Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 49: People in an embarrassing situation

The witch's last words before leaving gave the young public-sponsored student a huge space for imagination.

So much so that he was extremely excited throughout the entire Charms class.

Professor Yao had to ignore his raised arms again and again in order to leave the opportunity to earn sporadic credits in class to those "difficult students" who were more in need.

In stark contrast, is Zheng Qing's attitude towards Xiao Xiao and others.

Throughout the whole class, he deliberately ignored the conversations from the guys and ignored their attempts to find out what Elena said. Even the paper frog that Xiao Xiao folded out for communication was casually rolled into a ball by the young public-funded student and stuffed into the deepest part of the desk drawer.

It wasn't until after class that several boys gathered around his desk. Zheng Qing seemed to suddenly raise his head and asked curiously:

"Why are you still in the classroom? I remember Fatty, aren't you going to follow the editor-in-chief to collect news? And you, Hong-faced boy, aren't you going to receive special training from your brother? And you..."

"The bookshelf needs to be sorted out before Shushan Hall closes at night. I remembered the wrong time." Dr. Xiao Da held his black notebook and adjusted his glasses confidently.

This answer immediately choked Zheng Qing's remaining words.

"At that time, I just thought that the opportunity was rare and I wanted to give you a chance to be alone." Zhang Jixin hammered his chest with a serious look on his face: "In my opinion, this is the greatest loyalty!"

"Thousands of mistakes are all our fault." Fatty Xin looked at Zheng Qing with a sad face and said sincerely: "We shouldn't leave you alone... We should stand behind you and act as your most important Solid support!”

Zheng Qing's expression softened slightly.

Although he still felt that the fat man's statement was a bit strange, the sincere attitudes of several people made him ignore the uneasiness in his heart.

"Of course, I can't say that what you did is wrong." Zheng Qing lowered his head to sort out the pen and ink in his book, and hummed with satisfaction in a long tone: "It's just that next time you encounter this kind of situation... you should do it before you leave. Those who say hello to me can't run away without saying a word... I won't do this next time!"

There was a neat reply from the side.

If the young public-sponsored student raised his head at this moment and saw the malicious smiles on the faces of the guys who said yes, he would definitely stuff the words he had just forgiven back into his stomach, including the punctuation marks.

This may have a chance to avoid the embarrassing atmosphere that almost burned him down.

Most of the time, students will leave the classroom as quickly as possible after class and rush to their little free world.

The freshmen in Astronomy Class 08-1 are no exception.

Just a second after Lao Yao's heels left the classroom door, a surging flow of people squeezed past the stick figure, trying to embrace freedom faster.

In just a few minutes, the classroom became empty again.

Only the young public-funded student with ulterior motives and a few guys around him who swore not to run away casually were left.

In fact, at this moment, Zheng Qing hoped that the eyesores in front of him would disappear quickly. But a few minutes ago he just complained about others' lack of loyalty, and now he naturally has no position to expel them again.

"Hi, beauty! Long time no see!" Fatty Xin's exaggerated voice rang in his ears, ending all the contradictory thoughts in the heart of the young public-funded student.

Zheng Qing raised his head hurriedly.

Elena Shiran stood in front of several people.

She folded the red shawl a few times and draped it diagonally on her shoulders, giving her a lazy temperament; she still held those thick reference books in her arms, which she never left her hands on. The tarot cards have long since disappeared.

"Excuse me." Elena blinked and looked a little curious: "Are you in a meeting?"

Perhaps she got enough rest in the Charms class, but the young witch's energy seemed much better than before, and her voice got rid of the hoarseness and lowness, and became pleasant and sweet again.

"No, no..." Zheng Qing smiled dryly, pushed the fat man in front of him, and emphasized: "They have something to do and are planning to leave."

"Is something wrong with you?" Fatty Xin looked at the other two people with a blank expression.

Xiao Xiao and Zhang Jixin shook their heads together.

Zheng Qing's face immediately darkened.

"Aren't you going to the Federation of Socialist Associations office?" Zheng Qing emphasized his tone slightly and looked at the guys in front of him with unkind eyes.

But no one moved.

They even pretended not to see Zheng Qing's warning eyes.

This made the young wizard feel more uneasy.

Before he could figure it out, Fatty Xin's next words made him feel like he was sitting in a steamer.

"Xiao Qingqing, don't you talk about the beautiful Elaine every day? Why don't you say anything when people are standing here today?" The fat man folded his arms and looked at the young public-funded student seriously.

"What... what... I talk about it every day." Zheng Qing jumped up like a cat with fried hair. He felt the embarrassment of having his privacy revealed, and his face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"For example, get up early in the morning and recite Shelley's love poems to someone." Xiao Xiao tried to remind him, as if he wanted to arouse the young wizard's premature memory.

"And sitting in the library in a daze for someone all afternoon." Zhang Jixin added unhurriedly.

"I heard that you were asking around for Elaine's birthday... She happens to be here now, so it's convenient for you to ask her." Fatty Xin put his arms around the shoulders of the young public-funded student and looked at Elaine with a smile.

"He even bought gifts." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and explained to the witch very sincerely.

"Oh, by the way, he has been looking for someone to learn how to dance some time ago." Zhang Jixin slapped his leg, seeming to be annoyed that he missed such an important thing: "I remember he said countless times that he would hunt in school. I invited you to be my dance partner at the party.”

Zheng Qing was stunned.

He has never done half of the things these guys are talking about!

But these lies are so true, especially after being processed repeatedly in three different mouths, they are more like a certainty.

"Shut up...shut up!" The young public-sponsored student was sweating profusely, trying to stop the unscrupulous behavior of several boys.

But with little success.

It wasn't until a few bastards had shaken up the mess that they calmed down a little.

"Oh, by the way, I still have to go to Shushan Hall to tidy up the bookshelves." Xiao Xiao saw that the 'helping' was over, and immediately started the 'Volunteer Escape' again, apologized to Elena, and walked away.

"I'm going to special training too." Zhang Jixin followed him hehey.

"Xiao Qingqing, come on!" Fatty Xin twisted his buttocks to distance himself from Zheng Qing, and made a gesture of "I'm optimistic about you": "We want to hear your good news..."

Zheng Qing's eyes darkened, and he wished he could rush up and chop the fat pig into mincemeat.

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