Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 202 Rumors in the town

East District of Beta Town.

Institute of Abnormal Life.

In the old study room.

"So, the rumors are true." Dr. Duzem murmured, talking to himself.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a glass bottle as thick as a finger in his hand. Facing the orange light, he slightly swayed the viscous liquid in the bottle.

The bottle contained Zheng Qing’s trophy from the night before yesterday, three milliliters of royal jelly.

It's late afternoon now.

Contrary to the expectations of most students, the school working committee's execution ability was very strong. It only took one morning to complete the disinfection work on the entire campus of First University.

The holidays are over for many students before they even have time to say 'goodbye' to their textbooks.

Zheng Qing didn't care about this kind of thing.

In addition to the gypsy witch who disappeared without a trace, in his mind were his group of troublesome elves, and even the tormenting nightmares at night recently, which he planned to put off for a while longer. Stick to Potions class on Thursday and ask Professor Li Qihuang for advice.

The other students in the class were not clear about Irina's whereabouts. Only Liu Feifei mentioned that she had seen her in the library on Saturday. The living area of ​​the international students is outside the campus and is an independent area. There are no professors to keep track of it, and ordinary students have no chance to sneak through.

As for asking the professor for help, Zheng Qing subconsciously ignored this option.

So, full of melancholy, after the afternoon talisman class, the young public-funded students didn't even have time to eat, so they hurried to Dr. Duzem's research institute with their group of elves.

This time, Jiang Yu did not shirk. After entrusting Li Meng to Liu Feifei, she accompanied Zheng Qing on the trip very simply.

At this moment, Zheng Qing stood in front of the large desk, looking nervously at the doctor shaking the glass bottle between his fingers.

"How is it?" Jiang Yu stood next to him and asked in a brisk tone: "These puree should be qualified."

"Qualified, of course...the color is crystal clear, the viscosity is suitable, and there are no impurities in the sun. The most important thing is that the collection time is within forty-eight hours," Dr. Duzem nodded repeatedly and praised: "Even in large-scale In the laboratory, these raw materials are also of high quality... It is rare to see such materials on the market now. "

Zheng Qing breathed a long sigh of relief.

"But," Dr. Duzem's words made his heart rise to his throat again.

"But will this be of any help to your elf?" The doctor turned his head, his yellow face hiding in the shadow of the sun, looking even more haggard: "Or do you plan to use these royal sand jelly for something else?"

"It's useless?" Zheng Qing's eyes widened, and he suddenly remembered something, and asked in an uncertain tone: "Is it because the portion is not enough? But the school only gave me so much... If you need more, I will give you more You can think of a way."

Although he was a little upset, Zheng Qing had expected this situation.

He immediately thought about ways to obtain more sand time royal jelly.

Several other members of the patrol team who were commended with him should still have some leftovers, and the school working committee must have their own inventory. If they can't handle it in these two places, the worst they can do is find a wandering wizard.

According to private rumors on campus, there is no material that cannot be obtained at the Wandering Bar.

"No, no, no," Dr. Duzem denied, carefully placing the glass bottle in his hand on the test stand, sighing lightly, and added: "Three milliliters of puree is enough to extend the life of the great wizard by three It’s been over a month... With a small creature with the size and magic power of an elf, it’s not a problem to keep them alive for a year and a half.”

"Similar?" Jiang Yu was keenly aware of the change in the doctor's words.

"Similar." Dr. Duzem nodded affirmatively.

"This thing is useful, right?" Zheng Qing was a little panicked in his heart, and couldn't help but speak, his tone was a little urgent, and he explained nonstop: "I remember Professor Li from the Potions class mentioned before that the secretion of sand can be effective Extend the elf’s life.”

"Professor Li? Professor Li Qihuang?" The doctor hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head vigorously: "Sandshi Royal Jelly is indeed an excellent life-extending potion, but it mainly acts on living creatures. As for the effect on elves, I Not sure...Did Professor Li really confirm it to you?"

Zheng Qing was stunned for a moment, suddenly feeling speechless.

Indeed, when Professor Li mentioned this elixir to Zheng Qing, he did say that the effect of royal jelly on elves was unproven, but he had only been happy and had forgotten this.

"Why." Zheng Qing tilted his head and looked at an elf sitting on his shoulder, his voice a little confused: "Aren't these elves living creatures?"

Sensing his master's gaze, the elf on Zheng Qing's shoulder squinted his eyes, unfolded his folded wings, and caressed his cheek with the translucent wing tips, smiling mischievously.

Zheng Qing's eyelids tightened and he quickly turned his head to the doctor.

"Only those with souls are qualified to be called living beings." Dr. Duzem looked at Zheng Qing seriously: "Elves belong to alchemical life... and do not belong to living beings in the traditional sense."

Zheng Qing was a little distracted for a moment and froze on the spot.

The study suddenly fell into silence, with only the elves brought by Zheng Qing carelessly vibrating their wings and flying between the tall bookshelves.

Jiang Yu stood not far away, looking at the two people worriedly.

"I have inquired about relevant information before," she said, breaking the silence in the study room. "There are no relevant experiments in history that prove that sand-shining royal jelly is ineffective against life of the genus Elf."

"Who would waste precious sand and royal jelly on these low-end alchemical products?" The doctor let out a short and harsh laugh: "Not to mention the batch of life that grows from the soil."

Jiang Yu was speechless for a moment.

"Me." Zheng Qing raised his head at this time and looked at Dr. Duzem stubbornly: "I am willing to use these royal sand jelly on the elf."

Dr. Duzem raised his eyebrows and glanced at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu hesitated for a moment but did not stop Zheng Qing's choice.

"It's great to be young," the doctor rubbed his hands and his somewhat stiff face, sighing: "You can always be forgiven for your willfulness."

"These little elves will continue to take Yu Yuanling Powder today...according to your physical examination report, this medicine will last at least a week."

"I will check the information in the next few days to see if there is room for improvement in the combination of dilution and auxiliary drugs."

The two freshmen from Jiuyou Academy nodded repeatedly.

For professional matters, you can only trust professionals.

"Doctor, you mentioned before that the rumors are true, what do you mean?" While dispensing the medicine, Jiang Yu suddenly mentioned what Dr. Duzem had said before.

The doctor glanced at Monitor Jiang in surprise, obviously not expecting her hearing to be so sensitive.

"It's just some rumors," Dr. Duzem pondered, and slowly explained: "You mentioned before that the school has had many uninvited guests recently, right."

"Sand time group, red chain snake, fish wife," Zheng Qing pointed his fingers and counted the recent discoveries of the patrol: "There are also primitive corpse-eating beetles deep in the silent forest."

As he spoke, he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the thick glass jar in the corner.

Under the shadow, the white ball-shaped object still stayed quietly on the sand, motionless.

Zheng Qing swallowed and quickly looked away.

"These are strange beasts and insects that only appear in the depths of the Silent Forest," Dr. Duzem concluded, adding: "Many uninvited guests have also been discovered in the town recently... Everyone is rumored that maybe the Silent Wave will return earlier this year. ”

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