Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 44: An unfamous conjecture

Maybe it's really because of usurping the creation between heaven and earth.

From the first day they appear in this world, wizards have to face the endless malice of this world. A shadow like a tarsal maggot always lingered around their figures.

This shadow is disaster.

Although according to the theory of modern magic philosophy, disaster is essentially a kind of information disturbance - not essentially different from the ripples caused by a stone dropped into a pool - it is just that after wizards interfere with the world's original normal information flow, The natural reaction of the world.

But this does not prevent the old-school wizards from continuing to call it a 'disaster'.

Even the "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World" compiled by the Wizards' Union still retains this ancient and traditional term without any so-called 'modern' innovation.

In the encyclopedia, under the entry of 'Disaster', 'Information Disturbance' is still only one of several theories to explain its nature. Several speculations such as 'Equivalence Principle' and 'Rejection Reaction' explain the sorcerer's response to the problem from different angles. understanding of this phenomenon.

"You only get one chance."

"Any information that responds to 'information disturbance' is essentially a denial of the entire world... It is a natural taboo, and it is difficult to resort to words or words."

"For a short period of time, I can only provide this one additional copy."

"You only have one chance to truly understand the treatment plan I have drawn up... It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, but as a professor at First University and a student at First University, I hope you can truly understand it. of."

Professor Yi's chattering voice was automatically filtered out of Zheng Qing's ears.

From the first moment he got the notebook, his mind was completely attracted by this slightly soft Song version of the notebook.

The professor quickly noticed the young wizard's focused expression.

He stopped preaching, smiled slightly, then lowered his head again and continued to look through the pile of documents at hand. Professor Yao, who was sitting in another corner, buried his head in the smoke, as if the only thing left in his world was the pile of green smoke.

Zheng Qing slowly looked through the notes in his hand.

The contents of the first few pages are roughly similar to the encyclopedia entries - I don't know who imitated whom - after explaining the 'disaster', thousands of 'disasters' of varying degrees and circumstances are listed.

To sum up in general, it is nothing more than natural disasters, man-made disasters, and self-destruction.

Small disasters, such as getting angry, falling, being bitten by an insect, choking on a drink of water, every wizard will inadvertently experience dozens or even hundreds of times in his life. This is the price they pay for using magic in this world. Most wizards will survive these disasters in ignorance.

More serious disasters, such as wizards spontaneously combusting, being eroded by wind, being struck by lightning, being hit by meteorites, being hunted by monsters, etc., will always occur during the critical period of wizard promotion or after casting a spell that has a major impact on the world.

What is even more serious is the backlash of the entire world against the wizard group - this is also the most secretive type of disaster that is not easily noticed by individuals.

According to the speculation in the notes, every change in magic skills and advancement in magic knowledge is accompanied by corresponding hardships. For example, the emergence of demons, the arrival of alien races, and the fall of lich - what best supports this conclusion is that after the birth of the dimensional theory, wizards discovered a new world.

This is a challenge and an opportunity.

If you can get through it, it will be a new scene; if you can't escape, everything will be over. There is no need to say more about what it should mean.

Because the fortune tellers capture too much information in the world, they will always have more disasters than other wizards. From ancient times to the present, due to the lack of corresponding means of avoiding disasters after divination, many people have suffered from serious diseases, been widowed for life, and even been destroyed physically and mentally. The corresponding divination inheritance has also been lost in the torrent of history.

This also prevents the powerful sect of diviners from becoming the mainstream in the wizarding world.

And those with special divination talents, such as prophets, observers, witnesses, etc., need to deal with disasters dozens of times more than ordinary wizards. Moreover, they will encounter so many types of disasters that even an encyclopedia cannot count them effectively.

During the long process of accumulation and exploration, the wizards constantly summed up their experience and gradually figured out many different ways to deal with disasters. One of the not-so-famous conjectures was recorded in the notes in Zheng Qing's hand: after any disaster cannot be traced back to the target life form, its magnitude will continue to collapse until it is eliminated.

Behind this conclusion is marked in red pen 'Subhuti's conjecture, in the winter of the 18th, the 9th year of Dajue'.

Zheng Qing had no idea who Subhuti was, and he had no intention of finding out when the ninth year of the Great Enlightenment was.

The young wizard hurriedly flipped through the notes at the back, his eyes gradually changing from fear to surprise, and finally to dumbfounded.

Under this conjecture, the inheritors of the notes of the past have tried to prove it by various means, but to this day, even with the profound support of First University, researchers still cannot use strict magic philosophy to prove this conjecture. Conjecture and make accurate arguments.

Maybe like what was said at the end of the note——

To prove or not to prove is a problem for this world. If this conjecture is really proven, then this is the world's denial of itself; perhaps only by transcending this world and having a broader vision can we truly see the crux of this problem.

Although this conjecture cannot be verified from a theoretical level, it does not affect the practice of "useism" by wizards. The avoidance method based on this conjecture has benefited the holders of this notebook a lot.

This method is ‘change’.

Through change, we can change the form of life and make the disaster lose its target.

"In other words..." Zheng Qing raised his head and asked in amusement: "You... the treatment plan you arranged for me is to change..."

"Yes, it's the transfiguration." Professor Yi took off his glasses again, wiped them carelessly, and raised his head, revealing a pair of slightly convex eyes.

It seemed that he was very satisfied:

"It seems that you really understand it... Now that you understand it, I need to give you some more clear information before I actually implement the relevant plan."

"Transfiguration is a magic that can truly change the life form of a wizard. It allows the wizard to transform into a brand new life form in a short period of time to avoid disaster and prolong life... This is a very advanced and dangerous method. , also a very precious magic.”

"And the notes in your hand are knowledge that countless diviners dream of and are willing to exchange their lives for. It is also knowledge that can save countless lives."

"But we can't tell anyone know why?"

"Because of information disturbance?" Zheng Qing hesitated and tentatively expressed his guess.

"Very good." A heartfelt smile appeared on Professor Yi's face. He even stood up and took a few steps back and forth behind his desk: "Very good... Information disturbance will increase the scale of the disaster geometrically... ...If your thoughts are still stuck on the level of 'monopoly and profiteering', then you are not suitable for the best treatment plan I have arranged for you..."

Zheng Qing looked confused.

It sounds like Professor Yi has arranged more than one treatment plan for him.

Lao Yao's proud laughter came from behind: "I told you a long time ago..."

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