Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 40 Articles of Association

"The Knights of Forgiveness...does anyone object?"

Zheng Qing waved the quill in his hand and paused for a moment on every figure in the room.

Everyone nodded hard, fearing that this matter would happen again.

"I'll write it down if no one objects!" As he said that, he picked up the red application form from the bed, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally climbed out of bed, dragged his shoes to the desk, and fainted. Inkstone.

He felt that writing in calligraphy on the application form would make it look more formal.

Maybe the censor of the Federation of Societies will see that his beautiful hand is a little lax.

Just like when I was writing essays in high school, my beautiful calligraphy always earned me some premium paper points from my teacher.

"The team name was unanimously approved!"

"It's time consuming..." Zheng Qing said, taking out his pocket watch from his pocket, shaking off the cover, glancing at the position of the hour and minute hands, and exclaimed: "It's almost one o'clock!"

"What do you think?" Fatty Xin sighed, rubbed his round belly, and hummed feebly: "I feel like I'm hungry again..."

"Me too, very sleepy." Dylan's lazy voice sounded in the coffin, as if he was snoring: "Your noon is equivalent to the middle of the night for me... It's the time for beauty sleep."

"Cheer up!" Zhang Jixin banged the table angrily and shouted, "Don't moan and groan like a little girl all day long..."

"I wonder if you have any prejudice against witches?" Lin Guo opened his eyes wide and looked at the red-faced boy seriously.

"Next topic!"

Zheng Qing hammered the desk hard, drawing everyone's attention back. Then he looked at the blanks on the application form, cleared his throat, and shouted: "Confirm the articles of association and elect the person in charge of the association."

"What is this charter?" He turned his head and looked at Dr. Xiao Da, who was writing furiously on his notebook.

"The articles of association refer to a series of basic documents drawn up by the association in accordance with the "First University Management Regulations" and other relevant school rules and regulations regarding the organizational structure, management system, work scope, etc. of the association... These documents must be prepared in quadruplicate. One copy will be kept for yourself, one copy will be archived by the Association of Societies, and the remaining two copies will be submitted to the joint meeting of the school working committee and professors as a report." Xiao Xiao answered without raising his head:

"Oh, by the way, because these articles of association are necessary documents to establish the association's establishment contract, the words and sentences in them must comply with the relevant standards... Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers. I remember that there was a document in Shushan Hall that mentioned, There was once a small club that did not carefully review its charter when it was formed, resulting in all members of the club being unable to graduate from school. "

"Why?" Lin Guo asked curiously.

"They wrote in the charter that 'when a team fails in a competition and points are deducted, priority will be given to club points to offset the deductions. When the club points are insufficient, the burden will be equally distributed according to the number of club members, with one credit deducting 0.1 club points as the basis... '" Xiao Xiao raised his head, adjusted his glasses, shook his head and sighed: "This was originally a special saying for those large clubs. As a small club with less than ten people, their abilities are very limited... When I was a senior According to statistics, the entire club has lost nearly 100 points, which means that each club member will have nearly 100 credits deducted! "

Zheng Qing gasped.

"What is a team competition?" he asked hurriedly.

"Friendly competitions between clubs arranged by the Federation of Societies... Of course, competition comes first, friendship second." Xiao Xiao explained: "Including but not limited to competitions in subjects such as spells, potions, talismans, etc., as well as practical In some competitions...such as this school hunting party, some clubs will form their own hunting teams to participate in related hunting activities, which is also part of the team competition..."

"I know this!" Zhang Jixin suddenly looked a little surprised: "My brother said that if the hunting team formed by the club wins the game against the college hunting team, it can get higher weighted points... For example, in the same game, The academy hunting team will get one point for winning, and the club hunting team will get three times, which is three points. But because the club hunting team is too weak, they always lose, always lose..."

"No wonder none of the people in that small club can graduate." The young publicly funded student was still frightened. He looked up at the fat man opposite the desk and asked tentatively: "How about..."

"Let's forget it... let's break up, let's break up!" The fat man clapped his hands repeatedly and took over Zheng Qing's words: "The examples given by the doctor are exactly the same as ours. They are small societies with less than ten people. Very limited…”

"If I don't graduate on time, my brother will break my legs." Zhang Jixin also looked a little uneasy.

Xiao Xiao said nothing, but looked at the people around the desk with mocking eyes.

Zheng Qing suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Bang!" A loud noise sounded in his ears.

He turned his head, Lin Guo pressed his fists on the desk, stood up, his face turned red, and said loudly: "How can we retreat despite the difficulties? There are so many small clubs in the school, are their members unable to graduate? ...The knights start to charge, they can't dismount casually! ...This is absolutely not allowed!"

Lan Que didn't say anything, but stretched out his hand approvingly, pressed it on Lin Guo's head, and rubbed it.

"Not even as good as a child..." A faint sigh came from the coffin.

Fatty Xin’s chubby cheeks turned pink.

Zhang Jixin's red face also started to turn purple.

Zheng Qing felt that his throat was a little tight. He cleared his throat and tried to remedy it: "What I mean is... there is less than an hour before the afternoon class, and we don't have enough time to prepare a complete , the club’s charter is infallible... I believe that everyone doesn’t want to repeat the reckless mistakes of that small club.”

This is indeed a seemingly unsolvable problem.

"Articles of Association? I'm ready." Xiao Xiao pulled out a document bag from the folder of his notebook like magic, held it in his hand and shook it: "I'm even ready in quadruplicate... Of course, if If you don’t want to form this society, I can throw these materials into the trash.”

Several people at the desk took the paper bag in shock and took out the information inside.

"You...when did you..." Zheng Qing asked in amusement while quickly flipping through the documents in his hand. There are more than thirty pages on the clean white A4 printing paper. Each page has densely packed clauses on both sides, which makes you dizzy.

"Last night, when I was returning to the dormitory from the campus hospital, I took the time to go to Shushan Hall... This morning I found some elderly people from the Federation of Socialist Associations for advice." Dr. Xiao Da took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes as if nothing had happened. , shook his head and added: "As long as you spend some time, it's not that difficult."

"So, you didn't go on a date yesterday?" Dylan suddenly popped up from the coffin, with a look of regret on his face: "I made a bet with Fatty yesterday, saying that you embarked on the journey to become a real man... He also felt that you pushed Mr. Sima down."

"Nonsense!" Xiao Xiao said angrily: "I'm just sorting out materials for you in the study room!"

"Is this the reason why you didn't come home all night?!" Fatty Xin showed a look of realization, and then said angrily: "Can't you fly a paper crane? If I had known you were in the library, I wouldn't have let that fat bird fly today. The cat went to class instead of me...what a disaster!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a furry cat's paw was placed on the fat man's shoulder.

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

"It's your own fault." The young public-funded student muttered, looking at the fat man and the fat cat fighting in a ball with schadenfreude.

"If you are done fighting, then we will continue with this plenary meeting!" Lin Guo stood in the middle of a group of adults and unceremoniously took over the right to host the meeting.

At the same time, he looked with disdain at the fat man who was torn with the fat cat, and muttered in a voice that could be heard by everyone: "You still have the same knowledge as a cat... it's too childish."

"What's the next topic?" The little wizard looked at Xiao Xiao's notebook.

"Here, here." Zheng Qing smiled and handed over the red application form in his hand: "Recommend the person in charge of the society."

"The person in charge of the club?" Lin Guo was stunned for a moment, then showed a hint of excitement: "Just choose the group leader?!"

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