarse.

"Don't get excited, it's not good for healing the magic backlash." The usher who once took him into the school pressed his shoulder, took out a small bottle of clear liquid from his pocket, and signaled: "Drink it quickly... …”


"I have long said that wherever this kid is, there will always be endless troubles to deal with!" Another familiar voice also came over, with resentment in the voice: "It's obvious that we are already on vacation, but we still won't stop!"

There was no need to look back, Zheng Qing's mind had already imagined a carefree face with a nose ring and lip studs embedded in his face. He turned his head to the other side, and sure enough.

"I heard that you are catching crows?" Perhaps noticing the wizard's gaze, Assistant Teacher Hilda rolled her eyes and mocked: "Why didn't the Three-pronged Sword arrest you? I think you are the biggest one in the school. A crow!"

"How do you..."

"How did we arrive so soon?" Thomas seemed to have guessed the boy's confusion, smiled slightly, and looked up: "Thanks to old Whateley, his magic cut off the space anchor that locked the entire battlefield...Give it to us Provides great convenience.”

Zheng Qing followed the assistant's gaze and looked upward.

Only then did they realize that a pale golden hill had floated above them at some point, transforming into a huge golden mountain shadow that enveloped all the wizards. Thin black lines floating from the night fell on the golden mountain shadow. Afterwards, it dispersed like light flakes without causing any ripples.

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