Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 201 Can it be called laziness when it comes to scholars?

As one of the three major power organizations under the Wizards Alliance, First University is not only a training center for young wizards, but also has the most comprehensive and profound magic research center in the wizarding world. 【】

On Phuket Island, in addition to the four colleges of Jiuyou, Alpha, Starry Sky, and Atlas, there are four huge research institutes quietly lurking on the university campus.

Divination Research Institute, Astronomy Research Institute, Magic Philosophy Research Institute, and Applied Magic Research Institute.

As the name suggests, the Institute of Divination is a magical institution focused on divination research. According to different divination carriers and divination schools, this institute has opened many subdivisions.

For example, according to different divination carriers, there are Astrology, Turtle Shell, Solitaire, Crystal Ball, etc.; according to the divination schools, there are many research methods such as Plum Blossom Yi, Wen Wang Yi, Liu Ren, Tarot, etc.; in addition, there are also specialized research methods A group of wizards who interpret and study divination works such as "Book of Changes" and "Tao Te".

Similarly, the Institute of Astronomy and the Institute of Magical Philosophy are also very professional research institutions.

The difference is that the Institute of Astronomy focuses on various permutations and combinations of the 365 standard magic words and explores the relationship between the magic words and the universe; while the Institute of Magical Philosophy pays more attention to the development of theoretical knowledge, especially the theoretical development of the dimensional school. .

Compared with the above three institutes, the Institute of Applied Magic is very special.

This is a comprehensive research institution, almost as large as the other three research institutes combined.

This institute is mainly responsible for the development and promotion of magic techniques commonly used by wizards. The institute has jurisdiction over many practical magic research institutions such as the Magic Potion Research Institute, Talisman Research Institute, Spell Formation Research Institute, and Alchemy Research Institute.

In the eyes of many senior wizards, this is not a good job - magic should be a method of studying the truth, and should not focus on the development of strange and obscene skills - but in the eyes of more wizards, new magic that can be used is good magic. .

Therefore, the name of the Institute of Applied Magic is even vaguely as famous as the other four colleges of the First University among the general public in the wizarding world, and is regarded as the "First University Institute".

Of course, whether it is the Institute of Applied Magic or the other three institutes, they are all very attractive to young wizards who can graduate from the First University.

Rich research materials, a deep research atmosphere, the most advanced laboratories in the wizarding world, and the guidance of many famous seniors - this has almost clearly told all young wizards who enter the institute that they can walk on the esoteric path of magic. further.

A longer life, a stronger power, and a life that continues to sublimate.

No idealistic and rational wizard would reject these things.

Of course, not every graduate has the opportunity to enter these large courtyards hidden deep in Phuket Island.

The institute only wants the best graduates.

The title of Outstanding Graduate of the First University is standard here, the top student of the college is a frequent visitor here, and even those public-funded students who have won the title for four consecutive years are not a minority here.

So much so that there was a saying in the First University: the first-rate students are in the research institute, the second-rate students are studying abroad, and the third-rate students are busy making money and not joining the ranks.

However, as the value orientation of the modern wizarding world slowly changes, more and more wizards no longer regard great wizards as their lifelong goal. They increasingly believe in the role of talent in the advancement of wizards, and in noble Bloodline, believe in God’s will. 【】

So much so that many outstanding graduates of First University began to give up on themselves and set their sights on the prosperous and prosperous ordinary magical life.

The widely circulated ‘motto for graduates’ has not been heard on campus for a long time.

Daiichi University has always watched this change with a cold eye and remained indifferent to the loss of those precious talents.

Back to business.

When the "Sand Time Crisis" broke out in Jiuyou University, at the request of the school working committee, the Magic Potion Research Institute under the Institute of Applied Magic of the First University rushed to prepare a batch of insect pest control within a 48-hour limit. Medicines and repellents are distributed to all campuses of First University.

After all, these sands have been lingering in the school for nearly a month, and no one knows where those lazy bugs will follow the wizards. Therefore, the school has included the entire school within the scope of epidemic prevention according to the maximum scope of control based on the Mother of Time theory.

Therefore, on Monday morning, after the first batch of pesticides was successfully prepared, the school working committee dispatched staff to arrange for the students of Jiuyou College to take the insecticides as soon as possible, and at the same time organized other school workers, teaching assistants and senior students to clean up All areas of the school that may harbor sandworms—including the library, study rooms, and even all dormitories—are sprayed with repellent.

Regarding the school's performance as if they were facing a formidable enemy, the young wizards seemed much more casual.

Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it 'heartless'.

In their opinion, these bugs are not that scary, and it is no big deal to waste a little time on them.

As a young man, there is nothing else but a lot of time.

In the magic class of Astronomy 08-1, the various behaviors of the students when they received the insect repellent were very representative among young wizards.

While waiting in line, many people did not care about whether they could get back the time stolen by Sand Shi, no one cared about how much time they had lost, and no one thought of suing First University for its poor management.

Everyone is paying attention to whether they can "pass the blame" through this incident.

Even a publicly funded student is no exception.

"There must be a large group of Shashi in the library!" Zheng Qing stood in the team and said confidently: "I just said that I fell asleep last time when I was helping...with tutoring. It must be these little bugs causing trouble!"

He was slightly vague when mentioning the person's name, but this move only caused laughter in the crowd.

"It's secretive and irresponsible! I take back what I said before." Li Meng stood on tiptoes, patted his shoulder carelessly, looked around and said, "Isn't it just Elena... everyone knows it!"

Zheng Qing blushed and babbled to Li Meng's guardian, wanting her to drag the little girl away.

Jiang Yu has been very cooperative in the past.

But today, she just turned her head expressionlessly and greeted the elves sitting on the edge of the blackboard, turning a blind eye to Zheng Qing's request for help.

"Stop looking, Elena is not here today." Fatty Xin came over like a pug and sold out all his roommates: "Brother Qing came here early this morning to look for someone, but he never found him. sky……"

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Qing took several suppressive talisman pictures on his back.

The poor blue giant immediately stood there with his mouth open, only his two eyes were wandering around, and his whole body could not move.

"You guys keep going, keep going." The public-funded student struggled to drag the fat man away from the crowd, and said with a smile: "Unfortunately for my family... everyone laughed."

Duan Xiaojian spoke up at the right time, diverting everyone's attention.

"Let me just say, I got distracted when I was doing my talisman homework last week... For a while, I didn't know what I was doing at all!" The thin, hunchbacked wizard's face turned red with excitement and he danced: "Now that I think about it, My time must have been stolen by a slacker!”

"That's why I couldn't hand in my homework in the afternoon." Duan Xiaojian turned his head and looked at Downton with a stern look on his face: "Sir, monitor, this situation... can be accommodated."

Downton hesitated for a moment, nodded slowly, and said hesitantly: "It should be possible...after all, it is due to uncontrollable reasons."

Many people looked confused.

Is there such an operation? !

The classroom suddenly became full of people, and many people - especially boys - began to shout that there were more than a dozen lazy bugs crawling on them, that they were possessed by Suna Toki, and that they had not finished their homework, which was a "crime other than war"!

At the end of the day, everyone is trying to hold on to that slim hope of not having to do homework.

Li Meng listened to the excited discussion of the boys and snorted loudly, looking with disdain at these guys who were trying their best to be lazy.

"If I lay eggs behind your ears when there is no need for sand, a bunch of lazy bugs will crawl out of your ear holes!" The little wizard said angrily: "We are all college students, how can we be so lazy?"

"Being lazy...can it be called laziness when it comes to scholars?" Duan Xiaojian shamelessly defended: "This is called stealing half a day's leisure!"

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