Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 26 The goalkeeper’s philosophy of life

"Young ladies and gentlemen. []"

A voice suddenly sounded in the ward, interrupting the lively atmosphere in front of the two beds.

Zheng Qing stood up and followed everyone's gaze and saw a familiar figure standing at the door of the ward.

It's Professor Yao from the Charms class.

In other words, he is the dean of Jiuyou Academy.

He was holding a pipe in one hand and a few books under his other arm, with a broad smile on his face.

As if feeling everyone's doubtful gazes, Professor Yao raised his wrist, pretended to look at his watch, then raised his head and said with a smile:

"It's ten minutes to go until ten o'clock at night... You can choose to be locked out of the dormitory door by Mr. Ni Wu, or go downstairs from Mrs. Bella to get an application form for an escort and a sleeping bag for the night. …”

It's already so late?

Zheng Qing turned his head and looked out the window in surprise.

The rain outside the house stopped at some point, the dark clouds dispersed, the stars were dotted, and through the treetops, the fresh moon revealed half of its bright face.

There was a lot of excitement in the ward.

The group of boys from Jiuyou Academy in front of Zheng Qing's hospital bed were naturally full of fear when facing their dean, and wished they could disappear completely in the next second. In contrast, the group of witches in front of Lin Guo's hospital bed seemed much more stable. They would even bow to Lao Yao very politely before leaving.

When there were only three people left in the ward, Old Yao walked towards Lin Guo and comforted the little wizard for a few minutes in a soft voice. Then he told him to go to bed early and closed the curtains around him again. 【】

Zheng Qing shrank into the bed, muttering whether he should close the curtain as well.

"How do you feel?" Lao Yao came to Zheng Qing's bedside, pulled up a chair familiarly, and sat down.

"I feel fine...the doctor said I can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow morning." Zheng Qing answered honestly.

"Where is this place?" Old Yao grabbed his pipe and hit his head.

"I don't feel anything unusual..." Zheng Qing said at the end, a little unsure: "I don't know if it's an illusion... I always feel like my right eye is a little swollen."

"Right eye?" Lao Yao raised his eyebrows, opened one eye wide, and said in a serious tone: "Is it the legendary 'devil's eye'?"

What the hell are monster eyes!

Zheng Qing felt like his face was covered with black lines.

"Hahaha, just kidding... I see you are nervous." Old Yao chuckled, raised the public-funded student's eyelids, took a look, and said with certainty: "It's just a little blood... Those brats from Starry Sky Academy, Eight out of ten of them had swollen eyes, and no hunting team rushed up to them and shouted to kill them... Don't be disturbed by the rumors outside. "

Zheng Qing blinked, suddenly feeling a little touched in his heart.

"And the little guy in the tent over there!" Lao Yao turned sideways, turned to look in the direction of Lin Guo's hospital bed, and raised his voice slightly: "Didn't he just faint from the evil spirit... What a big deal. ! I’ll buy you a few kilograms of amber light soon, cover yourself tightly with the quilt at night, and sweat a lot, and you’ll be a good man again at dawn! Don’t be depressed like an old man at this young age..."

Zheng Qing couldn't help but grinned and smiled silently.

There was a rustling sound of blowing his nose in Lin Guo's tent, and after a few minutes, his somewhat grunting voice came out: "I'm not depressed... I just have a cold. Besides, I'm not an adult yet, No drinking."

"Milk tea, I'm talking about milk tea!" Lao Yao immediately changed his mind and agreed with a smile: "Next time when I go to your castle for class, I will bring you a few kilograms of hot Mongolian milk tea... Now quickly close your eyes and start sleep!"

"Oh!" Lin Guo's loud reply came from the tent.

"As for you," Old Yao turned around and looked at the young public-funded student again: "I originally planned to take you to see Professor Yi today to discuss the matter..."

As he spoke, he gently knocked his head with his pipe and added: "But after what happened last night..."

"It doesn't matter, I can go find Professor Yi myself." Zheng Qing replied quickly.

"It's not that I don't have time," Lao Yao waved his hand and considered: "It's just that the conservative treatment plan I discussed with Professor Yi before is not suitable... Well, I remember you have a divination class next Tuesday?"

"Tuesday morning." Zheng Qing added immediately.

"Yes, on Tuesday morning, you follow Professor Yi to his office after class. He will make further arrangements for you...including developing the talent involving vision and how to stabilize your mind force field."

Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly without any doubt.

"I came here today to mention this matter to you... Remember, after the divination class on Tuesday!" Lao Yao did not continue chatting, but stood up, stretched out his robe, and planned to leave: "... Don't get up, hurry up have a rest."

As he spoke, he held down the young public-funded student who was standing up, raised his pipe, and motioned to the care elves to bring his books.

"Remember, don't be late for class tomorrow morning!" He warned with a smile before leaving.

"Absolutely not, sir!" Zheng Qing assured quickly.

After leaving the school hospital, the smile on Professor Yao's face quickly disappeared.

He did not return to the professor's residence in East Taoyuan, nor did he transfer to the dean's office in the office building. Instead, he walked through several staggered corridors and came to a low three-story building.

The building looked a little dilapidated, with mottled walls hanging on the gray walls, and large chunks of moss of different colors sticking to it, making it look a little ugly and strangely peaceful.

Turning around the dark corridor, the professor came to a double-leaf wooden door.

On the door frame, two door gods held magic weapons, stepped on auspicious clouds, and patrolled back and forth on the three-foot-square piece of paper with serious faces.

At their feet, the white cat also lost its usual lazy behavior. It raised its tail, widened its eyes, and exposed its slightly ferocious fangs at the corners of its mouth.

"Door." Professor Yao raised his eyelids.

"Password!" Shen Tu paused with his halberd in his hand and yelled with eyes wide open.

"Open the door!" Old Yao squinted his eyes, with a cold expression on his face.

"Kou..." Before Shen Tu could finish speaking, his companion covered his mouth.

"Ahem, they are all acquaintances, what password do you want!" Yu Lei pulled his brother behind him and complained repeatedly: "Didn't you see that it was Dean Yao in person... You deserve to be a butler for the rest of your life!"

As he spoke, he pulled the door handle and opened the two closed doors with a pleasing smile on his face: "Please!"

Lao Yao looked at the two guys with faint eyes, but did not enter the door immediately.

One minute.

Two minutes.

three minutes.

The two door gods who had been watching felt numb all over, and then Lao Yao raised his feet and stepped over the threshold.

"A real door god, even if he is torn into pieces, will still require people who enter to provide valid identification." The dean's voice floated along the draft into the ears of the two door gods, shaking the cardboard on which they lived. 's buzzing.

His tone was very calm, but even the white cat in the painting could clearly feel his dissatisfaction.

The white cat's tail drooped on the ground and he swept it uneasily.

Yu Lei's face also looked a little gloomy.

But after a few minutes, he felt much better.

"You can always adjust your mentality so quickly." Shen Tu hugged his halberd, his tone full of envy.

"Who are we? We are the door gods!" Yu Lei picked up the white cat at his feet, stroked its long hair, and said proudly: "No matter how big the sign is handed to us, we say 'in' , they can also enter... What's the big deal... There are so many great wizards in the world, who hasn't eaten the spittle of the Rain God!"

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