Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 32 The Principle of the Forbidden Curse

The criss-crossing, densely packed lines vibrated endlessly, creating a dizzying and strange scene above the Charms classroom.

Many students could no longer bear the tremendous mental pressure and lowered their heads one after another, using meditation to soothe their spirits.

Professor Yao quickly noticed this.

He clicked his pipe, waved his arm vigorously, and opened the curtains on both sides of the classroom.

The golden sunlight at noon passed through the transparent glass windows and fell between the students' desks. It dispelled the darkness in the classroom and scattered the light blue light, which quickly dissipated in the air.

An elf bravely rushed down from the edge of the blackboard, landed on the professor's head, flapped its wings, gathered the pile of smoke that Professor Yao had exhaled into a ball, and stuffed it into a small gray pot.

The professor raised his eyelids, one eyebrow raised high, and glanced at the elf standing above him.

In the end, he didn't wave her away.

"Ahem!" He put away his pipe, glanced majestically around the classroom, and knocked on the blackboard behind him: "Attention, look at the blackboard... What I want to talk about now is the focus of this lesson... Of course, the previous content It’s also very important.”

There was light laughter in the classroom.

I don’t know if I find the professor’s contradictory words interesting, or the elf standing above him concentrating on collecting the smoke.

"Dimensionalists believe that dimensions can be measured."

A blue light spot appears on the blackboard.

It repeated its previous history in the darkness, flickering and moving, leaving a long and thin trail.

Only this time, each of its displacements will have a formula as a footnote, along with related concepts and examples marked on the blackboard.

"Linear, nonlinear, probability, distribution, entanglement, vibration, etc... In the eyes of dimensionalists, dimensions, or the reality of this world, can be measured."

"For example, the thin line you see, you may think it has no beginning or end, no length. This is an illusion... because what you see is the structure that I enlarged during the lecture. To be precise, this thin line The length of the line is .

"This value was determined by the great wizard Planck in 1900, so it is called the Planck length... What are you doing in a daze? Write it down quickly, this is the final test point!"

Lao Yao saw several boys in the back row of the classroom staring blankly at the blackboard. He immediately knocked on the blackboard and lectured in a long tone: "Don't just remember what's on the blackboard. These things I mentioned during the lecture, You all need to take notes! ...Classmate Banner, why don’t you take notes?”

The orange cat raised his head, glanced at the professor stupidly, then quickly turned his head and looked at the young publicly funded student.

"Professor report...his hand hurts..." Zheng Qing was sweating profusely, and finally gave a reason that no one believed, and explained bravely: "I didn't wear silkworm leather gloves for the experiment yesterday, so..."

"So you help him take notes?" Professor Yao squinted and snorted.

Zheng Qing shrank his neck and hummed quietly.

Many people in the classroom turned their heads curiously and looked at the chubby orange fat man. Even the most obtuse person could notice that something was wrong.

But since the professor didn't point it out to his face, others wouldn't rush up to question him.

At most, he let out a few meaningful laughs and cast a few playful glances.

Lao Yao did not waste too much time on Fatty's notes, but continued to speak, saying slowly: "...As for the nature of magic...In the eyes of the Dimensionists, magic is just the manifestation of changes between dimensions. ...either from high dimensionality to low dimensionality, or from low dimensionality to high dimensionality.”

As he spoke, he clicked a blue dot in mid-air again.

This blue light spot repeats the process of changing from a point, to a line, then to a surface, expanding into three dimensions, extending into six dimensions, rising and changing, until finally it breaks into a blue mist again.

And those unsettling dark flickers still appear uninterrupted in the places where the dimension lines collapse.

The thin blue lines spread to every corner of the classroom. The orange cat in front of Zheng Qing seemed to be very interested in them, stretching out its paws again and again, trying to fiddle with the thin blue lines.

This made the young public student very angry, and he had to reach up again and again, grab it by the neck, or grab its tail, to dispel its impulse and remind the cat that it was now Not a cat.

"Attention, here comes the important point!" Professor Yao knocked hard on the blackboard to remind the restless young wizards in the hall. He raised his voice slightly and said every word in an emphatic tone:

"Generally, when the motion state of a dimensional line drops from a high dimension to a low dimension, a large amount of energy will be released; while when a dimensional line rises from a low dimension to a high dimension, a large amount of energy will be absorbed."

"The Dimensionists believe that the spells cast by wizards are realized through the energy fluctuations generated by dimensional jumps."

Zheng Qing immediately gave up his plan to stop the orange cat from committing suicide, grabbed the brush in his hand, and started taking notes quickly.

Even the most obtuse person can understand the meaning of the two sentences the professor just said.

It is no exaggeration to say that what I just said is the truth in the wizarding world.

Professor Yao did not slow down at all because he had just talked about an important concept. On the contrary, he even sped up his speech slightly in the next sentence:

"...As for the origin of the world, the Dimensionists believe that, just like 'Tao', the origin is indescribable. It is a very large collection with very high dimensions that cannot be described."

"But professor, you just mentioned the dimensionalist methodology, saying that dimensions can be measured." A questioning inquiry suddenly sounded in the classroom.

It was Liu Feifei. Zheng Qing could distinguish the thin voice without raising his head.

"Very sharp!" Lao Yao praised unabashedly: "He is indeed our chief student! ...It's too big to be described. What should I do? The Dimension School thought of a way - convergence."

"Limit." He turned around and wrote a symbol of flying dragons and phoenixes on the blackboard, and then explained:

"Through convergence, the characteristics of the 'origin' are strengthened so that wizards can interpret it more conveniently... When the origin converges to the point where it can be interpreted and condensed into a magic circle or a spell, the wizards are horrified to find that they have opened Pandora’s Box.”

At this point, the professor paused and seemed to be considering his words. Everyone grabbed their pens and waited quietly for the professor's next words. The classroom was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Forbidden curse." Xiao Xiao whispered.

Although his voice was very low, it seemed unusually abrupt in the quiet classroom.

Professor Yao did not show any dissatisfaction. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and showed an approving smile: "Yes... yes. This is the source of the forbidden curse... The source has converged to the extent that it can be expressed in magic, which is the forbidden curse."

"This is also the reason why the Dimensional Sect has become the most powerful philosophical school in the past hundred years... They used the forbidden spell to prove that they are so close to the origin, used the forbidden spell to shatter the supreme glory of the gods, and used the forbidden spell to break the medieval era. The world where traditional wizards have lived since then.”

"Before the birth of the forbidden spell, the most offensive magic among wizards was born in the 'Five Fireball Sect'. The wizards at that time believed that there was no protection that five fireballs could not break, and there was no obstacle that five fireballs could not crush. Of course, this is an exaggeration. A real wizard of the Five Fireball Sect does not only throw five fireballs."

"After the birth of the forbidden curse, the slogan of the wizards became 'There is no world that cannot be destroyed by a forbidden curse. If it is not destroyed, it means that the forbidden curse is not precise enough'."

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