Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 28 The Sixth Monday

Monday mornings are miserable mornings.

Zheng Qing was lying in bed listening to the howling wind outside the window, and every cell in his body resisted the idea of ​​getting up.

But this is the school hospital.

He was still lying in a hospital bed at school.

That stern Lady Bella would not allow a recovering student to stay in bed.

A gust of cool wind blew against his face, and along with the rustling sound, Zheng Qing felt as if his cheek was being pricked by needles.

He gasped and reluctantly opened his left eye.

A white paper crane was flying up and down between the pillows, jumping constantly; from time to time it would flap its wings, come up to his cheek, and peck him a few times with its sharp-edged beak.

The young public-funded student grumbled in his throat, stretched out a hand from the quilt, and grabbed the little thing that was fluttering randomly.

The paper crane flapped its wings symbolically, then docilely lowered its head and spread out its body.

Zheng Qing closed one eye and flattened the paper crane with one hand. Using the faint white light outside the window, he caught a glimpse of the familiar handwriting on the letter paper:

"Brother Qing, please help me! In an emergency, I can't go to Lao Yao's class. Help me hold on. Thank you later! Also, I know you have a way..."

"What the hell!" Zheng Qing let out a long breath, clenched the letter into a ball, and threw it into the air.

"Xixi!" A guarding elf rushed out like the wind, caught the paper ball, and shook it in front of Zheng Qing complainingly, its two thin tentacles swirling like a circle.

"I was wrong," said the student who was a public-funded student. He immediately raised his hands and expressed his most sincere apology to the hard workers: "It's all the fat man's fault..."

Damn fat man.

I haven't even been discharged from the hospital yet, so this is such a troublesome thing.

"Which fat man? What's wrong with the fat man?" Lin Guo's curious voice came from the other corner of the ward.

Zheng Qing glanced at the little wizard who was putting on his robe and sighed deeply.

It’s good to be young, but it’s less sleepy and more forgetful. What a terrible thing, sleep for one night, and wake up the next day and nothing will happen. Yesterday I was lying in the tent depressed and didn't get out of bed all day, but this morning I was bouncing around again.

"Xin Banner, you know, that Germanic guy." Zheng Qing replied lazily: "He had something to do in the morning and didn't want to go to class. He asked me to help him skip class... Do you have class in the morning?"

He suddenly remembered something, cheered up, raised his upper body, and stared at Lin Guo.

The little wizard understood his plan in the blink of an eye.

"We have a divination class on Monday morning... Oh, I finally understand... When Professor Yi ended the last class, he warned everyone in our class that if anyone wants to skip class next class, they must be prepared to write a 30,000-word paper. Mentally prepare." Lin Guo waved his hands quickly as if he had a sudden realization, and refused: "Besides, I don't have any deformation potion... Do you think the professor is blind? What kind of class do you have on Monday morning?"

"Magic curse." Zheng Qing lay on the bed again and hummed weakly.

"Humph!" the little wizard let out a short, harsh laugh: "You guys have no classes from the dean of the college? Does that fat man want to be expelled from the school?"

Zheng Qingba pursed his lips but did not refute.

Choosing this class on Monday morning to escape is indeed a very risky thing.

But ever since Fatty joined the school's newspaper, he has become a bit naughty. Not only does he often go out early and come back late - he is also known as "collecting the wind" - but he also does some very risky things from time to time.

For example, you can sneak into the Shushan Pavilion for a night and listen to the ghosts wandering in the Shushan corridor singing and writing poems; or you can be a special guest and participate in the "Fresh Meat Feast" held by Dylan's companions.

Not long ago, he even planned to take a water repellent pill and go to the fishman's lair to do a street interview - Zheng Qing firmly believed that if Xiao Xiao hadn't asked Zhang Jixin to stop him, this fat man would have turned into a fishman tribe. Bacon for the winter. Even in the reservation, the fishmen still have unusual control over the big lake.

In comparison, skipping class doesn't seem so risky.

In the spell class on Monday morning, according to the previous plan, Lao Yao will discuss the homework assigned last time and analyze the troublesome 'Yuanchen Guardian Spell'.

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes and hid under the quilt, enjoying the last few minutes before getting up, worrying about how to help the fat man get through.

He is not helpless - just like Fatty Xin wrote in Paper Crane, he has a solution.

It's just that he is missing one element now.

A gray pigeon was swept away by the strong wind outside the house and staggered to the stone platform outside the window. The pigeons flapped their wings and cooed anxiously.

In the ward, an orange figure quickly rushed to the balcony, opened the window, and reached out to grab the pigeon in distress. The pigeon struggled in fear, screamed, jumped and flew, and soon fell off the window sill, escaping from the fat claws.

The orange cat meowed in frustration, without closing the window, and rolled back into the ward with its tail hanging down, and climbed back onto Zheng Qing's bed.

Tuantuan followed those wizards to the ward last night.

In Fatty Xin’s words, Zheng Qing would inevitably feel lonely and cold when staying alone in the hospital. Dormitory 403 had the obligation to help his friends through this difficult time. After unanimous negotiation, it was decided to appoint representatives of the delegation to accompany all the roommates of 403 for one night.

Zheng Qing was very moved, and then he balled up the fat cat into a ball and stuffed it at the end of the bed to warm his feet.

For the orange cat, there is not much difference between being in the dormitory and being in the ward. As long as there is a quilt for him to stretch out, that is enough.

The cold wind squeezed through the gap between the windows and entered the ward, making Zheng Qing shiver several times.

He suddenly became much more awake, and the thoughts in his mind became a little clearer.

The young public-funded student tilted his head, glanced at the fat cat huddled in a ball at the foot of the bed, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

It wasn't until breakfast that he revealed his plan to Lin Guo.

"It?" Lin Guo pointed at the fat cat lying on the dining table sniffing millet porridge, looking like he had seen a ghost.

Zheng Qing nodded happily and spread a layer of peanut butter on his whole wheat bread.

"Three questions," the little wizard raised three fingers seriously: "First, does Xin Banner know that you are going to do this?"

"He knew I had a way...he didn't refuse." Zheng Qing picked up a cherry tomato with a fork, stuffed it into his mouth, and contentedly enjoyed the refreshing, sweet and sour taste of the morning.

"Does this cat agree?" Lin Guo put away a finger and glanced at the fat cat snoring with squinted eyes.

Tuantuan's head remained motionless, only the tip of his tail swept slightly outside the table.

"A chicken leg!" Zheng Qing turned to look at Sha Mao. The civet cat that stayed in their dormitory glanced at him and yawned widely, showing its fangs.

"Three chicken legs! One will be cashed now, two will be cashed after the deal is done!" Zheng Qing patted the table and took out a lunch box from somewhere.

In the box, a greasy chicken leg was still steaming, with a richly colored soup drizzled on it.

"Meow!" The orange cat immediately put his paw on Zheng Qing's hand.

Zheng Qing turned to look at Lin Guo with a smile on his face.

"The third question, where did you get the transformation potion?" The little wizard opened his eyes wide and showed an expression of extreme confusion: "Besides, this cat can't speak either..."

"Use the Mimic Talisman!" Zheng Qing confidently pulled out his little gray pocket: "I have used this trick to guard the shop since junior high school, and there is no problem at all. As for Tuantuan who can't speak, it's easier to do, since he can listen anyway. Just understand what others are saying.”

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